
wù xū
  • Wu Xu;35th year of the Sexagenary Cycle
  1. 戊戌变法与中国近代社会的构建

    The Reform Movement of 1898 And the Modernization of Chinese Society

  2. 戊戌变法中维新派的激进与保守&浅析戊戌变法失败的原因

    An Analysis of Causes for Failure in the Reform Movement of 1898

  3. 戊戌变法与近代科学技术的传播

    The Reform Movement Of 1898 And Spread Of Modern Science and Technology

  4. 近五年来戊戌维新运动研究述评

    Survey of Wu-Xu Reform Movement Study of Recent Five Years

  5. 对戊戌妇女运动局限的历史审视

    A Historical Review of the Women 's Movement in 1898

  6. 戊戌维新时期的教育变革

    The Educational Reform in the Reform Movement of 1898

  7. 康有为与戊戌新学的形成

    Kang Youwei and Development of the Wu-Xu New Learning

  8. 戊戌变法是一次资产阶级性质的革命运动。

    The Reform Movement of 1898 is a revolutionary movement of bourgeois nature .

  9. 西方传教士与戊戌变法

    Western missionaries and the Reform Movement of 1848

  10. 首先论述了戊戌维新民权思想形成的背景。

    Firstly , it discusses the formation background of Civil Right Thought of Reform Clique .

  11. 戊戌变法失败以后,康有为流亡海外,在游历、考察许多西方国家后,他提出了物质救国的方策。

    After the failure of the Reform Movement of 1898 , Kang Youwei exiled himself overseas .

  12. 戊戌后民权学说有了新特点:民的概念有了质变;

    After the Reform Movement of 1898 , " civil rights theory " evolved new characteristics .

  13. 清末民初的军国民教育与近代中国国民性改造清末戊戌、己亥年间废立传闻探析

    National Education during Late Qing and Early Republic Period and the Transformation of Modern Chinese National Character

  14. 戊戌变法运动是中国近代史上有着深刻影响的一场社会变革运动。其间,有洋务新秀之称,并握有地方实权的湖广总督张之洞,对变法的成败曾起过举足轻重的作用。

    The Reform Movement of 1898 was a social reform with significant influence in modern Chinese history .

  15. 戊戌维新精英对十九世纪人才思想的继承与超越

    The Elite of Reform Movement of 1898 Carring Forward and Surpassing the Talent Thoughts of 19th Century

  16. 对封建宗法性特征的挑战,始于戊戌变法后一代代先进的中国知识分子。

    Challenges against patriarchal-feudalism came from progressive intellectuals in the wake of the Reform Movement of 1898 .

  17. 新文化的起源&纪念戊戌变法一百周年

    The Origin of New Culture

  18. 论戊戌时期《女学报》的妇女解放思想

    On Woman Emancipation 's Idea in Woman Journal in Constitutional Reform and Modernization ( 1898 ) Period

  19. 论戊戌维新思潮的思想渊源与形成条件

    On Thought Origin of the Ideological Trend of the Constitutional Reform and Modernization of 1898 and Forming Condition

  20. 浅论戊戌维新时期报刊、学会的社会政治功能

    Shallow theory about social and political function of newspaper periodicals and institute during the period of Reform Movement

  21. 作为近代中国最具代表性的两座城市,北京和上海在戊戌维新运动中分别扮演了不同的角色。

    As two typical cities of modern China , Beijing and Shanghai played different roles during the Reform of1898 .

  22. 五四时期社团的整体特征&从与戊戌学会之比较谈起

    The Total Characteristics of Mass Organization of the Period of May 4th & From Discuss Comparing with Institutes of 1898

  23. 其自主外交思想萌芽于戊戌维新时期,到了辛亥时期则较为成熟。

    This thought sprouted in the Wu Xu Innovation Period , and became mature in the Xin Hai Revolution Period .

  24. 戊戌变法后,游历欧美的经历,使康有为思想发生了变化。

    After the Reform Movement of1898 , the experience of travelling in Europe and America changed the thought of Kang Youwei .

  25. 戊戌时期,曾将其地方自治思想付诸实践,主要体现在筹建地方自治政权和地方议会两个方面。

    During the Wuxu Reform , he ever practiced his thought mainly in setting up regional autonomous government and regional parliament .

  26. 鸦片战争到戊戌维新时期,是中国近代文化与文学发展的转型初期。

    The period from the Opium War to 1898 Reform Movement was the converting period of Chinese modern culture and literature .

  27. 关于明治维新和戊戌变法的成败比较

    A Comparison between the Success of the Meiji Reformation of Japan and the Failure of the Reform Movement of 1898 in China

  28. 太平天国运动,戊戌变法,义和团运动,不甘屈服的中国人民一次次抗争,但又一次次失败。

    The unyielding Chinese people had struggled to fight in Taiping Rebellion , Hundred Days'Reform , Boxer Uprising , but in vain .

  29. 社会精英的报刊&从传播学论戊戌维新报刊

    " Social Elites ' Press ": On Newspapers and Magazines during Reform Movement of 1898 from a Perspective of Science of Dissemination

  30. 19世纪末,戊戌维新精英人物提出了具有时代意义的人才思想。

    At the end of the 19th Century , the elite of the Reform Movement of 1898 proposed the significant talent thought which .