
  • 网络Needham Puzzle;the needham problem;needham question
  1. 李约瑟难题研究述评

    Review of the Studies on the Joseph Needham Puzzle

  2. 李约瑟难题与社会文化语境

    Needham Puzzle and Socio - cultural Context

  3. 李约瑟难题的经典解答及理论启示

    Classical explanation and theoretical enlightenment of " Needham difficult problem "

  4. 从李约瑟难题谈科学精神

    Talk about the Scientific Spirit from " J.Needham ' Problem "

  5. 在儒家思想中求解李约瑟难题

    Trying to solve the Needham Problem in the Thought of Confucian School

  6. 这就是学术界所说的“李约瑟难题”。

    This is the question " Needham Question " noted by academic circles .

  7. 关于李约瑟难题的制度经济学解析&基于比较研究视角

    Analysis of Needham 's Grand Question on Institutional Economics & Based on Comparative Study

  8. 这是著名的李约瑟难题。

    This is the famous Needham difficult problem .

  9. 从科学精神看上层建筑&兼论李约瑟难题

    Viewing on Superstructure from the Spirit of Science

  10. 用系统方法求李约瑟难题之解

    Resolving J.Needham 's Problem with System Method

  11. 李约瑟难题Ⅰ涉及的历史观问题及一个尝试性解释

    The Issue of Historical Conception Involved in Explaining Needham Puzzle ⅰ and A Tentative Solution

  12. “李约瑟难题”具有很高的学术价值,主要体现在两个方面。

    " Needham problem " of high academic value , mainly reflected in two aspects .

  13. 论知识产权法制对李约瑟难题的破解

    The Needham Problem and Intellectual Property Law

  14. 李约瑟难题的再探索

    Re-exploration of Joseph Lee 's Puzzle

  15. 从儒家科技伦理视角看李约瑟难题

    Thoughts of " Needham 's Puzzle " from the Perspective of Confucian Science and Technological Ethics

  16. 数学视角下的李约瑟难题

    The Needham Problem in Mathematical Perspective

  17. 也只有如此,才能终结包括关于李约瑟难题的争论在内的文化比较的争论。

    Also only in this way deputes on cultural comparison including Needham puzzle could be terminated .

  18. 甚至中国人都自己采用这个名称,在学术界称作李约瑟难题。

    Even the Chinese themselves use it : the phrase in Mandarin is Li Yuese nanti .

  19. 开普勒三定律发现的启示&兼谈李约瑟难题

    Revelation from the foundation of the Kepler Laws & A discussion on the Joseph Needham 's Problem

  20. 从科学的构成看科学与经验的关系&也谈李约瑟难题

    On the Relations between Science and Experience & Discussing " N . Joseph Puzzle " as well

  21. 数的观念与治道传统&兼论李约瑟难题

    Ancient Concept of Number and Traditional Way of Governance : A Compatible Study on Joseph Needham 's Problem

  22. 进入21世纪,李约瑟难题仍然是学界讨论的热点之一。

    In the 21st century , continual probes into Needham Puzzle in academic community are still going on .

  23. 从李约瑟难题到席文的中国17世纪科学革命说

    From " the Needham Problem " to Sivin 's theory of the scientific revolution in the 17th-century China

  24. 从李约瑟难题看科举选才对我国科学技术发展的影响

    On the Influence of the Civil-service Examination System on Our Country 's Sci-tech Development from the Needham Puzzle

  25. 这是“李约瑟难题”带给我们的启示,同时也是本研究的意义所在。

    This is the enlightenment of Needham Puzzle to us and the significance of the author 's research .

  26. 刍议近代中国科技落后的文化原因&李约瑟难题再探

    On the Cultural Root of the Scientific and Technological Backward in Modern Times in China & Reexamine Needham Thesis

  27. 本文从对“李约瑟难题”的关注开始,然而研究的目的却并不在于为解决问题提供一个一劳永逸的答案。

    Though with the care of Needham Puzzle , the research is not meant to provide a permanent solution .

  28. 这一关于科学革命和中国科学技术演化状态的比较问题称为李约瑟难题。

    The relative problems about scientific revolution and evolvement of Chinese science and technology are called " the Needham problem " .

  29. 从社会的科学能力看李约瑟难题试从中国传统思维方式角度解李约瑟难题

    Solve NEEDHAM problem by Social Capacity of Science On Solution to Joseph Needham Problem from the Perspective of Traditional Chinese Mode of Thinking

  30. 因此提出以“物极必反”的必然性与偶然性的结合来解释“李约瑟难题”,算是一种新的说法,是否合理,有待于继续研究、讨论。

    The new view was put forward , which is that Joseph Needham 's difficult problem is explained by the union of certainty and chance .