
  • 网络miscues;The failure of Guan-yu
  1. 克伦普顿接受了《财富》杂志(Fortune)的采访,讨论他在中情局的工作,分析高管们在新兴市场败走麦城的原因,并建议CEO在旅行时携带强力胶带。

    Crumpton spoke with fortune about his work at the CIA , how executives most often fail in emerging markets , and why CEOs should always travel with duct tape .

  2. 即使成年患者能够越过此障碍,强烈的移植物抗宿主反应(GVHD)也会让他们败走麦城。GVHD使得移植细胞攻击并破坏其它组织。

    Even when adults have got past this obstacle , they have gone on to develop the fatal condition graft-versus-host disease ( GVHD ), in which the donated cells attack and destroy other tissue .

  3. 但他也有败走麦城的时候。

    He has had his share of flops , too .

  4. 史蒂夫•乔布斯曾试图加以保护,但战事愈演愈烈,最终,董事会摊牌反对,乔布斯败走麦城。

    Steve Jobs tried to isolate and protect the Mac , but the pitched battle that followed led to a boardroom showdown that jobs lost .