
  • 网络History of the Soul;soul history
  1. 他将自己的真实内心寄托在笔下的人物形象身上,构筑了个人的心灵史。

    He will count on your real heart to write about characters who , to build a personal History of the Soul .

  2. 他自我剖析式的写作被不少批评者定调为知识分子心灵史,然而这个名称本身就含有十足的复杂含义。

    His self-analysis type of writing was toned by many critics as " history of the soul " . However , the name itself contains quite complex meanings .

  3. 飘零忧国杜陵老&作为心灵史载体的严羽诗歌

    Yan Yu 's Poem : the Record of Heart

  4. 论《心灵史》的宗教母题叙事

    Religious Motif Narrating of the Novel History of Spirit

  5. 虚无:后现代艺术的心灵史

    Nihinity : the Soul History of Postmodernism

  6. 非虚构抒情历史小说《心灵史》文体论

    Non-fiction : Lyrical Historical Novel & On History of the Soul from the Perspective of Stylistics

  7. 理想主义者的心灵史

    The History of Idealist 's Soul

  8. 再论《史记》:一部中华民族心灵史

    More discussion on " the historical records : the spiritual history of the Chinese nationality "

  9. 一个诗人一生持续忠诚的写作,最终所形成的是一个诗人的心灵史;

    A poet 's incessant writings in lifetime will eventually become a poet 's history of heart ;

  10. 艺术是中华民族的心灵史,艺术创造就是心灵的活动。

    Art is intelligent the Chinese nation history , art is created by being an intelligent activity .

  11. 《心灵史》:辉煌壮烈的民族史诗&张承志小说论之八

    A Glorious and Heroic Epic of the Nation Religious Motif Narrating of the Novel History of Spirit

  12. 真率自然的倾诉是其散文的基本表现形态,这使其散文成了作家的心灵史和思想史。

    Frank and natural writing style makes ZHU Hong 's proses a real record of his spirits and thoughts .

  13. 他的《心灵史》为人们指出了一条皈依信仰的道德重建之路。

    The novel of " History of Spirit " directs people to rebuild morality in the faith of religion .

  14. 因此可以这样认为,说《醒世姻缘传》是当时北方基层社会民众的世俗生活史和心灵史是当之无愧的。

    Therefore , The Legendary of Waking Marriage is the soul and life history of worldly life in northern part of China .

  15. 《心灵史》是一部溶历史、文学、宗教于一体的辉煌壮烈的民族史诗。

    As a glorious and heroic epic of the nation , History of Soul puts history , literature , religion in a great harmony .

  16. 纪实摄影是在用图片公正的写社会史和人类心灵史,这个就是目前最大的意义。

    Documentary photography is with the picture in the social history and human justice write History of the Soul , this is the biggest significance .

  17. 从某种意义上说一部文学史就是一个民族的文化史、精神史,更是一部知识分子的命运史、心灵史。

    In a sense , a history of literature is the spiritual history and mental history of a nation and even spiritual history and mental history of intellectuals .

  18. 其实,作为一位杰出的理论家和诗人,作为一名爱国忧民的志士,严羽的诗歌是其心灵史的主要载体,比较集中地反映了他的思想和所处时代的风云。

    Actually , as an outstanding theoretician , his poem is the important record of his heart , which comparatively reflects his thought and the situation of the time .

  19. 产生于不同文化背景下的《心灵史》和《荆棘鸟》均以其对人生、人性的深刻透视关注着人类的精神世界。

    With profound perspective of life and humanity , " The History of the Soul " and " The Thorn Birds " , born out of different cultural backgrounds , pay close attention to human spiritual world .

  20. 从1978年起至今,他从事了整整32年的创作。本文的论述范围是前期张承志,即以《心灵史》的写作和出版为分水岭之前张承志的创作与实践。

    He has been writing for 32 years since 1978.This thesis focuses on " prophase Zhang Chengzhi ", the writing and practice before the publication of History of the soul , which was the dividing point of him .

  21. 可以说宋代的楚辞评论是宋人对屈原和《楚辞》解读和接受的最佳途径,它反应了宋代一段心灵史和文学史的演变过程。

    The best approach The Songs of Chu being able to say Song Dynasty is discussed being that Song Ren understands and explains and accepts to Qu Yuan and The Songs of Chu , its reaction Song Dynasty segment of soul history and the history of literature evolution process .

  22. 陈毅元帅的战争诗词是20世纪生动形象的革命战争史,又是壮美深沉的民族精英心灵史:在审美上既重风骨,又富意境;

    Marshal Chen Yi composed many a poem during the Chinese revolution , which remain a vivid embodiment of the war history in the 20th century as well as a splendid history of souls of the national heroes : aesthetically with a vigor of style and magnificently conceived ideas ;

  23. 穷苦孩子的心灵成长史&论《幸运儿皮尔》

    Poverty-stricken Children s Heart Growth History & On Lucky Fellow Peer ;

  24. 只有从华族视角出发,揭开差异的面纱,我们才有可能领悟到泰华作家在综合了历史与现实、政治与文化等各因素之后的心灵变迁史。

    Only from the viewpoint of Chinese race , could we probably reveal the fiction and appreciate the Chinese-Thai authors ' psychological transform on the integration of various factors such as : history and realism , politics and culture .

  25. 本文则从华族视角出发,尝试对该时期泰华文学中的异族人物与异族文化进行分析,在对其叙事技巧与叙事态度进行剖析的同时探求泰国华族在新时期的心灵变迁史。

    From the viewpoint of Chinese-Thai , this essay try to analyze the characters of the other and the culture of the other in Thai-Chinese Literature so as to discuss its narrative style and attitude and to explore Chinese-Thai 's psychological transform during new period .

  26. 其实《史记》是太史公的心灵史诗,史蕴诗心,它超越了具体的史实和叙述层面;

    In fact the Records of the Grand Historian is an epic of Si Maqian 's spirit , it goes beyond the historical facts and concrete recounts .

  27. 由于受勃兰兑斯的影响,文学史历来被看作是心灵(精神)史,而忽视了这样一个事实:文学史也是身体史。

    People ignored such a fact that the literary history is also a history of human bodies .

  28. 文学历史感的特性主要表现为历时性与共时性的统一、主体间性、心灵观照和文学史意识等四个方面。

    It consists of four parts mainly : the union of diachronic and synchronic , intersubjectivity , examination of soul and sense of literary history .

  29. 文学是人类的心灵产物,在日本强权统治下的1932-1945年的东北地区有自己的心灵史,有自己的文学。

    Under the invading domination of Japan between 1932 and 1945 , Northeast of China had its own mental history and literature .