
  • 网络The Voyage of the Dawn Treader;The Chronicles Of Narnia;Dawn Treader
  1. 之后,有好多天支桅索上没有风,船头处没有泡沫,黎明踏浪号平平稳稳地朝东行驶,驶过一片平静无波的海面。

    After that for many days , without wind in her shrouds or foam at her bows , across a waveless sea , the Dawn Treader glided smoothly east .

  2. 只见黎明踏浪号看上去这么小,不禁感到诧异。

    They were surprised at how small the Dawn Treader looked .

  3. 海人看到了黎明踏浪号。

    The Sea People had noticed the Dawn Treader .

  4. 黎明踏浪号飘起所有旗帜,挂出盾形纹章,为他们隆重送行。

    The Dawn Trader flew all her flags and hung out her shields to honour their departure .

  5. 这怪物竟把身子绕成个圈,套着黎明踏浪号,并开始把圈套收紧。

    The brute had made a loop of itself round the Dawn Treader and was beginning to draw the loop tight .

  6. 他同凯斯宾一样,也想立刻把黎明踏浪号靠到那条奴隶船边上,登上船去,但伯恩还是照样不同意。

    He , just like Caspian , wanted to lay the Dawn Treader alongside the slave-ship at once and board her , but Bern made the same objection .

  7. 第二天魔法师用魔法修理好黎明踏浪号上被海蛇破坏的船尾,还给船上装满有用的礼物。

    Next day , the Magician magically mended the stern of the Dawn Treader where it had been damaged by the Sear Serpent and loaded her with useful gifts .

  8. 在山顶上,他们少不得回头眺望,只见黎明踏浪号像一只亮晃晃的大甲虫在闪光,划着桨,慢慢朝西北方向爬行。

    At the top of course they looked back , and there was the Dawn Treader shining like a great bright insect and crawling slowly north-westward with her oars .

  9. 不久就明白黎明踏浪号已没法再往东开了。真是亏得指挥非常巧妙才免得搁浅。

    And soon it was clear that the Dawn Treader could sail no further east . Indeed it was only by very clever handling that they saved her from grounding .

  10. 虽然他们在黎明踏浪号时感到自己长得很大了,而且也是长大了,可是眼下他们的感觉却恰恰相反,他们蹬过那片百合花时大家手拉着手。

    And though they had felt - and been very grown-up on the Dawn Treader , they now felt just the opposite and held hands as they waded through the lilies .

  11. 结果他们倒不怎么要伤脑筋了,因为这时黎明踏浪号正在一片看来没有人的海域里悄悄行驶。

    As things turned out they need hardly have bothered , for by this time the Dawn Treader was gliding over a part of the sea which seemed to be uninhabited .

  12. 可是,黎明踏浪号已经安然脱身,顶着轻风航行,大家全在甲板上躺着、坐着,喘气的喘气,呻吟的呻吟,过了一会儿才能开口谈论、取笑这事。

    But the Dawn Treader was already well away , running before a fresh breeze , and the men lay and sat panting and groaning all about the deck , till presently they were able to talk about it , and then to laugh about it .

  13. 刮了好多天西北风,如今开始转西风了,每天早晨太阳升出海面,黎明踏浪号的雕花船头就恰好对着太阳正中昂然耸立。

    AND now the winds which had so long been from the north-west began to blow from the west itself and every morning when the sun rose out of the sea the curved prow of the Dawn Treader stood up right across the middle of the sun .

  14. 那天晚上(因为他们只得全靠划桨),黎明踏浪号转向右舷,绕过多恩岛的东北端,又转向左舷,绕过阿芙拉的山甲角,终于开进阿芙拉南岸一个良港,伯恩那些好的地势就从这里向海边倾斜。

    Late in the afternoon ( for they had to do all by oar ) , having turned to starboard round the northeast end of Doorn and port again round the point of Avra , they entered into a good harbour on Avra 's southern shore where Bern 's pleasant lands sloped down to the water 's edge .