
  1. 后来阿芙洛狄特亲自带了仙肴。

    Later Aphrodite herself brought ambrosia .

  2. “米洛的阿芙洛狄特”是由大理石和l成的,惟妙惟肖地刻画了女神阿芙;各狄特。

    The Aphrodite of Melos is made of marble and represents vividly the goddess A phrodite .

  3. 于是阿芙洛狄特找来她的儿子,丘比特神。

    So she went to find her son , the god , Cupid .

  4. 最终宙斯说服了阿芙洛狄特。

    Zeus finally persuaded Aphrodite to accept the girl .

  5. 雕像展示了阿芙洛狄特半裸的形象,一条长袍遮住了她的双腿。

    The statue shows Aphrodite semi-nude and with a robe wrapped around her legs .

  6. 这使得阿芙洛狄特对波西卡更为恼怒。

    This made Aphrodite even angrier with Psyche .

  7. 阿芙洛狄特要丘比特去惩罚波西卡。

    Aphrodite asked Cupid to punish Psyche .

  8. 阿芙洛狄特是位嫉妒心很强的女神,她对波西卡大为恼怒。

    Now , Aphrodite was very jealous goddess and she grew very angry about Psyche .

  9. 米洛的阿芙洛狄特是由大理石制成的,惟妙惟肖地刻画了女神阿芙洛狄特。

    The Aphrodite of Milos is made of marble and represents vividly the goddess Aphrodite .