
lí mín
  • the common people;the multitude
黎民 [lí mín]
  • [the common people;the multitude] 庶民,人民

黎民[lí mín]
  1. 在民间传说中,玉兰寓意“报恩”,这源自“玉兰”三姐妹拯救黎民、被变为玉兰树的民间传说。

    In folklore , mangnoliaflowers meaning " gratitude ", which come from three sisters saving the common people , made intomangnolia .

  2. 黎民啊,辗转在沟壑,茫茫的人流从陇右向蜀中,在寒风中逃荒。

    Oh ! The common people , passing through the many ravines , swarms of people moving from Longyou towards shu , fleeing from famine in the winter wind .

  3. 最早开始于宋代,每逢腊八这一天,不论是朝廷、官府、寺院还是黎民百姓家都要做腊八粥。

    Since the earliest beginning of the Song Dynasty , this porridge has been popular in the royal court , local authorities , temples and common families .

  4. 查理·斯旺是福克斯善良黎民的斯旺警长。

    Charlie is Police Chief Swan to the good people of Forks .

  5. 为了这个,你的黎民百姓准得非常崇拜你。

    Your people will adore you for this .

  6. 那地方已然挤满了数量可观的工匠和镇上的其他黎民百姓

    " It was already thronged with the craftsmen and other plebeian inhabitants of the town , in considerable numbers ;"

  7. 信息安全,尤其是金融行业的信息安全,一直是上至国家领导、下至黎民百姓都十分关注的话题。

    Information security , especially in financial industry , is always the focus theme of both national leaders and common people .

  8. 这个人拥有世界五大洲的歌迷,上至总统,天王巨星,下至大妈,黎民百姓。

    This person has the world 's five continents of the fans , the president , movie star , mother , the people .

  9. 于是苍天补而四极正,地缝堵而烈火灭,洪水被制服,黎民因此而得救。

    Thus the sky was mended and lifted , the cracks of the earth were filled , the fires put out , the flood tamed and the people saved .

  10. 1922年,黎民伟及其兄长海山、北海创办了香港第一家全由香港人投资创办的电影制片公司——民新电影公司。

    In 1922 , Li Minwei and his elder brother Haishan and Li Beihai originated the first Hong Kong film company - Minxin Film Company which greatly promoted Hong Kong filmindustry .

  11. 假日期间,上至皇帝、下至黎民百姓,都是参与旅游的人群,其参加人群的范围之广实属难得。

    In holidays , everyone was involved in travel activities , from the emperor down to the common people . It was rare that such a wide range of people participated .

  12. 并希望能测准日月规律,推算出准确的晨夕时间,创建历法,为天下的黎民百姓造福。

    And hope to test the law of quasi-sun and the moon , calculate the exact time of morning , evening , create a calendar , for the benefit of the world of Lebanon 's people .

  13. 普遍认为完好的教育对于找到一份好工作和成为一名有责任感和有贡献的公民来说都是一个关键因素,从国家总统到黎民百姓概莫能外。

    All the people not only the president but also the citizens believe that good education is a key factor for them to get a fine job and become a citizen with sense of responsibility and achievements .

  14. 1913年,严姗姗与丈夫黎民伟共同创办香港美华影片公司,并在该公司摄制的短片《庄子试妻》中饰演使女,成为香港及中国电影史上第一位女演员。

    In 1913 , Yan Shuji founded the Hong Kong Meihua Film Company with her husband Li Minwei , she played the role of the servant girl in Zhuang Zi Tests His Wife , became the first Chinese actress in Hongkong and Chinese film history .

  15. 可以说,明初政府着意加强海防建设有效保障了国内的政治稳定,使得饱受战乱之苦的黎民百姓得以休养生息,为明初盛世的出现奠定了基础。

    It can be said that the government deliberately to strengthen coastal defense construction in the early Ming effective protection of domestic political stability , making the common people to rehabilitate war-ravaged and laid the foundation for the emergence of the Golden Age in the early Ming .