
  1. 同样创作短篇小说的阎连科去年获布克国际文学奖(ManBookerInternationalPrize)提名,他开玩笑说中国政治领导人是微小说的理想读者。

    Mr. Yan , who was last year shortlisted for a Man Booker International Prize , and also writes short stories , joked that China 's political leaders are their ideal readership .

  2. 阎连科不断探索、挖掘苦难的根。

    Yan Lianke explores and excavates the root of suffering constantly .

  3. 阎连科通过引起国外兴趣突破难关。

    Yan beat the odds just by attracting foreign interest .

  4. 神话世界的创造是阎连科表达自己对历史主义失望的一种方式。

    The creation of mythology is a kind of expression for historical disappointment .

  5. 第三章、阎连科抗争小说的语言特色。

    In Chapter Three , linguistic characteristics of Resistance Novel will be concerned .

  6. 阎连科的乡村小说,在技术层面上的探索由此达到了一个新的高度。

    From then on , Yan 's countryside novels reach a new level .

  7. 如水的歌&关于阎连科《坚硬如水》

    A song like water : Yan Lian-ke s novel Hard as Water ;

  8. 阎连科是一位对小说文体有着高度自觉意识的作家。

    Yan Lianke is a writer with the high consciousness of the fiction style .

  9. 阎连科早期的小说创作集中地运用了这一独特的叙事技巧。

    Yan Lianke used this kind of dead Narration technique in his early novels .

  10. 摘要作为阎连科的一部重要作品,《日光流年》具有一种标本的价值。

    As an important work of Yan lian-ke , Riguang LiuNian has a representative value .

  11. 从方言语汇的重视及人物语言、叙述语言和描写语言的角度具体分析了阎连科抗争小说的语言特色。

    They will be specifically analyzed in dialects speeches narrative language and descriptive language respectively .

  12. 阎连科善于在苦难生存境域中探寻生命的意义和价值。

    Yan Lianke is good at exploring the meaning and value of life in miserable conditions .

  13. 这正是阎连科小说乌托邦叙事的重要意义所在。

    No other than these are important meanings of Utopian narration of Yan Lian-Ke 's novels .

  14. 因此,在阎连科的小说中,时间只是一种循环,呈现出圆形而非线性时间状态。

    Therefore , in his fiction , time is a cycle , not linear but circular .

  15. 认同与批判&乡村政治文化视域中的阎连科小说解析

    Approval and Criticism : Analysis of Novels by Yan Lian-ke from Perspective of Rural Political Culture

  16. 《坚硬如水》延续了阎连科创作中对充满了泥土气息的民间世界的关注。

    The novel Hard as Water shows Yan Lian-ke 's attention to the folk world which is powerless .

  17. 阎连科认为这本书是他最好的作品之一,但大陆的出版社都不敢出版。

    He feels the book is one of his best works , but no mainland publisher will touch it .

  18. 第四章、阎连科抗争小说的思想资源及其抗争叙事的困境。

    In Chapter Four , ideological resources of Resistance Novel and predicament of Resistance Narrative will be focused on .

  19. 探讨了阎连科关于抗争的思考,总结出阎连科的抗争的积极意义和负面因素。

    The thought on resistance will be explored , with the conclusion of resistance 's positive meanings and negative factors .

  20. 阎连科在其乡土作品中对乡间故事的叙述所采用的独特的叙述视角和叙述方式,为乡土作家提供了某种观念和别一种书写形态。

    His unique narration angle and way adopted in country stories offer some idea and other writing style to country writers .

  21. 作为土生土长的河南农民之子,豫西方言则成为了阎连科的终极词汇。

    As a son of a farmer in Henan Province , the dialects of west Henan have become his ultimate diction .

  22. 当前的阎连科小说研究,主要涉及到阎连科小说的文体选择、叙事主题、语言风格等方面。

    At present , the research mainly concerning to his novels of other aspects , just like language style and narrative theme .

  23. 阎连科小说的乌托邦叙事昭示了此一时代文学和精神的重大问题。

    The Utopian narration of Yan Lian-ke 's novels has made clear important problems of literature and spirits to all in this era .

  24. 阎连科对劳马的观点表示赞同,并说如果不再有笑声,那才是文明真正死去的时刻。

    Mr. Yan echoed Mr. Lao 's sentiments , adding that the real death of civilization comes when it no longer has laughter .

  25. 这些小说创作显示了阎连科人物塑造的两个特点对人物的心灵层面、人性层面的深入剖析和强烈的创新意识。

    These works show two distinguishing features of characters in Yan 's novels : deep dissection in characters'mind and soul and humanity ; strong creativity .

  26. 阎连科前期的小说创作呈现出民间写实的认知倾向,接受业已形成的批判传统,并未真正找到属于自己的精神故乡。

    Yanlianke 's preliminary novels show a realistic understanding of civil tendency , accepting criticism of already established tradition , without finding his own spiritual home .

  27. 这也许能为阎连科小说研究拓展出一个新的视角,从而丰富和补充对阎连科小说的研究。

    This may provide a new angle of view for the study about Yan Lianke ' sfictions , and enriching and add to his novel research .

  28. 军旅作家阎连科除了书写部队生活之外,还写了不少农村生活题材的小说和描写市井文化风情的小说。

    The army writer Yan Lianke not only writes stories about the army life , but also novels about life in rural areas and of common people .

  29. 但是,很少将他的长篇小说作成一个整体进行阐释,其中,对阎连科作品的狂欢精神的探讨尤其欠缺。

    However , few has explained his novels as a whole , in which , the exploration of the carnival spirit in his work is in particularly short .

  30. 阎连科让身体在场,让身体处于日常生活中的中心地位,成为一切社会符号与意义的承担者。

    Yan brings body on the scene , puts it in the centre of the ordinary everyday living and makes it the embodiment of all social symbols and meaning .