
  • 网络Free Syrian Army;FSA;Ahrar Al-Sham
  1. 尽管一些人据悉已离开该地区,但叙利亚自由军表示,仍有约4000人留在BabAmr,拒绝离开已遭重创的家园。

    While some people are said to have left the neighbourhood , the FSA said about 4,000 remain in Bab Amr and refuse to leave their battered homes .

  2. 叙利亚自由军组织松散,主要成员是倒戈的叙利亚军人。

    The FSA is a loosely-organized rebel group comprised largely of Syrian military defectors .

  3. 由倒戈军人和其他反政府武装人员组成的松散集合叙利亚自由军(freesyrianarmy,简称fsa)通过网络发表声明称,为了不伤害数以千计的平民,它已选择“战术撤退”。

    The free Syrian army , the loosely affiliated group of defected soldiers and other armed opponents of the regime , said in a declaration circulated on the Internet that it had opted for a " tactical retreat " to spare thousands of civilians .

  4. 叙利亚自由军是数十个反对派组织的保护伞,自由军媒体办公室的Hussamal-Marie拿出了一份北部城市阿勒颇前线战地的地图。

    At the media office for the Free Syrian Army , an umbrella for dozens of battalions , Hussam al-Marie rolls out a map of the front lines around the northern city of Aleppo .

  5. 曾经的面包师阿布·艾哈迈迪现在对叙利亚自由军的一个旅在阿勒颇的战斗发号施令。

    Abu Mahmoud is a baker who now commands an FSA brigade fighting in Aleppo .

  6. 在持续15个月为了终止阿萨德十一年统治的起义中,叙利亚自由军一直发挥着主导作用。

    It has been leading a 15-month long uprising to end Mr. Assad 's 11-year rule .

  7. 但3个月前他放弃了队长的职位,加入到了叛军叙利亚自由军的阵营当中。

    He abandoned his post three months ago and joined the rebels of the Free Syrian Army .

  8. 所以,艾尔·哈达德称叙利亚自由军现在可以讲述自己的故事。

    So , Al Haddad says , it up to the Free Syrian Army to tell their stories .

  9. 这是战场上的叙利亚自由军士兵的一种紧张。”亚曼说道。

    This is a big strain on the Free Syrian Army soldiers in the field , " Yamine said .

  10. 艾尔·哈达德称他的弟弟是一位英雄,因为他在一次对叙利亚自由军猛烈的攻击中受伤。

    Al Haddad says his brother , seen here injured during a fierce attack on the FSA , is his hero .

  11. 与会的叙利亚自由军代表抱怨,欧洲答应给予他们的资金支持至今还没有兑现。

    Members of the Syrian opposition grumble that even the West 's pledges of cash to the political opposition have not been honoured .

  12. 西格尔:规模更大的叙利亚自由军是反对阿萨德政权的保护伞组织,这对他们来说意味着什么?

    SIEGEL : What does this mean for the larger Free Syrian Army - the umbrella group that 's opposed to the Assad regime ?

  13. 参议员约翰·麦凯恩:你认为叙利亚自由军不会和毁掉他们的巴沙尔·阿萨德斗争吗?

    SENATOR JOHN MCCAIN : You don 't think that the free Syrian army is going to fight against Bashir Assad who has been decimating them ?

  14. 对反对派叙利亚自由军一支旅发号施令的阿布奥马尔称反对派曾希望让政府军队撤出这个城市,但这并没有发生。

    Abu Omar , who commands a brigade of the rebel free Syrian army , says the rebels had hoped to drive the government troops from the city by now , but this has not happened .

  15. 叙利亚支援组织希望向叙利亚自由军军事委员会直接提供资金支持。

    The Syrian Support Group hopes to directly finance FSA 's military councils .