
  • 网络Li Yuanhao;Emperor Jingzong of Western Xia;Hedley
  1. 西夏是中国历史上以党项族为主体建立的王朝,建都兴庆府(今宁夏银川),开国皇帝为夏景宗李元昊。

    Founded by Li Yuanhao , known as Emperor Jingzong , the Western Xia was a dynasty of the Dangxiang people , with its capital in the Xingqing Prefecture ( now Yinchuan in Ningxia ) .

  2. 西夏建国后,景宗李元昊更加重视农业生产的发展,大力兴修水利工程,并亲自主持修筑了从今青铜峡至平罗的灌渠,世称“昊王渠”或“李王渠”。

    Emperor Jingzong ( Li Yuanhao ) placed even higher emphasis on agricultural development . He not only had large-scale irrigation works built , but also personally took charge of the building of a canal from the Qingtong Gorge to Pingluo , called MKing Hao Canar , or " King Li Canal . "

  3. 随后,李元昊实行变发式、定服饰、造文字、简礼仪、立官制等一系列改革,并升兴州为兴庆府,扩建宫城,准备建国称帝。

    Li Yuanhao then carried out a series of reform , including changing the hairstyle , the dress code , creating a written language , simplifying ceremonies and setting up an administrative system . At the same time , he made Xingzhou the Xingqing Prefecture , enlarged his palace and made preparations for declaring himself emperor .