
  • 网络without thought
  1. 学而不思则罔;思而不学则殆。(《论语》)

    Learning without thought means labour lost ; thought without learning is perilous .

  2. 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆.

    Learning without thought means labor lost ; thought without learning is perilous .

  3. 例如,他的一句名言"学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆"告诉我们学习和思考的重要性。

    For example , one of his famous sayings , " He who learns but does not think is lost ; he who thinks but does not learn is in danger " , tells us the importance of learning and thinking .

  4. 学而不思,犹如进食却不消化。——

    To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting . -

  5. 不思就说等于无的放矢。

    To speak without think is to shoot without look .

  6. 不用说,学而不思则罔。

    Needless to say , learning without thinking is useless .

  7. 这个卑鄙的家伙不思回报,反而把救他的人都出卖了。

    The wretch requited his benefactors by betraying them .

  8. 妻子的病令他茶饭不思。

    D.His wife 's disease took apart his appetite .

  9. 我们想告诉政府,世界不思用来出售的。

    We want tell the governments that the world is not for sale .

  10. 不思而言,犹如无的放矢。

    Speaking without thinking is shooting without taking aim .

  11. 智者无惧,惧者不思。

    A wise man does not fear , a man afraid does not think .

  12. 学而不思则罔(只学习不思考是一件危险的事情。)

    Learning without thinking is a dangerous thing .

  13. 她根本就不思悔改。

    She was not in the least repentant .

  14. 南湖宾馆紫荆苑将向您提供全新感受,令您乐不思返。

    And you will surely feel a completely new freshness and enjoy your staying here .

  15. 广场观灯不思寒,百湖赏景色斑斓;

    Square view lamp do not think of cold , 100 lake scenery multicolored aicken .

  16. 最近,可口可乐还背上了面对批评不思悔改的恶名。

    Until recently , coke had a reputation for obstinacy in the face of criticism .

  17. 只有你能让我茶也不思饭也不想

    Only you do not let me think of tea , rice did not want to

  18. 这食物易被消化[吸收]吗?学而不思,犹如食而不化。

    Does this food assimilate easily ? To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting .

  19. 不思嘉,在我看来,你到六十岁也还是一样的。

    No , Scarlett , when you are sixty , you 'll look the same to me .

  20. 在外交政策上,普京仍然是不思悔改的直言不讳,尤其是在导弹防御问题上。

    In foreign policy Mr Putin remained unrepentantly blunt , notably on missile defence ( see article ) .

  21. 金融危机使得一部分不思面对残酷现实的美国民众陷入了困境。

    The financial crisis has inflicted hardship on a population that does not like to face harsh reality .

  22. 湖北御金丹-温和和胃,用于不思饮食,胃脘满闷或泛吐酸水。

    Hubei Royal Cinnabar-moderate and stomach , for no appetite , nausea or epigastric pan full of spit Acid .

  23. 子曰:“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。”

    The Master said , " Learning without thought is labor lost ; thought without learning is perilous . "

  24. 有许多人屡屡犯错,而致成就有限甚或一事无成,正因为他们只求饱学,而不思善生。

    Many often err and accomplish little or nothing because they try to become learned rather than to live well .

  25. 他茶不思,饭不想,愁肠满怀,只一动不动地躺在床上。

    He cared neither for food nor drink , but lay still on his bed , full of tormenting thoughts .

  26. 现在我真的是茶饭不思啊,因为我都快没钱吃饭了。

    Now , I do hardly want to take a meal , for I almost have too few cash to take one .

  27. 课程是变化的,思想是流动的,一成不变的课程和不思变革的课程思想是缺乏生命力的。

    The curriculum is changing and the thoughts are flowing , therefore the unchanging curriculum and the thoughts without reformation are lifeless .

  28. 黑暗势力确实是不管怎样都那么顽固,即使他们知道他们所作的一切都只会带来灭亡还是不思悔改的制造事端。

    The dark Ones do however have an obstinate desire to carry on even although they know it will bring their demise .

  29. 根本就不思学业,直到我遇到了Carlock先生的科学课

    When I was in high school I just didn 't care at all about studying , until I had Mr. Carlock 's science class .

  30. 该职员在一年中非连续性20天或连续7天缺勤,并在书面警告后不思悔改。

    The employee has been absent from work for20 non-consecutive days or7 consecutive days in a year , and does not mend after warning in writing .