
xū gòu
  • fabricate;make up;fiction;fabrication;make-believe;fable;invention;invent;confabulation;romance;concoct
虚构 [xū gòu]
  • [make up;fabricate] 凭想像编造出来

  • 他凭自己的灵感虚构了这个故事

  • [fabrication] 捏造,伪造

  • 你所说的纯属虚构

虚构[xū gòu]
  1. 小说通过虚构故事,与社会真实相互印证,形成特殊的对话关系。

    Dialogue between the novels and the social reality were established through the fabricate story .

  2. 伪造的信用卡除了具有信用卡的外在特征,本质在于虚构了持卡人与发卡行之间的信用关系。

    The essence of the forged credit card is to fabricate credit relations between the cardholder and the card issuers .

  3. 我小说中的人物和地点纯属虚构。

    All the places and characters in my novel are fictitious .

  4. 这部传记有时混淆了事实和虚构。

    This biography sometimes crosses the borderline between fact and fiction .

  5. 在他最近的惊险小说中,真实和虚构交织在一起。

    Fact and fiction merge together in his latest thriller .

  6. 区别真实和虚构是重要的。

    It 's important to distinguish fact from fiction .

  7. 关于他的传闻多属虚构。

    Most of the stories about him are apocryphal .

  8. 这个故事显然完全是虚构的。

    This story is apparently a complete invention .

  9. 这本书事实和虚构并存。

    The book intermingles fact with fiction .

  10. 这本书事实和虚构并存。

    The book intermingles fact and fiction .

  11. 这个故事几乎肯定是虚构的。

    The story is almost certainly false .

  12. 这些故事纯属虚构。

    These stories have no foundation .

  13. 这部作品中描述的人物和事件均属虚构。

    The persons and events portrayed in this production are fictitious .

  14. 阿尔弗顿是一个虚构的地处西撒克斯丘陵的村庄。

    Ulverton is a fictional village on the Wessex Downs .

  15. 我们如何将事实与虚构区分开呢?

    How do we sort out fact from fiction ?

  16. 最根本的问题在于他们无法分清现实和虚构。

    The fundamental problem lies in their inability to distinguish between reality and invention

  17. 有可能把事实与虚构分开吗?

    Is it possible to separate truth from fiction ?

  18. 他儿子并没有虚构此事。

    His son hadn 't dreamed it up .

  19. 这个故事当然特别受欢迎,但它无疑纯属虚构。

    The story was certainly a favourite one , but it was undoubtedly pure invention .

  20. 几乎所有小说中的侦探都是虚构的。

    Almost all fictional detectives are unreal .

  21. 这个故事纯属虚构。

    There is no truth in this story

  22. 虚构和现实越来越难以区分了。

    Fiction and reality were increasingly blurred

  23. 围绕着许许多多或真实或虚构的人物,产生了一些不可思议、荒诞离奇的传说。

    Unlikely and fantastic legends grew up around a great many figures , both real and fictitious

  24. 这部戏剧中的人物是虚构的。

    It is drama featuring fictional characters

  25. 格林的小说带有现实主义色彩,很容易让人忘记它们是虚构的。

    Greene 's stories had an edge of realism that made it easy to forget they were fiction

  26. 他对该城历史的再现是可信的,虚构的小说情节隐念着一些事实作为支撑。

    His recreation of the city is credible , with a substratum of fact to bolster the fiction .

  27. 小时候妈妈对我讲的那个故事是虚构的。

    The story my mother told me when I was young is fictitious .

  28. 虽然是虚构的,但是在她看来好像是解决了问题。

    Albeit fictional , she seemed to have resolved the problem .

  29. 在虚构的故事中,美满婚姻比现实生活中更为常见。

    Happy marriage may be more common in fiction than in real life .

  30. 这本书中所有人物都是虚构的。

    All the characters in the book are imaginary .