
  • Charles de Gaulle
  1. 去年3月的一起案件已经令中国人神经紧绷,一个由23组成的欧洲旅游团在戴高乐机场(CharlesdeGaulleAirport)落地几个小时后,就在混乱的巴黎北部郊区遭到袭击。

    Chinese nerves were already frayed after a group of 23 Chinese on a tour of Europe were attacked in March of last year in the gritty northern suburbs of Paris just hours after they landed at Charles de Gaulle Airport .

  2. 法国调查人员编写的报告认为,大陆航空dc-10航班之前起飞时,在巴黎戴高乐机场(charlesdegaulle)的跑道上留下碎片,是造成协和飞机坠毁的原因。

    Debris on the runway at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport from a previous departure by a Continental Airlines DC-10 flight was blamed as a cause of the Concorde crash in the report by French air accident investigators .

  3. 戴高乐驳回了英国加入欧洲经济共同体的申请。

    De Gaulle vetoed Britain 's application to join the EEC

  4. 戴高乐生来喜欢教育人,他充分利用了公共讲坛和电视荧屏。

    De Gaulle was a born pedagogue who used the public platform and the television screen to great effect .

  5. 戴高乐在他的回忆录中写道,他怀着拯救法兰西民族的坚定信念来到了伦敦。

    In his memoirs , De Gaulle wrote that he had come to London determined to save the French nation .

  6. 当局还为那些熟悉戴高乐机场从屋顶清除大雪的人疏散了2E通道。

    Authorities have also evacuated terminal 2E for those were familar with Charles de Gaulle to clear heavy snow from the roof .

  7. FrancehonoursdeGaulle法国对戴高乐将军表示敬意希拉克:不对二战胜利自鸣得意

    President Chirac : Not complacent about World War ll

  8. 欧元区危机强化了欧洲朝着“祖国的欧罗巴(europedespatries)”方向演进的趋势,这一直是戴高乐将军(generaldegaulle)的希望。

    The euro crisis has already strengthened the trend towards a Europe des patries the Europe of Fatherlands that General de Gaulle always wanted .

  9. 答案是刚果首都布拉扎维(brazzaville),5年前,斯卡罗尼在戴高乐(charlesdegaulle)的传记中发现了这件趣闻。

    The answer is Brazzaville , a titbit Mr Scaroni picked up five years earlier in a biography of Charles de Gaulle .

  10. 1945年,查尔斯•戴高乐(CharlesdeGaulle)因为他在战争中秘密而英勇的抗战而授予他法国十字勋章,并暗示他发表一篇感激之辞;

    Charles de Gaulle summoned him in1945 , after giving him the Croix de Guerre for a brave , clandestine war , to have an appreciative word ;

  11. 最伟大的保守党首相温斯顿•邱吉尔(WinstonChurchill)曾经告诉夏尔•戴高乐(CharlesDeGaulle),在欧洲和广阔天地(远海)之间做选择的时候,英国总是把目光投向欧洲以外。

    Winston Churchill , the greatest of all Tory prime ministers , once told Charles de Gaulle that faced with a choice between Europe and le grand large ( the open sea ), Britain would always look beyond Europe .

  12. 安德鲁•马隆(AndreMalraux)是一个法国作家和政治家,他声称戴高乐将军称丁丁为自己的唯一国际对手,因为他们俩人都是以在恶霸面前挺身而出而着名的。

    Andre Malraux , a French writer and politician , claimed that General de Gaulle called Tintin his " only international rival ", because both were famous for standing up to bullies .

  13. 不过让这一理论变得复杂的是,ump令人不安地混合了各种政治传统戴高乐主义者、中间派人士、自由派和一股更为强硬、更加民粹化的右翼。

    But this theory is complicated by the fact that the UMP is an uneasy mix of political traditions Gaullist , centrist , liberal and a harder , more populist right wing .

  14. 在国外工作时想念家乡并不罕见,但当杰罗姆•斯皮策(JérômeSpitzer)开始想念他小时候在巴黎钟爱的那种经典小馆菜肴时,他顶住了诱惑,没有登上下一班飞往戴高乐机场的航班,而是行动了起来。

    It is not unusual to feel homesick while working abroad but when J é r ô me Spitzer began to pine for the classic bistro fare he loved as a boy in Paris , he resisted hopping on to the next flight to Charles de Gaulle airport and took action .

  15. 我自己也只是一点一点地才成为一个戴高乐主义者的。

    I myself have become a Gaullist only little by little .

  16. 戴高乐将军是一代伟人。

    General do Gaulle was a great man of the time .

  17. 戴高乐刚刚宣布承认中国,就引起了轰动。

    De Gaulle had just sensationally announced his recognition of china .

  18. 她被迫在戴高乐机场过夜。

    She had spent the night at Charles de Gaulle airport .

  19. 最后,对戴高乐平衡外交战略进行总结。

    And the summarization of De Gaulle 's Balanced-Diplomatic Strategy .

  20. 大家都忘记了戴高乐的地位是多么不稳。

    Everyone forgets how shaky de Gaulle 's position is .

  21. 戴高乐的平衡外交战略思想初探

    On Charles de Gaulle 's Thoughts of the Balanced-diplomatic Strategy

  22. 德国是否在成为欧洲新的戴高乐主义国家?

    Is Germany becoming the new Gaullist state of Europe ?

  23. 这只不过是戴高乐的一次战术行动。

    This was simply a tactical move by de gaulle .

  24. 论戴高乐欧洲联合的构想

    The Projection of De Gaulle for the Alliance of Europe

  25. 谋杀戴高乐将军的另一个阴谋被揭露了。

    Another plot to assassinate General de Gaulle was uncovered .

  26. 研究戴高乐和天主教徒的学生。

    A student working on de Gaulle and the catholics .

  27. 戴高乐与第五共和国政体

    De Gaulle aud the Regime of the Fifth Republic

  28. 其次,在此基础上,全面地论述戴高乐平衡外交战略的具体实践;

    Comprehensive discussion of the specific practices of De Gaulle 's Balanced-Diplomatic strategy ;

  29. 她在集中营遇上珍妮慧芙戴高乐。

    In the camp she met Genevieve de gaulle .

  30. 那天下午,他再次和戴高乐单独会见,作最后一次会谈。

    In the afternoon he met alone with de Gaulle for a final talk .