
  1. 然后,巨大的阎真将出现在画板上蓝色。

    Then , the huge Yan Zhen will appear in blue on the drawing board .

  2. 市场化下人文精神的缺失&读阎真的《沧浪之水》

    The Shortage of Humanity Spirits in the Era of Market Economy & On Reading Yan Zhen s " The Dark Green Water ";

  3. 阎真是一位坚持艺术本位的作家,可以说,《因为女人》在艺术上取得了成功。

    Yan is really an arts-based writers insist , can be said , " Because You are a Woman " has been successful in art .

  4. 湖南作家阎真通过其长篇小说《沧浪之水》表达了自己对转型期知识分子问题的思考和忧虑。

    Yan Zhen , a writer of Huan , expresses his own thought and anxiety about the problem of intellectuals in a changing historical period in his novel Green Water .

  5. 阎真的语言艺术是其作品不可分割的血肉,是使主题内涵得以完美呈现的主要因素,因此是不可忽略的,也是极具研究价值的。

    Yan is really the language arts is an integral flesh of his ' work , is to make the perfect theme to show content of the main factors , and therefore can not be neglected , is of great research value .