首页 / 词典 / good


bài xìng
  • disappointed;be disappointed;spoil the fun;frustrated;lessen sb's enjoyment
败兴 [bài xìng]
  • [be disappointed;lessen sb's enjoyment;spoil the fun] 扫兴,原有的兴致被意外的令人不愉快的事打掉了

败兴[bài xìng]
  1. 有人花费半生积蓄往外国的海滩度假,结果却败兴而返;有些人却可以在水灾灾区中划艇作乐,玩个不亦乐乎。

    Someone spends half of his life-time savings on a seaside holiday overseas and ends up coming back disappointed ; and there are people who can row their boats happily in a flood devastated area and really having good fun .

  2. 假期真让人败兴。

    Our holiday was so disappointing .

  3. 无论在哪个国家,家务都是桩败兴而又难以驾驭的事情。

    Domestics are all countries a spoiled and unruly set .

  4. 这个假期真叫人败兴。

    This holiday was so disappointing .