
  • 网络Self-analysis;self analysis
  1. 对于那些同时需要人生方向感的人们来说,Caruso还提供了一系列问题,让人们迅速进行一次自我分析。

    For those needing direction in the meantime , Caruso has offered a series of questions for jump-starting their own self-analysis .

  2. 论师范生在微格教学中观照与自我分析的作用

    Impacts on Scrutiny and Self-Analysis of Normal Students in Microteaching

  3. 他显然已经做过一番痛苦的沉思与自我分析。

    He has plainly done a painful amount of brooding and selfanalysis .

  4. 他们看上去好像并没有被类似我这样的自我分析弄得心神不定。

    None of them seems to be bothered by this kind self-analysis .

  5. 当你在进食或者思考进食的意义时要自我分析。

    Analyze whatever you are eating or thinking of eating to understand what it really is .

  6. 在上文引述的自我分析之中,莱辛到底想要表达什么呢?对这个问题我们也只能去略作猜测了。

    We can only speculate as to what Gotthold Ephraim Lessing'sself-analysis , cited above , might have revealed .

  7. 侯麦电影的主要特征是话语,是话语的反思和自我分析性。

    The essential characteristic of Eric Rohmer 's movies is discourse , the self-examination and self-analysis of discourse .

  8. 自我分析使得经理们能够更好地认识自我,并知道自己如何做好领导并影响他人。

    Self-analysis enables managers to get to understand themselves better , to understand how they function as leaders and how they influence others .

  9. 《自我分析》有解决方案,它显示了一个人可以提高情绪度,不再屈服于此。

    Self-Analysis has the solution to this , it shows a person how they can raise their tone level and stop falling towards succumb .

  10. 在他所度过的短短假期里,马丁花了许多时间作自我分析,对自己了解了许多。

    In the breathing spell of the vacation he had taken , he had spent many hours in self-analysis , and thereby learned much of himself .

  11. 此部分将帮助参与者进行深入的自我分析,帮助他们更好的自我实现,同时取得更大的成功。

    This module will help participants ask , and answer , key questions that can help them attain higher levels of fulfillment as well as success .

  12. 高危险行业的组织学习活动:自我分析〉下的逻辑,《管理研究期刊》,印刷版。

    Carroll , John S. " Organizational Learning Activities in High-Hazard Industries : The Logics Underlying Self-Analysis . " Journal of Management Studies , in press .

  13. 伙计们,正是打这事以后我才对所有的人所有的事变得那么讨厌,从而把目光转向了自助和自我分析,不再去寻求别人的帮助了。

    Fellows , it was after this that I got so fed up with everybody and everything that instead of seeking help I went for self-help and self-analysis .

  14. 学生不仅要学会正确的运用语言,还要学会如何自我分析解决问题,使英语成为活的语言。

    The students not only knowhow to use the language correctly , but learn how to analyze and solve problems by themselves , make English become a living language .

  15. 本着自我分析的精神,以下罗列了一些我们日常做的怪事,并解释了我们做这些事情的原因。

    So in the spirit of analyzing ourselves , here are some of the odd things we do every day and the leading explanations for why we do them .

  16. 在自我分析之后,你得确定本人想开创本人的事业,那么你的第一步行动应该是建议一个合适的计划。

    If , after your self-analysis , you determine that you do want to start a small business , then the first step you must take is proper planning .

  17. 基本的自我分析告诉我,我无法不全身心投入去实现一个对大家公开宣称的目标,这些人们把资本托付了给我。

    Elementary self-analysis tells me that I will not be capable of less than all-out effort to achieve a publicly proclaimed goal to people who have entrusted their capital to me .

  18. 大学生在校期间要确立正确的职业理想和明确的职业目标,要进行系统地自我分析和职业分析,根据自己的兴趣、特长来进行职业生涯设计。

    College students should form correct career ideals and career aims , make systematic self-analysis and career analysis so as to conduct their career design according to their interests and specialties .

  19. 就教师自身专业发展而言,教师的认知能力、职业道德、需要和动机、自我分析和评价等因素对教师成长影响较大。

    With respect to the latter , they include the cognition , professional morality , needs and motives , self-evaluation , and so on . Practice is the decisive factor for teacher development .

  20. 本文对毕业生升学与就业的选择、就业指导、求职过程遭遇、就业过程中的自我分析进行了细致描述,将高等教育学硕士毕业生的真实就业情况呈现出来。

    In this paper , the author will make a detailed description on the choosing of further education or employment , career guidance , job search experiences , the course of employment , self-analysis .

  21. 当一个人毒化他的身体、忽略营养需求、水的摄取和需要休息,这个人的晨尿自我分析就能表明损伤的程度。

    When a person poisons his body , neglects nutritional needs , water intake and needed rest , a self analysis of one 's morning urine will show the extent of the damage done .

  22. 在进行职业生涯规划时,应当正确进行自我分析、职业分析,确立明确的职业理想和职业目标、掌握基本的理论知识、培养职业所需要的各种能力。

    They should make full preparations for all kinds of abilities based on correct self analysis , occupational analysis , of establishment of clear occupational ideal and aim , grasping basic theoretical knowledge and training when making plans .

  23. 我学的是心理学,经过多年的治疗和自我分析,我觉得,无论是作为一个女人还是作为一个人,我都没能长成我自己。

    My education has revolved around Psychology , and due to years of therapy and self-analysis , I feel I 've come very far in " growing into myself " both as a woman and a human being .

  24. 所以,我们希望通过科学的方法对一汽-大众的经营绩效做出有效的评价,从中发现问题、探讨不足,通过细致的自我分析与总结,进行有效的绩效管理;

    Take faw-volkswagen as an example , we expect to make effective analysis on performance evaluation by scientific methods , in order to find out problems and deficiency , to carry out valid performance management by detailed self-analysis and summarize .

  25. 另一方面,布罗德要将自己的一生浓缩成一系列的实践指导,就必然迫使他深入地思考,进行自我分析,也就让他的书读来十分实用,对于那些致力于企业产业和慈善事业的人则更甚。

    On the other hand , distilling a lifetime into a series of practical lessons has clearly pushed Mr Broad to do some hard thinking and self-analysis , which makes his book a useful read , especially for anyone engaging in entrepreneurship or philanthropy .

  26. 通过帮助学生树立正确的职业理想,确立明确的职业目标,进行正确的自我分析和职业分析,培养学生职业需要的实践能力,从而达到开发学生潜能,提高学生综合素质的目的。

    It can help students analyze themselves and careers accurately , and train students ' practical ability that can meet careers ' needs through establishing exact career goals , so that the goal of developing potential ability , improving comprehensive quality and relies personal ideal career plan can be achieved .

  27. 破坏性行为障碍儿童的自我意识分析

    A analysis of Self-Concept of children with disruptive behaviour disorder

  28. 营造和谐的教育及社会环境,加强大学生心理卫生教育&1139名大学生心理健康自我描述分析

    Building Harmony Education and Social Environment , Reinforcing Psychological Education for Students

  29. 涉毒女犯自我归因分析及改造对策

    Self-attribution Analysis of Female Offenders Concerned Drugs and Reform Countermeasures

  30. 体育教学情境下学生自我效能分析

    The analysis of self-efficacy under physical education teaching setting