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  • beagle;buckhound
  1. 它展示了一张小猎犬的照片。

    It presented a picture of a beagle .

  2. 我的目光掠过标题,“阿莫斯,有计划的小猎犬”。

    My eyes ran across the title , Amos , the Beagle with a Plan .

  3. 我从未忘记我的小猎犬。

    I never forgot my beagle .

  4. 我那时刚养了一只小猎犬,它是我小时候第一个也是唯一的动物伴侣。

    I had recently had a beagle , the first and only animal companion I ever had as a child .

  5. 乔治·W·布什及其夫人劳拉发表声明宣布,他们12岁的爱犬苏格兰小猎犬巴尼死亡。

    George W. Bush and his wife Laura issued a statement announcing the passing of their 12-year-old Scottish Terrier Barney .

  6. 据DallasNews报道,巴尼死后,布什家的宠物还剩下另一只苏格兰小猎犬比兹利和宠物猫鲍勃。

    According to the Dallas News , Barney is survived by the family 's other Scottish Terrier Miss Beazley and Bob the cat .

  7. 也许你应该给他们打个电话告诉Le夫妇可爱的小猎犬在我们这。

    Robbie , maybe you should call them and tell the Levinsons we have their cute little spaniel .

  8. 格雷厄姆没有去解开安全索把妻子送上岸,而是抓住了他们的杰克罗素小猎犬罗西(Rosie)。

    Instead of freeing his wife and getting her to shore , Graham grabbed Rosie , their Jack Russell terrier .

  9. 活泼的黑白色小猎犬,以前曾用于捕猎狐狸3。

    Small lively black-and-white terriers formerly used to dig out foxes .

  10. 围着沙发追我的小猎犬重要吗?

    Is chasing my beagle round and round the sofa important ?

  11. 在我们中间有一些人我称之为”小猎犬人“。

    There are among us people I call human beagles .

  12. 就是这块曲奇,让霍普发现了他家小猎犬的天赋。

    This cookie was how Hopes discovered his beagle 's natural talent .

  13. 最初在英国由喇叭狗和小猎犬杂交而得一种短毛小猎犬。

    Short-haired terrier originated in England by crossing the bulldog with terriers .

  14. 长有长而硬的毛和下垂的耳朵的小猎犬。

    A breed of small terrier with long wiry coat and drooping ears .

  15. 在苏格兰培育的白色长毛小猎犬。

    Small white long-coated terrier developed in Scotland .

  16. 她七岁的短毛猎犬马蒂和两岁大的哈巴小猎犬佩尼很快就要搭乘第一个它们自己的航班了。

    Her seven-year-old terrier-pinscher mix Mardi and2-year-old puggle Penny are taking their first flight soon .

  17. 我的狗是苏格兰小猎犬。

    My dog is a Scotch terrier .

  18. 之前英国最小的狗是来自约克郡一只五英寸高的约克郡小猎犬。

    Previously the smallest dog in the UK was five-inch tall terrier from Hull , Yorkshire .

  19. 你知道吗,为何世上小狗千千万我独爱哈巴小猎犬?

    Do you know why , of all the dogs in the world , I breed puggles ?

  20. 随小猎犬号航行考察

    The Voyage of the Beagle

  21. 她养了条西部高原小猎犬名叫威士忌但不是我们要找的目标

    She 's got a West Highland Terrier called Whisky , not exactly what we 're looking for !

  22. 是条名叫威士忌的西部高原小猎犬夏洛克你怎么会知道

    It is a West Highland Terrier called Whisky . " How do you know that , Sherlock ? "

  23. 在1997年,抗议者把怒火指向了一家为动物试验实验室饲养小猎犬的机构。

    In1997 , for example , protesters directed their anger at Consort Kennels , which bred beagles for animal-testing laboratories .

  24. 当时还只有13岁在操场上踢球,就像是在追逐风中银色纸片的小猎犬。

    He was13 and just floated over the ground like a cocker spaniel chasing a piece of silver paper in the wind .

  25. 达尔文乘小猎犬号去加拉戈斯群岛的活动使他获得了新创建理论的钥匙。

    It was Darwin 's visit on the Beagle to the Galapagos Isles that gave him the key to his new theory .

  26. 我有一那条名字叫做”饼干“的小猎犬。它对高尔夫球场很疯狂。

    My beagle , Cookie , is wild about the golf course , where desert dog walkers like me go to avoid cacti .

  27. 许多人说都不,可是”饼干“(作者的小猎犬名)显然认为两者都重要,我凭什么说他错呢?

    Many would say it 's neither , but Cookie clearly thinks it 's both , and who am I to say he 's wrong ?

  28. 各种犬齿类动物的幼儿,如小狗或小狼。最初在英国由喇叭狗和小猎犬杂交而得一种短毛小猎犬。

    Young of any of various canines such as a dog or wolf . short-haired terrier originated in England by crossing the bulldog with terriers .

  29. 包括用特殊食谱所制作的“进化汤”晚宴,在小猎犬号船上举办的达尔文之旅活动,以及达尔文庆祝活动。

    These include dinner parties with special recipes for evolutionary soup , recreations of Darwin 's journey in his ship the Beagle , and Darwin festivals .

  30. 那天晚上我丈夫回到家,辨认出它是条长耳短腿小猎犬,猜想它不超过3个月大。

    When my husband got home that evening , he recognized the breed & a Beagle puppy , not more than twelve weeks old , he guessed .