
  • 网络imperfect competition market;imperfect competition;Imperfectly Competitive Market
  1. 本文首先对信贷、农村信贷等概念进行界定,并阐述了与本文研究相关的农村信贷补贴理论、农村金融市场理论以及不完全竞争市场理论等相关理论,分析了本文研究的理论基础。

    Finally , same countermeasures and suggestions are raised for improvement our country rural credit . Firstly , the credit and the rural credit are defined . It Introduce the theory of rural credit subsidies , the rural financial market theory and the theory of imperfect competition market .

  2. 产业内贸易的蓬勃发展使得以往的国际贸易理论受到了极大的冲击,直接推动了产业内贸易理论的发展以及不完全竞争市场和规模经济等概念被引入国际贸易理论中。

    The appearance of intra-industry trade has a huge impact on international trade theory and brings the imperfect competition and the economies of scale into the frame of trade theory .

  3. 不完全竞争市场是探矿权市场的最佳选择;

    No-full competitive market is the optimum select of prospecting right markets .

  4. 不完全竞争市场环境下注册会计师行为选择研究

    A Study of CPA Behavior under Incomplete Competitive Market

  5. 第三章是不完全竞争市场条件下比较优势的静态分析。

    The third one focuses on the static comparative advantages on imperfect competition .

  6. 不完全竞争市场是名义工资粘性和名义价格粘性存在的前提。

    The imperfectly competitive market is the premise of nominal wage and price stickiness .

  7. 最后,不完全竞争市场和政府管制价格都促使价格粘性的增强。

    Last , the non-competitive market and the government administrative price further strengthen the price stickiness .

  8. 电力市场是不完全竞争市场,发电企业将通过竞标策略来追求最大的收益。

    Electricity spot markets are Imperfect competitive markets . Power generation firms always pursue maximum profits through bidding strategies .

  9. 完全与不完全竞争市场理论则着重研究企业与竞争形态的关系确定企业行为。

    Complete and incomplete competitive marketing theories stress that the relation between corporation and competitive forms determines the corporation actions .

  10. 广告作为一种与不完全竞争市场相联系的经济行为,在房地产市场拥有巨大的影响力。

    As an economic activity related with imperfect market , the advertisement has the huge influence in the real estate market .

  11. 产业组织或产业经济学是以不完全竞争市场的运行和绩效以及这些市场上的企业行为为研究对象的。

    The traditional approach in industrial organization is primarily empirical : researchers in this tradition try to uncover empirical regularities across industries .

  12. 在新古典主流经济学中,报酬递增和市场结构难题一直困扰着人们,理论上一直很难找到报酬递增与不完全竞争市场相容的分析方法。

    The problem of increasing returns and market structure in neoclassic economics is perplexed , which is avoided in the traditional trade theory .

  13. 在不完全竞争市场中,一些产品发展到了一定时期,总是避免不了要经受价格战的洗礼。

    In the incompletely compete market , after developed for certain period , there are some products always can not avoid the baptism of price war .

  14. 随后学者们开始放宽新古典假设的条件,探讨偏向型技术进步以及不完全竞争市场条件下劳动收入占比的决定。

    Subsequent scholars have begun to relax the conditions of neo-classical assumptions , research the labor income share upon biased technical progress and a imperfect competitive market conditions .

  15. 新产业组织理论关注的焦点,在于决定不完全竞争市场上企业行为的那些为企业提供相对竞争优势的因素和策略。

    The focus of the new industrial organization on the conduct of firms in imperfectly competitive markets involves determining the factors and strategies that provide firms with a competitive advantage .

  16. 这部分简要地对信用、信用体系和农村信用机制等相关概念进行了界定,并且回顾了有关农村信用体系的相关理论,包括不完全竞争市场理论、信息不对称理论、激励理论以及交易成本理论。

    The concept including credits credit system and the credit structure , the theoretical foundation including the imperfect competitive market theory , information asymmetrical theory , drive theory as well as transaction cost theory .

  17. 本文的定价模型结合了中国人口死亡率的特点,并且考虑了不完全竞争市场和利率结构两方面因素,模型的结果更具普遍适用性。

    This model combines the characteristics of the Chinese population , and consider two aspects of the structure of interest rates in the incomplete market conditions , to build a long-term bond pricing model expression has more obvious advantages .

