
  1. 最后,赵小明表示,相信通过不懈努力,张家界将处处实践“纯净空气,让城市更清新”的理念,成为享誉世界的国际风景旅游度假城市。

    Finally , Zhao noted that after taking unremitting efforts , Zhangjiajie will turn itself into a a world-renowned international scenic city under the concept of " Fresher Air , Fresher City " .

  2. 赵小明如此对记者解释,我们要通过世博会向世界倡导“纯净空气,让城市更清新”的理念,唤起人民珍惜、保护、利用好纯净空气。

    Zhao explained that we should arouse the awareness of cherishing , protecting , and utilizing pure air in terms of using the Expo to advocate the concept of Fresher Air , Fresher City .