
  1. 是何等可怕的心理扭曲会导致狙击手向载满儿童的公共汽车开火?

    What monstrous perversion of the human spirit leads a sniper to open fire on a bus carrying children ?

  2. 他的自杀给了我们一个机会来了解种种恶毒的心理扭曲现象。

    His suicide suggests that all of us need to understand more clearly the malevolent nature of mental illness .

  3. 凯特.博斯沃思在片中饰演一个心理扭曲的马戏团飞刀女演员,这是个边缘的人物,她的神秘过去又沾满鲜血,她还能娴熟的猎杀人类?

    Kate Bosworth as a knife-wielding borderline psychopath circus performer with a mysterious blood-soaked past and a knack for hunting humans ?

  4. 只要认识到这些符号的真正意义,就可以见识到现象背后的真实,从而转变心理扭曲和幻想。

    Merely by realizing the true significance of these symbols one may achieve insight into the reality that lies behind phenomena , thus transforming psychological distortions and fantasies .

  5. 她们的心理因此扭曲或者煎熬,造成悲剧性命运。

    Their twist of psychology causes their tragic life .

  6. 人们为求擢用,常常用外儒内道的方式为人处世,心理处于扭曲与分裂状态。

    People seeking official promotion lives a Confucian-exterior-and-Taoism-interior way of life and suffered from splitting psyche .

  7. 我明白这帮家伙都是心理极度扭曲的变态狂魔。

    I knew that those guys were mentally malformed and they would not be humane to their " quarry " at all .

  8. 他在该省的各个城市旅行,拍摄地方上的小剧团,着重拍摄那些心理上扭曲、畸形的演员,以及他们的丑陋面。

    While traveling the cities of his province , he photographs local theatre troupes and specifically the ugliness of their deformed actors .

  9. 在方方小说《在我的开始是我的结束》的女主角黄苏子身上,体现出了漠视、压抑所带来的人物心理怪异扭曲、病态爆发。

    The main female character of HUANG Su-zi in " My Starting is at My End " written by Fang Fang embodies her psychological distortion and morbidity eruption due to disregard and inhibition .

  10. 作为无法逃脱的犹太人对自己的身份的焦虑感和羞耻感的马老,其心理一定是扭曲的

    As the Jews can not escape their own identity anxiety and shame of the maro , their psychological must be distorted

  11. 原本美好的爱情也变成了折磨,兰斯洛特心理已变得扭曲,既深深爱上亚瑟王,陷入同性恋中,又爱上了桂尼维尔和艾琳,陷入了病态的异性恋关系中,他的爱情已完全变态。

    Love , which was supposed to perfect , turned out a torture . Lancelot , with a twisted nature , fell in homosexual love with King Arthur , and then in the morbid heterosexual relations with Guinevere and Elaine . His love turned out to be sick .

  12. 不公平的社会环境,会给人的心理带来一定的扭曲。

    An inequitable society can twist the psychology of people .

  13. 殖民压迫对黑人心理的侵蚀和扭曲。

    And the distortion of the black psychology by the colonialist oppression .

  14. 这个教育一旦缺失,将导致青年学生心理的失衡与扭曲,出现各种心理不健康症状,甚至走上犯罪道路。

    The lack of this education will lead to the mental unbalance of young students .

  15. 异化爱情心理是一种扭曲的、不健康的爱情心理,主要表现在五个方面:缺乏性爱意识,缺乏自主性,不平等性,功利性和封建迷信性。

    It is characterized by the lack of sex consciousness , lack of autonomy , inequality , utility and feudal superstition .

  16. 这种心理和行为偏差以有限理性导致的偏差为基础,是在更大幅度上对投资者心理和行为的扭曲。

    Such a bias twists investors ' psychology and behavior more severely than limited rationality - caused bias .