
  • 网络Natural Monopoly Theory;theory of natural monopoly
  1. 第三章主要是在新古典经济学框架内对传统自然垄断理论作分析,指出其历史功绩和理论缺陷。

    The third chapter analyzes the traditional theory of natural monopoly based on the new classical economics , and points out the achievements and the limitations .

  2. 本文根据西方自然垄断理论和现代政府规制理论,采用数理分析、实证分析和比较分析相结合的方法,提出了我国城市供水产业的重组方案和管理体制改革的具体措施。

    By the theory of natural monopoly and government regulation , adopting the method of mathematical analysis , compared analysis and objective analysis , the article raised the schemes of the restructure and reform to Chinese Unbar Water-supply Industry in detail .

  3. 第一章讨论了自然垄断理论。

    Chapter one is about natural monopoly theory .

  4. 试图完全抛弃自然垄断理论的实践已被证明是错误的。

    Practice attempting to totally abandon the natural monopoly theory has already been proved wrong too .

  5. 传统的自然垄断理论把规模效应作为自然垄断的理论依据。

    The traditional natural monopoly theory take scale effect as the theoretical basis of natural monopoly .

  6. 自然垄断理论的演进过程表明自然垄断产业的运作方式已经发生了改变。

    The development of natural monopoly theory displays that the operation method has altered in the natural monopoly estate .

  7. 规制放松理论包括新自然垄断理论,可竞争市场理论、规制失灵理论、X&非效率理论;

    The deregulation theory includes new natural monopoly theory , contestable market theory , regulation failure theory and X-efficiency theory .

  8. 随着社会的发展,自然垄断理论在不断变化,自然垄断行业也在不断的改革。

    With the development of society , the natural monopoly theory in changing the natural monopoly industries are also constantly changes .

  9. 接下来文章论述了公用事业管制理论中最具标志性的公共利益和自然垄断理论学说。

    Then the paper moves on to regulatory theories of which public interest theory and natural monopoly theory are most representative .

  10. 现有自然垄断理论从规模经济和成本劣加性定义了自然垄断。

    Natural monopoly is characterized by economies of scale and production cost subadditivity in the traditional and new theory of natural monopoly .

  11. 传统自然垄断理论和现代自然垄断理论对自然垄断产业有着不同的看法,两者判断自然垄断的标准分别是规模经济和成本弱增性。

    Traditional natural monopoly theory and modern natural monopoly theory have different opinions in natural monopoly estate , those citations to judge natural monopoly are scope economics and cost-increment respectively .

  12. 但是,根据自然垄断理论及其政策结论运营的各国自然垄断产业,普遍存在着质次价高和严重亏损的问题。

    But , according to the natural monopoly theory and the policy conclusion natural monopoly industry in various countries generally has low quality and high price and the serious loss problem .

  13. 从自然垄断理论发展演变可知,规模经济性是自然垄断性存在的充分条件但不是必要条件。

    Knowing from the development of natural industry theory , we conclude that the economics of scale is not the essential condition of the natural monopoly industry but the abundant condition .

  14. 在传统自然垄断理论动态性分析的基础上,进一步追加技术进步的条件,可以得出技术进步会使一个自然垄断的行业距离垄断越来越远的结论。

    In addition to the traditional natural monopoly dynamic analysis , technology advance can give rise to the conclusion that technology advancement is increasingly ridding the natural monopoly industries of their monopoly prestige .

  15. 由于传统自然垄断理论无法对此作出科学的解释,进而致使对弱自然垄断的法律规制出现了无法可依、无规可循的情况。

    Since the traditional natural monopoly theory cannot explain it reasonably , the situation of no law to obey and no regulation to follow exists in the legal regulation on weak natural monopoly .

  16. 这包括对自然垄断理论与政府规制基本理论的概述。自然垄断及其理论的发展是20世纪70年代以来发达国家对自然垄断产业进行规制改革的基本理论依据。

    First of all , the thesis has explained the basic theory of regulatory reform of the natural monopoly industry that includes the theory of natural industry and the basic theory of government regulation .

