
  • 网络no trace;Leave No Trace
  1. 进入这些特别的区域你必须保证并具有很高的“不留痕迹”的技能。

    Visit these special places only if you are committed to , and highly skilled in , Leave No Trace techniques .

  2. 不留痕迹,撕下后还原发型,方便俐落。

    Leave No Trace , removed after the restore hair , convenient and tidy .

  3. v.消失他不留痕迹地消失了。

    vanish He seemed to vanish into thin air .

  4. 他关于比赛的记忆被消除得不留痕迹。

    His memory of the race was expunged with no residual effects .

  5. 嫌疑犯用可以控制住他们又不留痕迹的方法。

    The suspect found a way of restraining them without leaving marks .

  6. 不留痕迹或残渣等优点。

    Not merits and so on scar or residual .

  7. 在身体上不留痕迹地杀死。

    Murder without leaving a trace on the body .

  8. 一次真正的不留痕迹的营火是不会留下任何被改变过的迹象。

    A true Leave No Trace fire shows no evidence of having been constructed .

  9. 他不留痕迹地消失了。

    He seemed to vanish into thin air .

  10. 包装的高手在于不留痕迹,外在的一切应与自身浑然一体

    A master packager knows how to integrate art and nature without any traces of embellishment

  11. 洗纹身不留痕迹。

    Washes the model community not scar .

  12. 真玉摸上去总有凉润之感,而且不怕金属刮擦,刮后也不留痕迹。

    Real jade is always cool to the touch and will resist any scratch with metal .

  13. 他的毒不留痕迹。

    This poison leaves no sign .

  14. 不留痕迹地进出麦田,比一般人所说的容易多了。

    Getting into the field without leaving traces is a lot easier than is usually claimed .

  15. 你做得不留痕迹

    You were smooth about it .

  16. 一个月里则大约有六十万个片刻。它们大多不留痕迹。

    in a month , there are about 600000 -- most of them don 't leave a trace .

  17. 八大晚年的诗画寄意遥深,情感几近不留痕迹。

    Both his poems and paintings in his later years sent away deep meanings , almost without leaving traces of emotion .

  18. 我们的名字,是黑夜里波浪上射出的光,不留痕迹就消失了。

    Our names are the light that glows on the sea waves at night and then dies without leaving its signiture .

  19. 对患者而言,其便携、内敛、易于操作的设计,便于他们尽可能不留痕迹地回家或复工。

    For patients , its portable , discreet , easy-to-operate design enables them to return to home or work as seamlessly as possible .

  20. 他可以秘密地、不留痕迹地向恐怖主义分子提供他隐藏的某种武器,或者帮助他们发展武器。

    Secretly , and without fingerprints , he could provide one of his hidden weapons to terrorists , or help them develop their own .

  21. 自动上厕所机,自带冲水系统,洗涤精,还有舒适的卫生纸,即使随地大小便也不留痕迹。

    Automatic toilet machines , attached flushing system , hand wash detergent , and soft toilet paper , have your business done any time without leaving evidence .

  22. 可移动彩贴就是从原来粘在某一个地方撕下来后还可以粘在别的地方,而且粘性很好,原来粘贴的地方不留痕迹。

    Removable colorful sticker can keep sticky after ripped off from one place without any leftover glue on the place , so it can be pasted on another place .

  23. 人们过去认为,当某个地方发生了地震,即大地裂开,吞下大量的人,然后又合上,人们被不留痕迹地毁灭。

    People used to think that when there was an earthquake , the ground opened , swallowed great numbers of people , then closed , leaving no trace of those who perished .

  24. 图像在信息传递中扮演着重要的角色,且图像编辑处理软件的普及使得对图像视觉上不留痕迹的篡改变得容易。

    Images play an important role in information transmission . With the popularity of digital image processing tools , it is becoming easier to tamper a digital image without leaving obvious traces .

  25. 包装的高手在于懂得如何不留痕迹,将外在的修饰与内在的特性浑然一体,这时你不再是商品,而是充实生动的人。

    A skilled packager knows how to add art to nature without any signs of embellishment , so that the person so packaged is not a commodity but a human being , lively and lovely .

  26. 布莱克韦尔表示,这些不会着装的女星们应该像瑞茜·威瑟斯彭、妮可·基德曼、凯特·摩斯、斯嘉丽·约翰森、娜塔莉·波特曼和狄昂·华薇克等人学习,学习她们“不留痕迹的美和令人过目不忘的风格”。

    Blackwell urged the women on his list to emulate the " effortless beauty and memorable style " of Reese Witherspoon , Nicole Kidman , Kate Moss , Scarlett Johansson , Natalie Portman and Dionne Warwick .

  27. 秀发从发芯变得柔顺、强韧,束发后松开也不易留痕迹。

    Hair becomes soft and flexible from hair cores , showing no mark after hair-bundle .

  28. 当世界不留一丝痕迹地消失。

    The world vanishes without trace .

  29. 他的身世未知,但消失的时候又不留一丝痕迹。

    He was a man whose origin was unknown and who disappeared without leaving a trace .

  30. 或者用途可能只存在于愉快的感觉之中,随着感觉的消失而消失,不留任何痕迹;

    Or its use may consist only in pleasurable sensation , which when gone leaves no trace ;