
chá huà huì
  • tea party;tea reception;tea forum
茶话会 [chá huà huì]
  • [tea party] 备有茶点的招待会

茶话会[chá huà huì]
  1. 在茶话会上他们对那位老太太百般殷勤。

    They showed the old lady numerous little attentions at the tea party .

  2. 我姐姐被邀请来参加了茶话会。

    My sister was invited to come to the tea party .

  3. 茶话会上主要围绕他的新电影在闲聊。

    Chat at the party was mainly about his new film .

  4. 我们为元旦安排了一次茶话会。

    We arranged a party for the new year 's day .

  5. 我们准备在明天开一个茶话会。

    We are going to hold a tea party tomorrow .

  6. 她没有参加茶话会。

    She didn 't turn up at the tea party .

  7. 年轻的白狐狸姑娘们也从来没有开过任何小茶话会。??

    Never a little tea-party of white young lady foxes ;

  8. 他们为当了王太后的伊丽莎白女王举行了一个茶话会。

    They gave a tea party for Queen Elizabeth the queen mother .

  9. 这是什么?牧师的茶话会吗?

    What is this ? A vicar 's tea party ?

  10. 我们是在救人呢,还是开茶话会?

    Are we saving lives or having a tea party ?

  11. 他们很高兴许多朋友参加他们的茶话会。

    They were glad that many friends came to their tea party .

  12. 今晚我们在家里开茶话会。

    We 're having a party in our house tonight .

  13. 我和几个朋友一起搞了个茶话会,

    I was at a coffee klatch with a couple of friends ,

  14. 跟她一起去开茶话会,让她骑在你的肩膀上

    To go to her tea parties , and give her a piggyback ride

  15. 她和珊波尔先生曾经参加过教会的茶话会和交谊会。

    There had been church teas and sociable which she and Mr. Semple attended .

  16. 教授邀请全体学生参加茶话会。

    The professor extended an invitation to all the students to come to tea .

  17. 母亲节那天你可以“以母之名”举办一场茶话会。

    You can organise tea parties in honor of your mother on a Mothers Day .

  18. 与帽匠、三月兔和一只老鼠一起参加一个茶话会。

    To a tea party with the Mad Hatter , the March Hare and a mouse .

  19. 我的儿媳甚至还和她3岁的孩子玩化妆表演的游戏,还带他去参加茶话会。

    My daughter in law even plays dress up and has tea parties with her3 yo .

  20. 在中国,许多单位和部门都会举办新春茶话会。

    Many units and departments in China traditionally hold tea parties to welcome the Chinese New Year .

  21. 在周四举行的北京-香港经济合作茶话会开幕式上陈列着奥运会的旗帜。

    The Olympic flag is displayed at the opening of the Beijing-Hong Kong economic co-operation symposium Thursday in Hong Kong .

  22. 若经济上的困难导致产生社会不稳定,那么中国明年的各种问题将使2008年看上去像是一场茶话会。

    If that spills into social instability , China 's problems next year will make 2008 look like a tea party .

  23. 在一次军官和家属的茶话会上,基地的司令没完没了地发表着演说。

    At a tea for officers and their wives , the commanding general of a base delivered a seemingly endless oration .

  24. 爸爸让它做茶话会的客人不是很合适吗我能买它吗求你了

    Wouldn 't this make the perfect guest for our tea parties , papa ? Can I have him ? Please ?

  25. 这样的工作他们会很满意,但这都是在茶话会工作上的,可不是去找出有效的办法做出好的软件。

    Working with them may be pleasant but it is a tea party , not a smart way to build good software .

  26. 我们通过这次茶话会教你讲述故事,而不仅仅是单词和句子,这会让你的英语表达更清楚更流利。

    We are doing this to teach you tell stories , not words and sentences only , and make you English better and more fluent .

  27. 宝宝曼迪扮成无意间闯入幻境的爱丽丝,在疯帽子先生的茶话会上玩着扑克和写着吃掉我的蛋糕。

    Baby Maddie dressed up as Alice in Wonderland , playing with cards and ' eat me ' cakes at the Mad Hatter 's Tea Party .

  28. 回到茶话会上后,我帮忙准备食品,包括将一块烟熏鲑鱼切成片&非常专业的工作。

    Back at the tea party , I helped set out the food , which included slicing a side of smoked salmon – quite a specialist job .

  29. 在访问期间,美国海军将会和中国海军一起举行各种各样的活动,包括参观各自战舰,开茶话会,进行篮球,足球和橄榄球比赛等。

    During the visit , the US naval staff will participate in various activities with their Chinese counterparts , including visiting warships , holdingtalks and playing basketball , football and tug-of-war .

  30. 这星期他控告美联储的主席本南柯以一个基本不忠的计划使美元贬值,这在茶话会上是一个普遍的担忧。

    This week he accused Ben Bernanke , chairman of the Federal Reserve , of devising an " almost treasonous " plan to debase the dollar , a common concern among tea-party types .