  17. 上世纪七十年代以来,自然垄断理论有了新的发展,成本次可加性等概念的提出,为人们重新认识自然垄断行业提供了新的工具。

    Since the seventies of last century , the natural monopoly theory has a new development , cost subadditivity of the proposed concepts provide a new tool for people to rediscover the natural monopoly industries .

  18. 作为政府产业管制理论基础之一的自然垄断理论,曾受到以有限理性约束为底蕴的规制俘虏理论、规制经济理论、公共选择理论等的批评。

    Natural monopoly theory , as one of the government industry regulation theory bases , has been criticized by the regulatory capture theory , economic regulation theory and public choice theory which were restricted by bounded rationality .

  19. 20世纪80年代以前,世界上大多数国家都信奉传统自然垄断理论的教条,对电信、电力、铁路、供气供水等传统理论认定的自然垄断行业实行严格的管制或政府垄断经营体制。

    Until 1980 , governments of western countries had carried strict regulation policy in natural monopoly industries which were defined by traditional economic theory , such as telecommunication , electricity , railway transportation and some local public utilities .

  20. 自然垄断理论的进一步深化、资本市场的发展和各国公用企业改革的实证研究,使公用企业垄断的合理性受到质疑;

    Firstly , the reasonable of public utilities monopoly is suspected , because of the theory of natural monopoly deepened , the development of capital market and the research in real practice of public utilities reform in every country .

  21. 自然垄断理论认为传统的自然垄断行业随着经济的发展,其范畴界定也发生了变化,由此也影响到了对自然垄断的法律规制。经济基础决定上层建筑,法律规制必须符合经济的发展规律。

    The nature monopoly theory believed that , the traditional nature monopoly profession along with the economical development , its category limits has also had the change , from this also affected to the nature monopoly legal rules and regulations .

  22. 从市场失灵理论、自然垄断理论和外部性理论来讨论成本规制的必要性,通过分析建立补贴额度测算模型,设定补贴由单项补贴、投资回报调节以及服务质量调节三部分组成。

    Then the necessity of cost regulation is discussed from market failure theory , natural monopoly theory and externality theory , establishes the model to estimate amount of subsidy , including individual subsidy , investment returns regulation and service quality regulation regulator .

  23. 第二章与选题相关的理论研究部分,结合所学理论,分别就港口物流理论、港口运行理论、市场失灵理论、政府作用理论和自然垄断理论进行了论述;

    Chapter II is The Theoretical Research Correlated with the Selected Topic , which , in light of the theory learned , discusses one by one the theories on port logistics , port operations , market malfunctioning , government role and natural monopoly .

  24. 自然垄断的基本理论对我国的政策启示

    The Policy Enlightenment of Basic Theories of Natural Monopoly to Our Country

  25. 自然垄断行业管制理论与实践及其对我国电力行业管制改革的启示

    The Regulation Theory and Practice of Natural Monopoly Industry

  26. 自然垄断管制的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of Control of Natural Monopoly

  27. 自然垄断的三位一体理论

    " Trinity " Theory of Natural Monopoly

  28. 自然垄断产业规制理论的演化与我国电信业的规制改革

    The Evolution of the Regulation Theory of Natural Monopoly Industry and the Regulation Reform of Our Telecom Industry

  29. 摘要自然垄断产业规制理论的演化是20世纪90年代以来我国电信业规制改革的主要动因之一。

    The evolution of the regulation theory of natural monopoly industry is the main reason for china 's regulation reform of telecom industry since1990s .

  30. 基于自然垄断的经济学理论,公用企业在过去长期属于反垄断法豁免领域,国家允许其采用垄断方式经营。

    The Public utilities belonged to the antimonopoly law exemption domain for a long time in the past , the country allows it to use the monopoly way management .