
  • 网络fiction film
  1. 建国60年小说电影改编的观念演变与实践

    The Variation of Novel Cinematographic Adaptation Concept and Practice since 1949

  2. 自1905年第一部小说电影改编以来,电影改编已走过了一百多年的历史。

    Film filmization has gone through more than one hundred years history since the first novel was done in 1905 .

  3. 滑稽的、充满搞笑的科幻小说电影,描述一个冷冻的人醒来时必须适应陌生的未来社会。

    Zany , gag-filled sci-fi spoof about a frozen man who has to adapt to a strange futurist world when he thaws out .

  4. 本文以正读和误读为切入点,力图对十七年小说电影改编作一整体性的研究。

    This article take " is reading " and " the misregistration " as a breakthrough point , tries hard " for 17 years " the novel movie to reorganize rightly does an integrity research .

  5. 他的小说为电影业提供了大量素材。

    His novels are a rich source of material for the movie industry .

  6. 如今AI最受欢迎的想法是源于科幻小说和电影,我本人就是《星球大战》的超级粉丝。

    Now , most popular views of AI , of course , come from science fiction and the movies , and I 'm personally a big Star Wars fan .

  7. 报纸和电视节目经常遭到审查,二月,《五十度灰》(FiftyShadesofGrey)的小说和电影都被禁了,此前三年里这本书一直都在公开发售。

    Newspapers and television shows are routinely censored , and in February , both the film and the novel Fifty Shades of Grey were banned , even though the book had been sold openly for three years .

  8. E.M.福斯特:从小说到电影

    E.M. Forster : Novels into Films

  9. 在同名小说和电影中,catch-22指空军部队的一条军规,它规定“只有疯子可以免于执行轰炸的飞行任务”。

    In the book and movie , the phrase refers to an Air Force ruling that only a crazy person would make an extremely dangerous bombing run without trying to get out of it .

  10. 来自Kofic的数据显示,2012年,由章子怡和张东健主演的改编自18世纪法国小说的电影《危险关系》(DangerousLiaisons)在中国市场仅获得了略高于人民币6000万元的票房,不及该片预算的一半。

    In 2012 , ' Dangerous Liaisons , ' an adaptation of the 18th-century French novel starring Zhang Ziyi and Jang Dong-gun , pulled in just a little more than 60 million yuan in China , according to Kofic , less than half of its budget .

  11. 根据普利策奖得主威廉肯尼迪的小说,电影的赫克托Babenco,斯特里普主演的海伦阿彻,酒精同伴(杰克尼科尔森饰演的)与棒球选手。

    Based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by William Kennedy , the Hector Babenco film starred Streep as Helen Archer , an alcoholic companion to a washed up baseball player , played by Jack Nicholson .

  12. 体裁、故事、影像化:小说的电影改编三题

    Genre 、 Stories 、 Image : Three Characteristics of Filmed Novels

  13. 选择一本小说或电影,讨论当中的人物性格。

    Pick a novel or a movie , and discuss the characters .

  14. 小说到电影&中国现当代文学转化研究

    The Novel Arrives to Movie : Modern Chinese Literature 's Conversion Research

  15. 哈利波特仍旧是目前小说到电影的完美转换。

    Harry Potter has been a hugely successful fiction-to-film franchise so far .

  16. 传奇的异托邦&张爱玲小说的电影化想象

    Legendary " Heterotopia " & Movies Imagination about Zhang Ailing 's Novels

  17. 小说和电影是两种不同的艺术形式。

    Novels and films are two types of art .

  18. 内心联想与直观视像&从小说到电影的艺术本质的差异转换

    The Art Transform from A Novel to A Movie

  19. 改编:从小说到电影的美学转换

    Adaptation : The Aesthetic Transformation from Novel to Movie

  20. 《一个陌生女人的来信》的影像叙事&小说与电影的比较

    The Portrayal with Image and Narration in A Letter from an Unknown Women

  21. 论张爱玲小说的电影手法

    On Movie-technique in the Novels by ZHANG Ai-ling

  22. 《群芳亭》:从小说到电影

    Pavilion of Women : from Novel to Film

  23. 造成《日瓦戈医生》小说和电影叙事差异的原因也有三个。

    There are three reasons causes of the differences between the novel and film .

  24. 无论是他的小说还是电影,都突出地体现了一个美字。

    Both of his novels and movies highlight a " beautiful " artistic conception .

  25. 论福斯特小说的电影化

    The Similarities between Movies and Novels of Forster

  26. 人类仅仅在科幻小说和电影中接近过黑洞。

    Humans have only gotten close to black holes in sci-fi books and movies .

  27. 是常见的术语或小说和电影中角色的名字的密码?

    Passwords that are common dictionary terms or names of characters from books and movies ?

  28. 电视剧的文艺特性:同小说、电影和戏剧的比较研究

    Literary and Artistic Features of TV Plays : Compared to Novels , Movies and Drama

  29. 试论鲁迅小说的电影改编

    Film Adaptation of Lu Xun 's Novels

  30. 犹在镜中&论张爱玲小说的电影感

    Life Just in the Mirror & On the Movie Sense of Zhang Ailing 's Novels