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  1. 试论戴名世的“文章之道”

    A probation into Dai ming-shi 's " ways of writing "

  2. 戴名世散文研究

    Study on Dai-MingShi 's Prose

  3. 戴名世的悲剧是封建末世文人的典型悲剧。

    So Dai Mingshi 's tragedy is a representative of literatus in the last phase of feudal age .

  4. 论《唐鉴》的编纂特点及其历史评论特色戴名世的历史评论浅议

    On the Compiling and Historic Reviewing Feature of 〈 Tangjian-Lessons from Tang Dynasty 〉 Discusses on Dai Ming-shi 's historical comments

  5. 虽然从上个世纪八十年代起,对戴名世的研究已经取得了一定的成果,但是仍然有可以深入的余地。

    Since the eighties of last century , study of Dai Mingshi has achieved some success , but there is still room for thorough .

  6. 他整理出版的《戴名世集》纠正了人们长期以来对戴名世及《南山集》案的错误认识。

    He published " Dai Mingshi Ji " correcting the wrong understandings of Dai Mingshi case for long time and corrected the false thoughts of " Nanshan Ji " case .

  7. 本文以文本的解读为基础,结合戴名世的生平际遇、个性特征,按照文体类别评析、研究其散文作品;

    The article , taking the textual analysis as the foundation and combining his life experience and unique characters , comment and study his prose according to the literary style category .