  18. 以规模经济和不完全竞争市场假设为基础的战略性贸易政策理论认为政府可以通过一定的干预政策改变本国厂商与外国厂商之间的博弈关系,使博弈的结果有利于本国厂商,进而提高国民福利。

    Strategic trade policy analysis is under the assumption of increasing return to scale and imperfect competition . The result of the theory is that governments can improve the national economic welfare by trade policy which alters the strategic relationships between firms .

  19. 中小企业的存在和发展有其理论基础:经济进化论、规模经济论、不完全竞争市场论、社会分工论、生产力本位论。

    The existence and development of small-medium enterprise is base on many theories , such as theory of economic evolution , theory of scale economy , theory of incomplete market , theory of social work division , theory of productive force development , etc.

  20. 通过保护贸易理论的分析,详细地阐述了贸易摩擦产生的原因,本文认为在不完全竞争市场条件下,各国对国内产业和自身利益的维护是贸易摩擦产生的根本原因。

    With the analysis of traditional trade protection theory , it describes the reason of trade friction . The paper identities such a viewpoint , that is : within an imperfect market , the pursuing of interests and protecting domestic industry are the inner root cause of trade friction .

  21. 管理的决策依据是信息,但在经济运行日趋复杂的社会里,却普遍存在信息障碍,它导致了大量的管理失误,这是由于不完全竞争市场产生了不完全信息。

    It is information of administering for decision-making , but it is more and more complicated of circulating of economy in our society , therefor , it is ubiquity on info-obstruction , and this results in many mistakes on management , of course , incomplete competition market due to incomplete-info .

  22. 新的贸易理论以更新、更现实的角度考察比较优势,或是以不完全竞争市场为分析基础,或是加入时间因素进行理论动态化,或两者皆有,增强了理论的解释力。

    New trade theory put the comparative advantages in a more practical and rational place . Either by analyzing on the basis of imperfect competition , or by adding the factor of time to produce dynamic theory , or both , the comparative advantage theory enhances its capacity of exponent .

  23. 市场势力(marketpower)是指在不完全竞争的市场条件下,一定时期内厂商将价格维持在边际成本之上的能力。

    Market power is an ability that in terms of imperfect market , a factory owner maintains price over marginal cost in certain time .

  24. 运用产业组织理论中的SCP分析框架,分析当前的不完全竞争农业市场,导出要实现张培刚先生所言的农业工业化就必须改变农业市场结构,建立新型农业合作经济组织。

    In this article , in the industrial organization theory-the SCP analysis frame was utilized to analyze the agricultural market , but some scholars thought the perfect competitive market derived from " the agricultural industrialization " had changed the agricultural market structure and established the new agricultural cooperation economic organization .

  25. 此外,本文还发现不完全竞争的市场结构会通过影响买卖双方的交易策略而降低市场的交易效率。

    Besides , the author finds that the imperfect market structure influences trader 's strategy , and accordingly debases trading efficiency .

  26. 电力市场是一个不完全竞争的市场,发电商可通过策略性投标增加收益。

    The electricity market is not perfect competitive , the power suppliers will try to increase their own profits by developing bidding strategies .

  27. 这种理论以不完全竞争的市场结构和规模经济的存在为假设前提,更接近于贸易现实。

    This theory bases on the market structure of non-pure competition and the precondition of economics of scale , and its discrepancy with reality is smaller .

  28. 本文提出了一种崭新的理论观点&不完全竞争的市场结构是证券风险的一个重要来源,并利用市场数据进行了实证分析。

    The author puts forward a new theory that the imperfect market structure is an important source of securities risk , and tests it based on the market data .

  29. 文章首先进行企业集群的基础理论研究,在规模报酬递增和不完全竞争的市场结构下讨论企业集群的稳定性和均衡性问题;

    Article carry on enterprise cluster basic theory research at first : Under the increase progressively income and the in imperfect competition market structure discuss stability and harmony issue ;

  30. 传统理论认为,银行特许权价值是指银行在不完全竞争的市场上通过自身的运营而获取的超额垄断收益的净现值。

    In traditional theory , the bank franchise value is net present value which is excess revenue of the monopoly gained from imperfect competitive market through its own operations .