
  • 网络PROPERTY LAW;Real Property Law;The Law of Real Property
  1. 所有权保险是美国不动产法中一项重要的制度。

    Title insurance is an important system of the real property law in America .

  2. 不动产法是我国未来物权法的重点,不动产物权登记制度是不动产法的重要内容之一,而不动产物权登记的效力是整个登记制度的核心。

    Real law is the focal points of the future real right law in our country . Real property resignation system is one of the important contents of real law , and the effect of real property is the cone of the whole resignation system .

  3. 为了救济错误登记对商事交易安全的危害,笔者认为应当借鉴不动产法上的更正登记制度,并对公司法上的依职权更正登记和依申请更正登记进行了制度设计。

    In order to relieve the wrong registration 's damage to commercial trade , the author suggests using the system of making corrections to registration in real estate law for reference and makes system design for making corrections to registration according to authority and application respectively in corporation law .

  4. 我国还没有制定统一的不动产登记法。

    Our country has not made the unified real estate registering law yet .

  5. 托伦斯不动产登记法:澳大利亚地契登记系统。

    Torrens Title : The system of title that applies to most land in Australia .

  6. 由于没有制定出统一的不动产登记法,只能依据现有的法律进行登记,因此,目前的登记状况比较混乱,登记制度并未起到应有的作用。

    A unified real estate registration laws is not enacted . It can only be based on existing law to register . The current situation is chaotic in the registration , the registration system does not play its due role .

  7. 实践中,我国尚未出台不动产统一登记法,目前不动产登记仍处于不统一的状态。

    In practice , China will have a uniform registration of real estate law , real estate registration is still not present a unified state .

  8. 即从制定《不动产统一登记法》、统一登记机关、建立便民查询的不动产物权信息查询制度以及相关配套机制的完善等方面要具体和细化这一制度。

    From the development of " real unity Registration Act ", the unified registration authorities to establish convenience check real estate property information inquiry system and associated supporting mechanisms to improve and so specific and detailed .

  9. 我国目前正在制定物权法,不动产登记在物权法中占据重要地位。

    At present , our government is making property right law .

  10. 不动产物权是物权法体系中的重心和核心之一,不动产物权登记又是不动产法中重要的制度之一。

    The real right of reality is one of the core of the real right law system . The reality registration is also important part of the real right law .

  11. 不动产登记为物权法中的重要制度,是指经权利人或利害关系人申请,由国家专职部门将有关不动产物权及其变动事项记载于不动产登记簿的事实。

    Immovable property registration is the important institution in property rights law , it is applied by the obligee or the interested person , national full-time section record Immovable property rights and its effects on the Immovable property register .