
  • 网络Venture Capitalist
  1. 知名华裔风险资本家李世默(EricLi)表示,特朗普的成功不利于中国的自由派改革者。

    Eric Li , a leading Chinese venture capitalist , says Mr Trump 's success has undercut liberal reformists in China .

  2. 接下来是金州勇士队(GoldenStateWarriors)去年被风险资本家乔•莱科布(KleinerPerkins,KPCB)以4.5亿美元收至麾下。

    Next up was the Golden State Warriors , acquired last year for $ 450 million by venture capitalist Joe lacob ( Kleiner Perkins ) .

  3. 北部则属于科学,属于晶体管等硬件,以及那些在沙山路(SandHillRoad)商业园工作、在不断扩张的广大郊区居住、衣着休闲的风险资本家。

    in the north was science , hardware such as the transistor and chino-clad venture capitalists who worked in business parks on Sand Hill Road and lived in sprawling suburbia .

  4. 去年的《财富》头脑风暴技术大会期间,风险资本家/好奇顽童彼得•泰尔将谷歌(Google)的埃里克•施密特以及所有胸无大志的人斥为懒惰的无梦者。

    Last year , at fortune brainstorm tech , venture capitalist / enfant terrible Peter Thiel took Eric Schmidt , Google , and basically anyone not dreaming-up hugely ambitious projects to task for being lazy non-dreamers .

  5. 南部是制造幻想和想象的梦想工厂;北部则属于科学,属于晶体管等硬件,以及那些在沙山路(SandHillRoad)商业园工作、在不断扩张的广大郊区居住、衣着休闲的风险资本家。

    To the south was the dream factory of fantasy and imagination ; in the north was science , hardware such as the transistor and chino-clad venture capitalists who worked in business parks on Sand Hill Road and lived in sprawling suburbia .

  6. 突然之间,当风险资本家前来拜访一家初创企业时,也会顺便拜访一下Profitably。

    All of a sudden , when venture capitalists came to visit a startup down the hall , they came to visit profitably too .

  7. 此外,社会网络服务网站聚友(MySpace)创始人汤姆•安德森居住在洛杉矶,而风险资本家、前谷歌(Google)员工克里斯•萨加居住在加州特拉基市(距离帕洛阿尔托北200多英里)。

    Moreover , MySpace founder Tom Anderson lives in Los Angeles , while venture capitalist / ex-googler Chris sacca resides in Truckee , California ( a mere 200 + miles north of Palo Alto ) .

  8. Yagi表示,为了不影响造福社会的决心,他拒绝了风险资本家的投资。

    Mr Yagi says he turned down investment from venture capitalists so as not to compromise his commitment to doing social good .

  9. 当天晚些时候,一名风险资本家讲述了他自己的企业在优步(Uber)首次募集资金时拒绝了它的事情,称那个决定是“一次令人惋惜的想象力失灵”。

    Later that day one venture capitalist described his own firm 's decision to turn down Uber when it was first raising money as " a lamentable failure of imagination . "

  10. 美国风险资本家薛蛮子(CharlesXue)的微博账户上周六发布了近八个月以来的首批信息。他在微博上的言论曾经是中国数百万社交媒体用户必读的内容。

    Messages posted on Saturday were the first in nearly eight months from the account of Charles Xue , an American venture capitalist whose remarks on Weibo were once a must-read for millions of Chinese social media users .

  11. 风险资本家表示,随着私人科技公司急于利用两年多来股市对首次公开发行(ipo)产生兴趣的第一波迹象获利,硅谷(siliconvalley)即将出现一轮新的上市热潮。

    Silicon Valley is on the verge of a new bout of Wall Street fever , as private technology companies rush to cash in on the first signs of stock market interest in initial public offerings for more than two years , according to venture capitalists .

  12. 他们也相信“当技术的快速变化对我们的美国同胞造成了伤害时”,我们有责任与受影响的社区进行合作”。签名者包括风险资本家艾琳•李(AileenLee);

    They also accepted " a responsibility to partner with communities where the effects of rapidly changing technologies have hurt our fellow Americans . " Among those signing were Aileen Lee , a venture capitalist ;

  13. 西雅图的风险资本家马特•麦基尔韦恩(MattMcIlwain)说,纳德拉的人缘特别好,他得到了公司内部“普遍的喜爱和尊敬”。

    But Mr Nadella , in particular , is " universally liked and respected " inside the company , says Matt McIlwain , a Seattle-based venture capitalist .

  14. 每年,脑子里装着“下一个大公司”的企业家们的商业计划书像洪水般涌向风险资本家那里。但是伦敦商学院的JohnMullins在华尔街时报上说,大部分商业计划书根本就没有得到充分的阅读。

    Each year , entrepreneurs with ideas for the " next big thing " But John Mullins of the London Business School , writing in the Wall Street Journal , says most business plans are never even fully read .

  15. Facebook董事、风险资本家皮特•泰尔(PeterThiel)说:“硅谷没有察觉到欧洲不断加剧的担忧情绪。它非常重要,而硅谷却严重低估了它。”

    Peter Thiel , a start-up investor and Facebook director , said : " Silicon Valley is quite oblivious to the degree to which this crescendo of concern is building up in Europe . It 's an extremely important thing and Silicon Valley is underestimating it badly . "

  16. 眼下时兴对风险资本家严加讨伐,一如泡沫言论般如火如荼。

    VC bashing , like bubble-talk , is clearly in vogue .

  17. 一般说来,公司是由管理层来经营管理,而非风险资本家。

    Venture capitalists generally do not run companies ; managements do .

  18. 风险资本家的作用:合同、筛选和监督

    Use of Venture Capitalists : Contracts , Screening and Supervision

  19. 马特斯表示:在这里,风险资本家的做法完全不同。

    The venture capitalists here have a completely different approach .

  20. 风险资本家与企业家间双重道德风险的研究

    A study of the double moral hazard for venture capitalists and entrepreneurs

  21. 和风险资本家,收取他们5或50美元的费用

    and VCs and charge them $ 5 or $ 50

  22. 罗塞尔•阿姆斯特朗是投资银行家及风险资本家。

    Russell Armstrong was an investment banker and venture capitalist .

  23. 而如今中国的风险资本家比美国还多。

    Today , China has more venture capitalists than the U.S.

  24. 问题是中国的风险资本家大多缺乏经验。

    The problem is that China 's venture capitalists are largely inexperienced .

  25. 我现在的工作是卫生保健风险资本家。

    I now work as a health-care venture capitalist .

  26. 但中国有更大比例的风险资本家正投资于创新型商业模式。

    But a higher percentage in China is investing in innovative business models .

  27. 风险资本家对企业管理层的增股激励是风险投资的一种常用的激励模式。

    Giving stocks to entrepreneurial is a common incentive method in venture firms .

  28. 中国的风险资本家喜欢在企业已经赢利之后参与投资。

    Chinese venture capitalists like to get involved when the companies are already profitable .

  29. 但他指出,德国重要的风险资本家都是美国人。

    But the important venture capitalists in Germany are American , he points out .

  30. 风险资本家的道德风险问题研究

    The Study on Moral Hazard of Venture Capitalist