
  1. 把GIS技术应用到数字考古和文化遗址的保护中本研究得到陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目遗址GIS应用系统的研究与开发(编号:2009JM8008)的支持。

    This research is supported by Natural Science Basic Research Program of Shanxi " Research and Development of Sites GIS Application System "( ID : 60736008 ) .

  2. 作为国际三大检索系统之一,SCI是衡量一个机构的学术水平和科研能力的重要因素,尤其能反映自然科学基础研究的学术水平。

    As one of the three greatest retrieval systems of the world , SCI is an important factor which refers to the capabilities of academic and scientific research for an institution .

  3. 今后,NSFC还将采取放宽女性申请青年科学基金年龄限制等切实措施,进一步加大对女性科研人员的支持力度,使女性科研人员在自然科学基础研究中发挥更大的作用。

    The National Natural Science Foundation of China ( NSFC ) is looking to develop such a policy , having said in2010 that women science researchers applying for funding should be prioritised .

  4. 本研究工作先后得到了国家自然科学基础研究项目(2003CB716300)和国家自然科学基金创新群体(10121503)的资助。

    This work was partially supported by National Basic Research Program of China ( 2003CB716300 ) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( NSFC : 10121503 ) .

  5. 对洛克在自然科学基础上构铸的认识论重新定位&对洛克认识论及自然科学基础的研究之一

    Repositioning Locke 's Epistemology Constructed on the Basis of Natural Science

  6. 20世纪我国自然科学基础研究的艰辛历程

    Hard route for basic research in natural science in 20th century China

  7. 中国的自然科学基础研究&背景、体制、政策

    Natural science basic research of china & history , system and policy

  8. 周培源与自然科学基础理论(20世纪70年代)

    ZHOU Pei-yuan and Basic Theory of Natural Science in the 1970s ;

  9. 论自然科学基础和应用基础研究

    Discussing the basic research and APPLIED-BASIC research of Natural Science

  10. 自然科学基础研究与计算机网络的动力作用

    Basic research of natural sciences & the motive factors of a computerized network

  11. 答:天文学是研究天体和浩瀚宇宙的一门科学,是自然科学基础学科之一。

    Answer : astronomy is a science that studies celestial body and vast universe , it is one of Science Foundation course .

  12. 因此,对于城市复杂环境中爆炸荷载作用下结构的灾害评估与减灾研究已经成为国家自然科学基础研究的重点之一。

    Propagation law and overpressure load of blast wave in urban complex environment are simulated and analyzed using LS-DYNA3D software and the ALE method .

  13. 具有较扎实的自然科学基础、较好的人文、管理、艺术和社会科学基础及正确运用本国语言、文字的表达能力;

    Grasping the knowledge of natural science , humanity , management , arts and social science basis , as well as domestic language and character .

  14. 休谟对作为经验自然科学基础的因果律提出了最强有力的诘难,这一诘难深刻地影响了西方知识论和当代科学哲学。

    David Hume strongly challenges causality as a base for Empirical Natural Science , which deeply influences Western Knowledge Theory as well as Contemporary Science Philosophy .

  15. 分析了这种变革的自然科学基础,认为其突破口是用系统科学的新思想、新概念对物理学基本理论加以改造。

    Through analysing the natural science base of the transformation , this paper considers that the breach of the project is to improve the basic physical theory with the new ideas of systems science .

  16. 作为自然科学基础的物理学,不仅是当代科学技术发展的重要源泉,更是培养学生科学素质的重要途径。

    Physics , as the basis of natural science , is not only the significant source of development of the contemporary science and techonology , but the critical approach to development of the scientific quality of the students .

  17. 物理学是整个自然科学的基础学科。

    Physics is a basic course of natural sciences .

  18. 数学是自然科学的基础学科。

    Math is base of natural science .

  19. 物理学是自然科学的基础,是技术进步的主要源泉。

    As the basis of natural science , the science of physics is the source of technical development .

  20. 物理学作为一门重要的自然科学的基础学科,是现代科学技术的主要源泉。

    As an important basic subject of science , physics is the main source of modern science and technology .

  21. 防潮警戒水位核定工作是一项以自然科学为基础并且广泛涉及社会和管理科学的技术课题。

    Based on the natural science , determination for the warning tidal level is involved with social and management science .

  22. 课程包括生态学,动物学,植物科学,分子生物学和其他自然科学的基础学科。

    Coursework includes ecology , zoology , plant science , molecular biology , and other general studies in the natural sciences .

  23. 我们所能做的全部就是观察事物是如何运作的,将其行为编纂归类,并把它作为我们自然科学的基础。

    All we can do is see how things behave , codify that behavior and do our science on that basis .

  24. 你好:天文学是自然科学的基础学科。好,她语文、学和自然科学学得很好。

    Hello : Astronomy is the fundamental course of science . Kate : Yes , she 's good at Chinese , maths and science .

  25. 物理是一切自然科学的基础,其知识点和教学手段无不蕴含着问题和创新的素材。

    Physics is the foundation of all natural sciences , and its knowledge points and teaching methods all contains the problems and innovative material .

  26. 休谟通过分析发现因果关系并没有理性的根据然而却一直作为自然科学的基础,这完全是因为信念在起作用。

    Hume found through analysis that no reason has been based , however , as a natural science foundation . This is because the faith at work .

  27. 随着以自然科学为基础的现代知识体系的确立,学人的思维方式和治学方法必须随之进行一场根本的变革。

    With the establishment of the modern knowledge system based on nature science , scholars had to change their mode of thinking and their research methodology radically .

  28. 在市场经济体制下,单纯地以自然科学为基础进行商品学研究和教育,不能适应社会发展的需要。

    It is not adapted to the need of social development that we research and educate Commodity Science only on the base of natural science under market economy .

  29. 当今时代,任何重大工程、社会问题的解决,都离不开社会科学与自然科学、基础科学与应用科学的协同作战。

    In the modern times , any major projects and social problems are inseparable from the cooperation of social science and natural science , basic science and pragmatic science .

  30. 数学作为自然科学的基础,数学符号和数学公式广泛存在于各个领域的文献资料中,其不仅在科学研究中不可或缺,在日常生活中也扮演着极为重要的角色。

    As a considerable basis for science , mathematical symbols and mathematical formulae widely exist in various areas of literatures . Mathematics is indispensable in scientific research and plays an important role in daily life .