
tīng jiǎng
  • Listening;attend a lecture;listen to a talk;sit in on a class;listen to a talk or a lecture
听讲 [tīng jiǎng]
  • [listen to a talk or a lecture;attend a lecture;sit in on a class] 听人讲授;上课

听讲[tīng jiǎng]
  1. 我班小丁是全校出了名的调皮鬼,上课不好好听讲,随便离开座位到处走动;

    My Ban Xiaoding is the piquant ghost that entire school gave a name , attend class bad good listen to a talk , leave seat sashay ;

  2. 听讲的有200人之多。

    There were as many as 200 people at the lecture .

  3. 他喝了杯咖啡,回来后开始认真听讲。

    He got his coffee , came back and settled down to listen

  4. 大多数聚精会神听讲的观众都对这些观点表示赞赏。

    The vast majority of the attentive audience applauded these sentiments

  5. 连最不感兴趣的学生都开始坐直了听讲。

    Even the most apathetic students are beginning to sit up and listen

  6. 他几乎没有注意听讲些什么,但当提到工资时,他却侧耳细听。

    He was barely listening until the salary was mentioned . Then he pricked up his ears .

  7. 有相当多的人来听讲。

    Quite a few people came to the lecture .

  8. 2004年,在学校认真听讲的人凭借这个知识点逃脱,挽救了自己的生命。

    And someone who paid attention in school in 2004 used this and saved their own life by getting out of there .

  9. 弈秋是国中最出色的围棋高手。如果让他同时教两个人下棋,其中一个人专心致志,凝神静听弈讲解棋道,而另一个人虽然貌似在听讲,心里却想着要是有只天鹅飞来,怎样才能张弓搭箭把它射下来。

    If let him teaches two students , and one listens carefully and is absorbed in ti while the other one seemingly is also listening , but in his mind , he is thinking about if a swan passes here , how to shoot it down with a bow and arrow .

  10. 我们作为他的学生(student)都仔细听讲,不停地把他的话记下来。

    We , his students , listened eagerly , busily taking down his words .

  11. 学习策略研究是认知心理学研究的一个重要领域,做笔记(note-taking)是学生在阅读和听讲中较为普遍使用的学习策略。

    Research on learning strategy is a very important field of cognitive psychology .

  12. 不熟悉Erlang语法或者不留心听讲的话,上面的算法读起来有点难懂。

    This algorithm can be a little hard to read for anyone who is unfamiliar with Erlang syntax and / or not paying attention .

  13. 中国的学生举止文明,认真听讲。

    The students in China behave themselves well and listen carefully .

  14. 教师使劲地拍手让全班同学注意听讲。

    The teacher clapped hard to attract the class 's attention .

  15. 不能怪我没认真听讲,同学都有同感。

    After all almost all my peers have the same feelings .

  16. 刚开始时,她上课听讲有点困难。

    At first she had a little trouble following the lectures .

  17. 请认真听讲并做好笔记。

    Please listen carefully and take the notes during the lesson .

  18. 对于学生来说,上课认真听讲时很重要的。

    It 's important for students to listen carefully during classes .

  19. 首先,我们上课时必须仔细地听讲和阅读。

    First , we must listen and read carefully in class .

  20. 仔细听讲,然后记下他所说的话。

    Listen to the speaker carefully and record what he says .

  21. 老师的意思是你上课必须认真听讲。

    The teacher meant that you must listen carefully in class .

  22. 她一边听讲,一边记笔记。

    She is listening to the lecture and taking notes .

  23. 约翰:可是老师,我正在听讲呢!

    John : But , teacher , I am listening !

  24. 他未漏过一节课,始终认真听讲。

    He never missed a class and always paid attention .

  25. 既然他们从不听讲,他们怎么能指望学到东西呢?

    How can they expect to learn anything when they never listen ?

  26. 老师:杰克,你为什么不认真听讲?

    Teacher : Jack , why aren 't you listening ?

  27. 老师要求学生们注意听讲。

    The teacher told the students to get with it .

  28. 别人在听讲的时候你不准交谈。

    You mustn 't talk while the others are listen .

  29. 上课,我认真听讲,积极发言。

    In class , I listen earnestly , actively speak .

  30. 之后我变沉沉睡去,梦中我在课堂上专心的听讲!

    After I changed slumber , dreams I attentively in class lecture !