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tīng shuō
  • hear of;hear;be told;understand;seemingly;get wind of
听说 [tīng shuō]
  • [hear;understand;be told;get wind of] 听人所说

  • 听说他到海口去了

  • 听说她现已结婚

听说[tīng shuō]
  1. 亲爱的×××:听说我最喜欢《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》已经卖完,我很遗憾。

    Dear ××× , I am so sorry to be told that my favorite Alice in Wonderland has been sold out .

  2. 听说我的病很严重,我吃了一惊

    It give me quite a shock to be told I was seriously ill

  3. 听说你健在我很高兴。

    I was glad to hear you 're alive and well .

  4. 听说你要走了,我们十分难过。

    We are very sad to hear that you are leaving .

  5. 我听说有更多的人事变动在酝酿中。

    I hear there are more staff changes in the offing .

  6. 他听说他比赛赢了,感到很惊讶。

    He was astonished to learn he 'd won the competition .

  7. 这可是我第一次听说这件事!

    This is the first I 've heard of it !

  8. 我听说你结婚了,这是怎么回事?

    What 's this I hear about you getting married ?

  9. 听说他们已离婚,我感到非常不安。

    It upset me no end to hear they 'd split up .

  10. 听说你平安到家我很高兴。

    I was pleased to hear you arrived home safely .

  11. 我从一位好友那里听说她到了。

    I learnt of her arrival from a close friend .

  12. 我们听说她又结婚了,感到很惊讶。

    We were very surprised to learn she had got married again .

  13. 听说你们都健康幸福,我感到高兴。

    I 'm glad to hear you 're all flourishing .

  14. 听说你是作家——是吗?

    I hear that you 're a writer ─ is that so ?

  15. 我听说他们是在意大利认识的。

    I 've heard it said they met in Italy .

  16. 我听说他跟一个女人同居了。

    I hear he 's shacked up with some woman .

  17. 我听说有人在那栋房子里见到过鬼。

    I 've heard tales of people seeing ghosts in that house .

  18. 你听说了吗?帕特要走了!

    Have you heard the news ? Pat 's leaving !

  19. 听说你感觉好些了,我很高兴。

    I 'm glad to hear you 're feeling better .

  20. 听说你高升了,我很高兴。

    I was pleased to hear you 've been promoted .

  21. 顺便问一句,你听说过休的事了吗?

    Incidentally , have you heard the news about Sue ?

  22. 听说你父亲又住院了,我们心里都不好受。

    We 're sorry to hear that your father 's in hospital again .

  23. 我听说你这个周末外出了。

    I hear you 've been away this weekend .

  24. 你听说谁突然来我们这里了吗?

    Have you heard who 's blown into town ?

  25. 他已把女朋友给甩了,你听说了吗?

    Did you hear he 's dumped his girlfriend ?

  26. 听说他结婚了,我很惊讶。

    I was surprised to hear he was married .

  27. 你还没听说吗?她辞职了。

    Haven 't you heard ? She resigned .

  28. 我听说过像你这样的人。

    I 've heard about people like you .

  29. 你听说了不幸的老哈里的近况吗?他妻子离他而去了。

    Have you heard about poor old Harry ? His wife 's left him .

  30. 我从简那里听说了这次大减价。

    I heard about the sale via Jane .