
  • 网络DIANE;dian;Dianne;Dionex
  1. 戴安努力想做个所谓的37度女郎,可好像适得其反了。

    For example : Diane is trying to become a so-called 37-degree woman , but it seems she is just making it worse .

  2. 开放式办公室内的噪音类干扰是专注的头敌。Gensler建筑公司的联合总裁戴安-霍斯金斯对《纽约时报》说道,宝贵的时间会因此而被浪费。

    Noise-related distractions in open offices are the enemy of focus , Diane Hoskins , co-chief executive of the Gensler architecture firm , told the New York Times , adding , Its meaningful time thats being lost .

  3. 如果现在不决定就会失去戴安。

    And we will lose Diane if we don 't decide now .

  4. 戴安,你不能老想着他。

    Diane , you have got to forget about him .

  5. 我只知道戴安要退休。

    Look , all I know is Diane is retiring .

  6. 我打赌那个死去的书商知情戴安那个钱包在哪

    I bet our deadbook dealer knew.Diana , where 's that wallet ?

  7. 她知道戴安要来我们这边吗?

    Does she know that Diane is coming with us ?

  8. 戴安,你已经为了做了很多…

    Diane , no one 's done more for me ...

  9. 戴安:我这样会弄坏车吗?

    Diane Court : Am I wrecking my car ?

  10. 戴安姑妈说她可以做到。

    Aunt Diane told me what she can do .

  11. 现在要说今天最后一个问题,戴安。

    Which brings us to our last item of business today . Diane .

  12. 戴安:今晚以前没人认识我。

    Diane Court : Nobody knew me before tonight .

  13. 戴安,你怎么会单身一人。

    Diane , you 're not gonna be alone .

  14. 不是戴安正在追查

    No. Diana 's on her way with that .

  15. 你觉得戴安有魅力吗当然

    Do you think Diana 's attractive ? Sure .

  16. 适合戴安浪漫的灵魂。

    Ah , it fits Diane 's romantic soul .

  17. 戴安查到了什么

    Hey , Diana . What do you got ?

  18. 是因为戴安的事投票吗?

    Okay , is this about the Diane vote ?

  19. 戴安:我就是暂时不能有社交活动。

    Diane Court : I just can 't have any social life right now .

  20. 我也为你生气,戴安。

    I 'm mad for you , Diane .

  21. 我看得出你跟这房子有缘,戴安。

    Well , I can see that the house speaks to you , Diane .

  22. 是戴安打了电话给我。

    Yes , Diane just called me .

  23. 戴安不是要退休吗。

    I thought Diane was retiring .

  24. 那晚回来时玛丽在沙发上而戴安死在了卫生间地板上

    Came home that night and Mary was on the couch and found Diane on the bathroom floor

  25. 谢谢你,波尔,请你保守秘密,不要告诉爸爸和戴安。

    Thank you Bor , please keep this between us * don 't tell father and Diane .

  26. 我喜欢做的事情,就是到我不曾到过的地方。-戴安•阿勃丝(1923-1971)

    My favourite thing is to go where I 've never been . - Diane Arbus ( 1923-1971 )

  27. 吉姆(戴安的父亲):你不是她生命永恒的一部分,你只是一次分心。

    Jim Court : You 're not a permanent part of her life . You 're a distraction .

  28. 不用,爸爸,回家睡个好觉,我会和戴安一起回来。

    No Dad , go home and have a good sleep . I 'll go back with Diane .

  29. 这时鲍勃和戴安注意到鱼游水的速度变快了一点,突然间,戴安娜感觉到事情有些不对劲;

    Bob and Diana noticed that the fish were moving faster . Suddenly , Diana sensed something was wrong .

  30. 期间,戴安将签名售书,国际母乳会哺乳辅导也将提供母乳喂养咨询帮助。

    During Break , Diane will be autographing books for sale , and LLL Leaders will be available for breastfeeding help .