
  1. 赵构历史上被称为“宋高宗”。

    Zhaogou is known historically as Emperor Gaozong .

  2. 赵构仍然称呼他的政权为“大宋”并立国号“建炎”,这其实就是我们所知的南宋。

    Zhao Gou still called his regime the " Great Song " , which became known as the Southern Song , and chose the reign title of Jianyan .

  3. 金国不得不按时小秦同志说,如果高宗赵构同志没有能力整顿内部,他们就把两个皇帝放回来整顿。

    Qin Jin small time comrades have said that if the Emperor can not afford to rectify Zhaogou internal comrades , they had put back to straighten out the two emperors .

  4. 同年,宋钦宗的弟弟赵构在金国撤军后于应天府(今南京)继承帝位,之后他迁都临安(浙江省杭州西城)。

    In the same year , Zhao Gou , the younger brother of Song Emperor Qinzong , ascended the throne in Yingtianfu ( today 's Nanjing ) after the withdrawal of the Jin troops , and later moved the capital to Lin'an ( western Hangzhou City of Zhejiang Province ) .