
  • 网络LEAR;Leal
  1. 我看见了这个美丽的湖清晰,李尔水。

    I saw the beautiful lake with clean and lear water .

  2. 沈阳李尔公司精益生产系统设计与实施

    The Design on LEAN Manufacturing System for the Company of Lear Shenyang

  3. 唰,唰,李尔王柳、巴斯噶的思想。

    whisk , whisk , King Lear and the Thoughts of Pascal .

  4. 我得走了,得去救詹姆斯李尔了。

    Gotta go . I think I may have to rescue James leer .

  5. 孩子们爱李尔先生,也爱他的诗歌。

    The children loved Mr Lear and his poems .

  6. 李尔像你这样不能在我面前曲意承欢,还不如当初没有生下你来的好。

    Better thou hadst not been born than not to have pleased me better .

  7. 李尔公司中国区已经开设了十二家分公司,主要产品是汽车内饰件。

    Lear Corporation has established thirteen branches in China . The main products are automotive interiors parts .

  8. 而剩下的部件,则来自类似德尔福、博格华纳、李尔等跨国供应商。

    The remaining components are from multinational suppliers such as Delphi , Borg Warner , and Lear .

  9. 这些表明李尔和其三个女儿之间的权势关系中,李尔享有绝对权势。

    These findings indicate the power relation between Lear and his three daughters , in which Lear enjoys absolute priority .

  10. 高纳里尔的丈夫开始替自己解释起来,希望李尔不要以为他参加了这种不义的行为。

    Goneril 's husband began to excuse himself for any share which Lear might suppose he had in the unkindness .

  11. 本文试通过分析李尔胡说诗的主题和形式的特点来揭示其独特的艺术魅力。

    This essay intends to display the aesthetic charm of Lear 's nonsense verse through analyzing its themes and forms .

  12. 加拿大庞巴迪公司正在投资超过6亿美元来扩大其在堪萨斯州威奇托市的李尔喷气机工厂的规模。

    The Canadian company Bombardier is investing more than $ 600 million to expand its Learjet facility in Wichita , Kansas .

  13. 我告诉他,我为李尔的女儿贡纳莉和里根的背叛感到多么抱歉。

    I told him about how sorry I felt for Lear because he was betrayed by his daughters Goneril and Regan .

  14. 相反,李尔和考狄利娅的死亡不再意味着肉体的消亡或人生的失败,而是圆满的精神救赎。

    On the contrary , the death of Cordelia and Lear is the satisfactory spiritual redemption which surpass the corporeal destruction .

  15. 如今,李尔做起对他自己最不利的事来了,国王的这个忠实臣仆也没有忘记他一贯的原则。

    Nor now that Lear was most his own enemy , did this faithful servant of the king forget his old principles .

  16. 一开始,李尔顿以为这只朝他在北约克夏史基普顿家中飞来、脏兮兮的小鸟迷了路。

    At first , Dino Reardon thought the bedraggled bird running towards him at his home in Skipton , North Yorkshire , was a stray .

  17. 李尔在美国、墨西哥、英国、意大利、瑞典、德国、印度、菲律宾及澳大利亚等国家均拥有先进的技术中心。

    LEAR has its advanced Technology Centers in America , Mexico , UK , Italy , sweden , Germany , India , Philippine and Australia etc.

  18. 李尔的性格构成十分复杂,坚强与自省是其中的正面因素,它们共同成就了李尔的伟大转变。

    Tenacity and introspection are the positive factors in the complicated composition of his character , and it is these positive factors that bring about Lears great transformation .

  19. 李尔开始觉察出他那个不肖女儿对他冷淡,越来越不尊敬他,然而这个糊涂而且溺爱的父亲的遭遇还不仅仅这些。

    The coolness and falling off of respect which Lear had begun to perceive , were not all which this foolish fond father was to suffer from his unworthy daughter .

  20. 在米歇尔·福柯审美决定论的基础上,文章分析了《李尔王》中李尔从国王走向疯癫最终死亡的过程。

    Based on the aesthetic opinion of Michel Foucault , this paper focuses on the analysis of the transformation of the identity of King Lear in Shakespeares tragedy King Lear .

  21. 作者认为,《李尔王》以李尔和考狄利娅悲惨死去为结局并不是诗歌正义性的缺失,而是莎士比亚的精心安排,是人文主义与信仰交织的结果。

    The death of Lear and Cordelia is not the absence of " poetic justice " but an elaborate arrangement by Shakespeare . It is the result of reflection on humanism and Christianity .

  22. 李尔很生气,残酷地扭曲了她的话,并且剥夺了唯一真正爱自己的女儿的继承权。不幸的是,他不久后被他那两个曾经宣称崇拜自己超过世界上任何事物的女儿逐出了自己的王国。

    Lear is deeply offended and , in a cruel twist of irony , disinherits the only child who truly loved him . Sadly , he later gets kicked out of his own kingdom by the two daughters who claimed to adore him more than anything in the world .