
  1. 阎尔梅诗歌风格因体裁不同、内容不同而不尽一致,格律诗谨严,声调沉雄;

    Yan 's poems differ in types of literature and contents .

  2. 阎尔梅是清初遗民诗界具有独特个性和鲜明创作特性的诗人。

    Yan Ermei was a poet with the unique individuality and the bright creation characteristic during the beginning of Qing dynast .

  3. 阎尔梅在诗歌创作过程中运用了大量的典故,他借古圣人贤士抒一己之情。

    Yan Ermei used many historical literary reference in the poetry creation process . He expressed his sentiment by taking advantage of the ancient sage .

  4. 可以说,对于清廷,阎尔梅自始至终都没有接受,他始终以大明人自称,拒仕清廷。

    It can be said that Yan Ermei had never accepted the Qing government from beginning to end . He always regarded himself as the Ming Dynasty person .

  5. 阎尔梅才华横溢,有远大的理想抱负和满腔热情,虽仕途遭挫,依然乐观积极。

    Yan Ermei was scintillated , had the broad ideal aspiration and was full of enthusiasm . Although his official career suffered frustrates , he was still optimistic .