
  • 网络psychological system;system in psychology;system of psychology
  1. 中国现代心理学体系具有浓重的西方气息,较少地方风味,在应用上偏重于儿童发展心理学和教育心理学。

    In application it puts more emphasis on children developing psychology and education psychology .

  2. 犯罪人格是犯罪心理学体系中重要的组成部分,本文将其作为第五部分。

    The Crime Personality is an important constitution in Criminal Psychology , this article takes it as the fifth part .

  3. 通过诠释与转换,中国古代系统而深刻的欲求心理思想将构成有中国特色的心理学体系的有机组成部分。

    Through annotation and transformation , the profound and systematic concept of desire in ancient China will become an integrated part of the modern psychology .

  4. 对这些问题的回答虽然表现为多元的叙述形态,但在核心功能上构成各自心理学体系或研究取向具有学术生长力的前提预设和理论逻辑。

    The ways to answer these questions that manifest independent and developmental depictions constitute the premise and logic of psychology 's theoretical systems and approach .

  5. 出于对人类生存的终极关怀,荣格从东方传统文化尤其是中国道家文化中受到启发,构建起他博大精深的分析心理学体系,创立东西合璧的心理学。

    Owning to the extremely care for the mankind 's existence , C G Jung derived inspiration from the eastern traditional culture , especially the doctrines of Chinese Taoism .

  6. 教育社会心理学学科体系研究

    A Preliminary Study on the System of Educational Social Psychology

  7. 普通心理学内容体系规划的新构想

    A new thought about the content system of general psychology

  8. 体育心理学教材体系创新与实践

    The systematical creativity and practice of physical sports psychology textbook

  9. 弗洛伊德由于摆脱了科学主义的束缚而建立了统一的心理学学科体系。

    But Freud got rid of the bondage of " Scientism " and established the unified system .

  10. 谈谈管理心理学的体系问题

    System Problem of Management Psychology

  11. 跟踪学科研究前沿,注重理论创新是构建教学心理学学科体系的客观要求;

    Following the advanced achievement and focus on renewing the theories are objective requirement of constructing the theory system of the instruction-al psychology .

  12. 本文对在超个人心理学理论体系中具有重大意义并居于中心地位的几个问题进行分析探讨。

    This essay analyzed and explored a few problems , which had important role in the field of the theoretical system of transpersonal psychology .

  13. 这决定了现有的高师心理学课程体系必须重建,以适应心理健康教育人才培养的需要。

    All these show that normal college psychology curricula system needs reconstruction in order to meet the requirement of nurture of psychological health education intelligent .

  14. 时代的需要、教材使用对象的特点及作者编著宗旨的不同,决定了教育心理学内容体系的差异。

    The calls of times , characteristics of objects who use teaching materials of Educational Psychology and the tenet of compliers together decide the distinctness of Educational Psychology ′ content system .

  15. 本文介绍心理实验辅助教学的内容及其与心理学课程体系的关系,心理实验辅助教学的效果以及存在的问题,对推动高师公共心理学整体教学改革有一定现实意义。

    This article introduces the content of psychological experiment and the relation between it and the course . The effect in teaching and some problems are also discussed , which would advance the teaching reform .

  16. 他是第一个系统的构建了心理学理论体系解释框架(心理学的元理论)并利用这一解释框架对已有理论体系进行了再分析(心理学理论的元理论分析)的心理学家。

    He is the first psychologist who built a framework to explain psychological theory ( meta-theory of psychology ) and used it re-analysis the existing theoretical framework ( meta-theory analysis of the psychological theory ) .

  17. 班杜拉社会学习理论是心理学理论体系中的重要理论,其理论涉及观察学习、自我调节、自我效能、三元决定论等重要概念;

    Bandura 's social learning theory is one of the important ones in the theoretical system of psychology . It concerns some important concepts such as observational learning , self-regulation , self-efficacy , tri - determinism and so on .

  18. 心理学研究方法体系的探讨&对运动心理学研究方法的启示

    Study on Research Methodology of Psycology & the Enlightenment of the Research Method of Sports Psycology

  19. 运动心理学的理论体系、研究领域和实践成果对武术心理方面的研究有着重要的指导意义和借鉴价位。

    The theoretic system and achievement in sports psychology play an important role in guiding the study in wushu psychology .

  20. 在协调论的基础上建构更加开放的心理学理论评价体系是可能的。

    It 's feasible for us to establish more opening theoretic evaluating system on the basis of " Concert theories " .

  21. 医院是一个社会学、生物学和心理学的复杂体系,它带来的许多强刺激既影响病人又影响医护人员。

    As a complex system of sociology , biology and psychology , the hospital could bring much powerful stimulation that affects both patients and paramedics .

  22. 本文结合犯罪心理学的研究体系,首先从犯罪心理结构方面对恐怖主义犯罪进行解读。

    Combining of the research system of Criminal Psychology , this article gave explanations to the Crime of Terrorism from the aspect of Structure of Criminal Mind .

  23. 当代心理学的理论体系较为庞杂,粗略的划分可分为三大势力和十大门派。

    The theory system of contemporary psychology is more huge miscellaneous , the rough demarcation can be divided into three general situation dints and ten school of thoughts .

  24. 临床运动心理学的内容体系由临床运动心理学的基础理论、临床运动心理评估和临床运动心理干预三部分构成。

    Its content system consists of three parts such as the basic theory of clinical sport psychology , assessment in clinical sport psychology , and interventions in clinical sport psychology .

  25. 建立锻炼心理学的学科体系,编制教材,开设课程,与竞技心理学、体育心理学相互衔接,将是锻炼心理学发展的方向。

    Setting up a systematic discipline , editing the textbook , having the curricula of exercise psychology and connecting with and psychology of physical education will be the development trends of exercise psychology .

  26. 荣格在吸收中国传统文化的基础上,完善与发展了其分析心理学的思想体系。

    The Daos culture is an important part of the Chinese traditional culture and an inner basis of Jung s analytic psychology , and it has an important effect on the Jung s analytic psychology .

  27. 本文以操作系统原理自身特点为基础,结合虚拟实验技术、教育心理学、软件体系理论等多方面理论和方法,提出了构建一套完整的虚拟计算机系统作为操作系统虚拟实验底层平台的设想。

    By considering virtual laboratory technology , education psychics , characteristic of operating system , software architecture theory , this paper puts forward an idea that building an operating system virtual laboratory based on a virtual computer system .

  28. 管理与人事心理学研究与理论体系的新进展

    New Developments in Research and Systems of Organizational and personnel Psychology

  29. 中国心理学思想史范畴体系的重建

    Reconstruction of Category 's System of History of Chinese Psychological Thoughts

  30. 先秦思想家们使用了一套与现代社会心理学不同的概念体系。

    Thinkers before the Qin Dynasty used system of concepts different from that of modern social psychology .