
chá fàn
  • food and drinks;ordinary food and drink
茶饭 [chá fàn]
  • [ordinary food and drink] 茶、酒、饭、菜、汤的总称。泛指饮食

  • 这里的茶饭都还可人意

茶饭[chá fàn]
  1. 妻子的病令他茶饭不思。

    D.His wife 's disease took apart his appetite .

  2. 下面的哪个词语表示茶饭后空闲休息的时间呢?

    Which of the following phrases refers to the free time after a meal ?

  3. 简易理解“茶饭语言”,就是在我们喝茶吃饭的时候来学习语言。

    In a nut shell , CFL-China is dedicated to language learning while drinking tea or eating food .

  4. 现在我真的是茶饭不思啊,因为我都快没钱吃饭了。

    Now , I do hardly want to take a meal , for I almost have too few cash to take one .

  5. 其下设有“茶饭语言”酒楼餐厅、洗车场、学习聊吧和“家庭成员”服务中心。

    There are restaurants , car washes , cultural interface caf é s , and " family member " service centers in CFL-China .

  6. 日本茶道是在日常茶饭事的基础上发展起来的,它将日常生活与宗教、哲学、伦理和美学联系起来,成为一门综合性的文化艺术活动。

    Developing from the daily life and relating the daily life to the religion , philosophy , ethic and aesthetics , Japanese Sadou becomes an all-around art activity .

  7. 笔者选取了元代本《原本老乞大》里有关衣食住行的口语词袄子、汗衫、茶饭、路子等作为研究对象,根据有关文献对这些口语词进行了解释。

    The author chooses some oral words of clothing , food , lodging and transportation in the original manuscript of Lao Qi Da to study , and interprets them by referring to relevant documents .

  8. 概而言之,茶饭语言是语言学习的平台,语言人才的平台,是销售特色产品的平台,是交友的平台和文化传播的平台。

    In summary , CFL-China is a platform of language learning , a stage for individuals with language talents , a market for specialty products , and a focal point for networking and cultural interfacing .

  9. 宣夜说传说战国时期,杞国有一个人听说天是由气体形成的,日月星辰就漂浮其中之后,他非常担心天体会掉下来,让他无处躲藏,于是整日忧心忡忡,茶饭不思。

    As a legend goes , during the Warring States Period , a man from the Qi State , having known that the heaven was constituted of gas , in which the moon and stars floated , feared the heaven might collapse one day .