
  • 网络Psychological Pricing;Psychological;Mental Accounts
  1. 所采用的定价策略有渗透定价策略、差别定价策略和心理定价策略。

    Pricing strategy adopted by the infiltration of a pricing strategy , differential pricing strategy and psychological pricing strategy .

  2. 价格策略上针对不同产品采取渗透或心理定价策略,渠道上加强网络销售;促销方式上强调质而非量。

    According to different product Price strategy adopts the permeability or psychological pricing strategies ; For channels , strengthening the network sale is necessary .

  3. 心理定价策略是指企业根据消费者的购买心理,诱导消费者的购买来扩大市场销售量的一种定价策略。

    Psychological pricing tactics is that enterprises induce the purchase of customers in order to enlarge their own sales volume according to customer 's purchasing psychology .

  4. 我国企业在近20年中常用的一些心理定价策略有:尾数定价法、声望定价法、招徕定价法等。

    In recent twenty years , there have been some psychological pricing tactics commonly used by the native enterprises , which include odd pricing , prestige pricing and touting pricing , etc.

  5. 本文在纵向差异化产品市场模型的基础上,针对企业决策者的公平偏好不完全理性心理进行定价模型研究。

    We study the pricing models with considering company decision makers are fairness preferences , incompletely rational psychology .

  6. 分析了过度自信心理对于期权定价模型的影响。

    The perceived CML and SML are built . 5 . The impact of overconfidence on the price of option is also studied .

  7. 本文将在行为金融的框架下,选择了投资者最常见的过度自信的投资心理来构建定价模型,对金融市场的资产定价进行深入的研究。

    Based on behavioral finance theories , this thesis select the overconfidence psychology to establish asset pricing models , and deeply researches asset pricing .

  8. 基于投资者心理偏差的资产定价研究框架

    An Assets Pricing Research Framework Based on Investor 's Psychological Deviation