
  • 网络DeBeers;De Beer;Beers
  1. 经营环境很艰难,戴比尔斯公司财务总监斯图尔特布朗(StuartBrown)说。

    Trading conditions are tough , said Stuart Brown , De Beers ' finance director .

  2. 戴比尔斯(debeers)的数据显示,亚洲市场以及海湾地区的钻石需求将在2015年超过美国。

    Asian markets , together with the Gulf region , will overtake the US by 2015 , De Beers data show .

  3. 他的国际商业合作伙伴包括梅塞德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)、施华洛世奇(Swarovski)和戴比尔斯(DeBeers)等知名品牌。

    International business partners have included Mercedes Benz , Swarovski and DeBeers .

  4. 总部位于卢森堡、全球最大的工业人造金刚石生产商ElementSix,是另一家希望学习中国低成本生产经验的公司。南非钻石矿商戴比尔斯(DeBeers)持有ElementSix部分股权。

    Luxembourg-based Element Six , the world 's biggest maker of artificial diamonds used in industry , which is part owned by De Beers , the South African diamond miner , is another company trying to learn from China 's experiences in low-cost production .

  5. 为戴尔(Dell)、Visa、杜邦(DuPont)以及戴比尔斯(DeBeers)等跨国公司的高管提供培训的罗布史姆因(RobShimmin)坦言,“你可以学做一个值得信赖的人,但未必拥有魅力。”

    Rob Shimmin , an executive coach for multinationals including Dell , Visa , DuPont and De Beers , admits , " You can learn to be credible , but not necessarily charismatic . "

  6. 全球最大的钻石矿业公司戴比尔斯(DeBeers)认为,钻石供应长期而言将逐步枯竭,这促使其减少生产,以延长矿山的寿命。

    De Beers , the world 's biggest diamond miner , believes the supply of the gems is running out over the long term , prompting it to reduce production to extend the life of its mines .

  7. 昨日有消息称,全球最大的钻石开采公司戴比尔斯(DeBeers)正为今年营业额下降50%进行规划。目前钻石市场正面临一代人以来最低迷的时期之一。

    De Beers , the world 's biggest diamond miner , is planning for a 50 per cent fall in turnover this year , it emerged yesterday as the diamond market faces one of its bleakest years in a generation .

  8. 有传言称订婚习俗起源于古埃及或古罗马,但不管订婚习俗的历史有多么悠久,我真正听说订婚戒指这件事应该是从20世纪的戴比尔斯公司(DeBeers)开始的。

    Whatever the long history of engagement items – I 've heard claims of it dating from ancient Egypt or Rome , for example – the focus on engagement rings should really start with De Beers , in the 20th century .

  9. 全球第一大钻石生产商戴比尔斯(DeBeers)已经为哈罗德百货(Harrods)设计了一个包含红色背景以及金色马型轮廓的展示橱窗,而且还会向中国顾客派发红色的惊喜礼品包。

    De Beers , the world 's largest producer of diamonds , has created window designs for Harrods incorporating a red background and a horse silhouette in gold and will hand out red-coloured surprise gift packages to Chinese customers .

  10. AMS将于下个月正式推向市场,戴比尔斯届时会优先满足自己客户,但它也希望在有此需求的大型金刚石切割中心设立检测点。

    The AMS will be made available from next month . De Beers ' priority is to satisfy its own customers , but it is also looking to set up a screening service in major diamond-cutting centres where the need arises .

  11. 该行业超过一半的原钻从比利时进口,并与国际钻石集团戴比尔斯(debeers)、俄罗斯钻石开采商alrosa和资源集团必和必拓(bhpbilliton)关系密切。

    The industry imports more than half of its rough diamonds from Belgium and has strong links with De Beers , the global diamond group , Alrosa , the Russian diamond producer , and BHP Billiton , the resources group .

  12. 供应链上端发生的事情更为重要,因为主要受益者是戴比尔斯和俄罗斯alrosa这样的原钻供应商。

    What is happening further up the supply chain is more important , with the chief beneficiaries being rough suppliers like De Beers and Alrosa , its Russian rival .

  13. 国际珠宝业界盛事&戴比尔斯2000年国际钻石首饰设计比赛

    Competition of International Diamond Jewelry Design by De Beers in 2000

  14. 其中就包括缅甸红宝石和戴比尔斯钻石。

    Among them were the Burmese rubies and the DeBeers diamond .

  15. 2000戴比尔斯国际中国入围作品简介

    Be Selected Works of China of De Beers Diamonds-International 2000

  16. 但戴比尔斯将尽力争取不关闭任何一座矿山。

    But De Beers would endeavour not to close any of its mines .

  17. 其中的部分减产,是由于戴比尔斯2008年出售了一些钻矿。

    A portion of the shortfall comes from De Beers selling diamond mines in 2008 .

  18. 可戴比尔斯已非昔日那个钻石小喷泉了。

    De Beers , however , is no longer the diamond geyser it once was .

  19. 中国因素是戴比尔斯决定永久减产的原因之一。

    The China factor is one reason why De Beers has decided to moderate production permanently .

  20. 真威胁的矛头与其说指向珠宝商,倒不如说针对戴比尔斯,他又补充道。

    The real threat is more for De Beers than for the jeweller , he adds .

  21. 上世纪90年代,戴比尔斯曾掌控全球约二分之一的矿石开采和80%的销售额。

    In the1990s it mined half the world 's stones and controlled the sales of80 % .

  22. 多管齐下的努力几乎彻底消除了戴比尔斯面临的财务压力,成本控制在危机前的水平。

    A multi-pronged effort has all but eliminated the financial strain . Costs were kept down to pre-crisis levels .

  23. 戴比尔斯中止生产之际,博茨瓦纳正因钻石收入下降而面临信贷评级下调压力。

    The production suspension comes as the credit rating of Botswana is put under pressure from declining diamond revenue .

  24. 不再是卡特尔组织的戴比尔斯占全球原钻销售份额的40%。

    De Beers , while no longer a cartel , accounts for 40 per cent of global rough diamond sales .

  25. 这意味着,戴比尔斯在贫瘠的博茨瓦纳平原上的钻矿已重获新生。

    These moves mean that De Beers ' mines on the arid plains of Botswana have cranked back to life .

  26. 这些印度公司如今正在大幅增加从原钻供应商处的订购,戴比尔斯便是后者中最大的一家。

    The Indians are now ramping up their orders from rough diamond suppliers , of which De Beers is the biggest .

  27. 冷战时期,美国及旧时戴比尔斯卡特尔组织持有的钻石储备也已出售殆尽。

    The Cold War-era diamond stockpiles held by the US and the old De Beers cartel have also been sold off .

  28. 于是乎,为了避开招惹负面宣传的风险,戴比尔斯决定仅出售自己开采的宝石。

    So , to avoid the risk of bad publicity , De Beers decided to market only those it dug up itself .

  29. 多年来,戴比尔斯给客户及主要实验室供应鉴定大型钻石的手工检测仪。

    For some years , De Beers has supplied its clients and major laboratories with manually operated detection equipment for larger stones .

  30. 他补充说,在巴黎百货商店购买的中国消费者,在戴比尔斯在该市的首饰销售中占到三分之一。

    One-third of De Beers ' jewellery sales in Paris , he added , were to Chinese consumers buying in department stores .