- King of Hell;Yama;an extremely cruel and violent person;pluto,king of Hell

[pluto,king of Hell] 同阎罗
There is a court there , presided over by the King of Hell .
" If the king of hell summons you at the third watch , who dares keep you till the fifth ?"
But for your magic hand , I 'd have long kicked the bucket .
When the cat is away , the mice will play .
Is to find the chest of Davy jones , is it not ?
And the best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep .
The immersion fields appeared in the either bank of the reservoir after the reservoir impoundment .
The notorious Hell Row was burned down in a fire , and much dirt was cleansed away .
Not long after the warden deprived us of his company , I got a postcard in the mail .
I ain 't partic'lar as a rule , and I don 't take no blame for settling his hash ;
The King slammed his fist on his desk . " SILENCE ! One killed and the other ate . You 're both equally guilty !"
As soon as Hsin-mei got here as though he were a messenger sent by the King of Hades , you became oblivious to everything else .
There are people who refuse to correct their mistakes , they can take them into their coffins when they go to see the King of Hell .
Though the legend of the Hades , adjudicator and ghost is unreal , the social moralization of rewarding virtue and punishing vice is commended by people .
He became known as " The White Death " because of his white camouflage outfit , and they actually mounted whole missions just to kill that one guy .
A poor peasant climbs to his feet and tells how his father died of starvation because the landlord took his crops to pay a loan made at an interest rate of100 percent .
The reader will have no difficulty in understanding that Javert was the terror of that whole class which the annual statistics of the Ministry of Justice designates under the rubric , Vagrants .
There are two Hells today , the rulers of the Hell of the capitalist world probably remain the same , while Marx , Engels and Lenin rule the Hell of the socialist world .