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  • hysteria
  1. VEP及ERG联合多焦视网膜电图在癔症性盲目诊治中的应用

    VEP and ERG combined with multifocal electroretinography in diagnosis of hysteria blindness

  2. 目的探索某小学学生服食阿苯哒唑(Albendazole)驱虫剂引发流行性癔症的流行因素。

    Objective To analyze the epidemic factors of epidemic hysteria of primary students who had taken Albendazole anthelminthin agent .

  3. 结论:VEP,ERG和mERG能够对患者视网膜及视路功能进行比较全面和客观的评定,为癔症性盲目的诊断提供了重要的客观依据。

    CONCLUSION : VEP , ERG and combined with mERG can provide an important objective basis for the diagnosis of hysteria blindness .

  4. 结果神经症患者在MMPI的临床量表中T分≥60占前3位的是抑郁(D)、癔症(Hy)、神经衰弱(Pt),其他量表也有升高;

    Result The first three T scores (≥ 60 ) of MMPI clinical scale of patients with neurosis were D , Hy and Pt respectively , and the other measuring scales were also increased in varying degrees .

  5. 急性混合苯中毒并发癔症4例报告

    Acute benzene-containing solvent poisoning complicated with hysteria & Four case report

  6. 卡马西平与氯丙嗪治疗癔症临床对照研究

    A clinical comparative study on Carbamazepine and chlorpromazine in treating hysteria

  7. 41例癔症住院患者临床资料分析

    Clinical Analysis of 41 Being in Hospital Patients with Hypochondriasis

  8. 癔症患者的家庭亲密度与适应性及归因分析

    Analysis of family cohesion , adaptability and attribution of hysteric

  9. 从一个癔症患者的治愈看医学心理学的应用

    The application of medical psychology to the cure of a hysteria case

  10. 针灸加暗示治疗癔症性失语的护理

    Nursing Care of Hysterogenic Aphasia Patients Treated with Acupuncture plus Suggestion Therapy

  11. 癔症性疑病综合征群体发作76例临床调查分析

    Clinical analysis of hysterical hypochondriacal syndrome with mass attack in 76 cases

  12. 不同时段癔症患者临床资料分析

    A clinical analysis on patients with hysteria in different stages

  13. 住院癔症病例20年临床分析

    Clinical analysis of hysteria inpatients during the past 20 years

  14. 普服阿苯哒唑诱发小学生流行性癔症的调查分析

    Investigation Analysis of Epidemic Hysteria of Primary Students Who have Taken Albendazole

  15. 从唯心主义角度分析癔症病因,为揭示癔症形成提供新的思路。

    To explore the etiology of hysteria through the aspect of mentalism .

  16. 同时促进文化的警察国家的集体癔症在美国的大学。

    While promoting culture of police state mass hysteria at US universities .

  17. 女学生癔症11例集体发作的调查分析

    Investigations of the 11 female adolescent students attacking hysteria

  18. 电针配合心理疗法治疗癔症90例

    Treatment of 90 Hysteria Cases by Electroacupuncture Plus Psychotherapy

  19. 癔症是真的吗?脑成像技术告诉我们那时肯定的!

    Is Hysteria Real ? Brain Images Say Yes !

  20. 单元按摩暗示治疗癔症性瘫痪临床效果分析

    Clinical effective analysis of hysterical paralysis treated by implying treatment of unit massage

  21. 癔症性遗忘并抑郁发作1例

    A case report of hysterical forgetfulness complicate with depression

  22. 癔症患者心理分析及健康教育

    Psychological Analyses and Healthy Education for Patients With Hysteria

  23. 癔症病人的心理护理

    Mentalism and Hysteria Psychological care of patients with hysteria

  24. 62例癔症性精神病再住院患者的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of 62 Rehospitalized Patients with Hysterical Psychosis

  25. 在校学生癔症发病原因及对策

    Causes of Hysteria in School Students and Countermeasures

  26. 武警战士癔症38例临床分析

    Analysis of 38 cases on hysteria in Chinese People ′ s Armed Police Force

  27. 录像脑电图监测并暗示诱发试验对儿童癔症的诊断价值

    Value of suggestive provocative test combined with Video-EEG recordings of hysteria diagnosis in children

  28. 癔症患病行为与家庭动力的相关性研究

    The power ; Correlation of illness behavior and family dynamics in patients with hysteria

  29. 5例癔症发作时求助于迷信活动。

    And 5 patients take method of superstition .

  30. 饮用煤焦油苯渣污染的水致学生群体癔症发作的报告

    Mass hysteria episode from drinking of contaminated water by coal tar and benzene residue