
  1. 有个旅行家来到中西部的一个小市镇。

    A traveler came to a small Middle Western town .

  2. 市冷特福的电视机公司工厂简直像一个小市镇。

    At Brentford the Television Corporation 's factory was like a small town .

  3. 朝着小市镇最后的方向

    In the final direction of the elementary town

  4. 在小市镇或农村地区,你大概只能见到基督教堂和犹太教堂。

    However , rather understandably , in smaller towns or farm areas , you will probably find only Christian churches and Jewish synagogues .

  5. 骑车穿过小市镇,便又是麦田和草场以及散落其间的一座座漂亮的小房子。

    Crossing the small town by riding , we can find a field of corn and lawn , scattered about which , are many beautiful houses .

  6. 汉口作为一个由沿江小市镇逐步发展起来的贸易大港口,城市经济自开埠以来迅猛增长,人口亦不断增多。

    Hankow as a trade port along the small town gradually developed , rapid growth of the economy since its opening , the population has been increasing .

  7. 其结果是从大城市区移到小市镇或乡村环境的移民,其肺癌率要比留居在人口稠密地区的居民要低。

    Migrants from large metropolitan areas to small town or rural environments end up with lower lung cancer rates than their counterparts who remain in populous places .

  8. 同时以必要力量,尽量广占乡村和府城县城小市镇。

    At the same time , the necessary forces should be employed to take as many villages , county and higher administrative centres and small towns as possible .

  9. 尤其在悉尼和墨尔本,高薪职位增长态势良好,这与迫切需要经济发展动力的乡村以及小市镇形成了极大的反差。

    The growth of well-paid jobs in Sydney and Melbourne especially , is not being matched in those parts of rural and regional Australia that could do with the economic stimulus .