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yán luó
  • Yama;Yama Raja;upright law-executor;an extremely cruel and violent person
阎罗 [yán luó]
  • (1) [ Yama Raja ]∶地狱之王。梵语 Yamarāja音译阎魔罗阇的简称。义译为平等王,或译为缚,即缚罪人之义

  • (2) [upright law-executor]∶旧时比喻刚正、不畏权势的执法官

  • (3) [an extremely cruel and violent person]∶比喻极凶恶的人

阎罗[yán luó]
  1. 就是阎罗王狰狞面目,他见了都不会浑身发抖的。

    Even the awful presence of death struck no solemn chill upon him .

  2. 这是阎罗第一次以真面貌现身。

    This is first time Yan Lo has shown up in person .

  3. 阎罗王还不想见你。

    You 're not in the dead man 's seat .

  4. 我要让阎罗王知道谁送你下地狱。

    So the devil will know who sent you .

  5. 现在轮到你去抗击阎罗了。

    It is your turn to defeat Yan lo .

  6. 阎罗被永远地毁灭了。

    Yan Lo has been destroyed forever .

  7. 有一个人死后,在去阎罗殿的路上,遇见一座金碧辉煌的宫殿。

    A man died and was on his way to another world , either the Heaven or the hell .

  8. 在阎罗王的领导下,这批鬼官吏们负责办理一切鬼魂投胎转世的事务。

    The ghost officials are in charge of the rebirth of the ghosts under the overall leadership of Yama .

  9. 死后,由于他有这麽多年的经验,阎罗王便也派他为法官。

    After death , since he had so many years of experience , the grand ruler of the ghost world also appointed him a judge .

  10. 有一个人很吝啬,叫吝啬鬼,他死了以后下地狱,阎罗王骂他说:

    When a very miserly man nicknamed the " stingy ghost " died and went to hell , the Yama King reproached him , saying ,

  11. 陆法官现在阴间被公认为最公正无私及最受尊敬的法官之一,也很得阎罗王的信任。

    Judge Lu now was well known as one of the most impartial and honorable judges in the world of ghosts and had won the trust of the grand ruler .

  12. 汉文摩尼教典籍中的“平等王”并非如某些学者所言,相当于中国佛教中的“阎罗王”,而应是该教的主神之一“夷数”,其原型来自基督教的“耶稣”。

    As one of main gods in Manichaeism , King of the justice in Chinese classics of Manichaeism was not the King of Hell in Chinese Buddhism but was Yishu , which originated from Jenus Christ .

  13. 除了阎罗王坐在大殿的后面外,他的旁边站立著四位官员,一位法官站在前面,八个卫士面向著他站立。

    Besides the grand ruler of the ghost world sitting in the back , there were four officials standing next to him , and a judge stood in the front with eight soldiers standing to face him .