
  • 网络venture capital firm;venture capital company;vc firm
  1. 本文作者杰弗里•巴斯冈是风险投资公司飞桥资本合伙公司(FlybridgeCapitalPartners)的一般合伙人。

    Jeffrey Bussgang is general partner at venture capital firm Flybridge Capital Partners .

  2. 布拉德福德甚至还在硅谷著名的风险投资公司红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)做了9个月的投资者。

    Bradford even spent nine months at Sequoia Capital , the high-flying Silicon Valley venture capital firm , as an investor .

  3. 所以,瓦沙夫斯卡娅向风险投资公司FirstRoundCapital寻求帮助,后者建立的社交网络是她最重要的资源之一。

    So she turned to one of her most important resources : the first round capital network .

  4. 高地风险投资公司(ElevationPartners):2.02亿美元(继续持有的股票价值13.2亿美元)

    Elevation partners : $ 202 million ( $ 1.32 billion remaining )

  5. 本文作者拉里•陈(@larryvc)是波士顿风险投资公司VolitionCapital的合伙人。

    Larry cheng ( @ larryvc ) is a partner with Boston-based VC firm volition capital .

  6. 杜兰特刚刚签下了一份价值1.64亿美元的四年合同,他拥有一家投资公司——“ThirtyFive”风险投资公司。

    Durant , who just signed a four-year contract worth $ 164 million , owns an investment company , Thirty Five Ventures .

  7. 既然塔吉特(Target)可以先于少女的父亲知道她已经怀孕,那么,风险投资公司也应该有能力在初创公司诞生之前,便锁定潜在的创始人。

    If Target can figure out a teen girl was pregnant before her father did , venture firms should be able to identify founders before they start companies .

  8. 以色列风险投资公司英飞尼迪集团(InfinityGroup)就拥有12个基金,其中10个直接关系到中国不同的城市。

    Infinity Group , an Israeli venture-capital firm , has12 funds , ten of which have direct ties to different Chinese cities .

  9. 该平台得到了包括GenenralCatalyst、IVP和SparkCapital在内的许多风险投资公司的支持。

    It has persuaded venture capital firms including General Catalyst , IVP and Spark Capital to support its platform .

  10. 其中一半的投资来自美国的风险投资公司,如阿塞尔伙伴公司(AccelPartners)和合广资本(UnionSquareCapital)。

    Half of that money was supplied by US venture firms , such as Accel Partners and Union Square Capital .

  11. 最终,这个开发过程花了1400万美元,资金主要来自风险投资公司TridentCapital和iDVenturesAmerica。

    Eventually the startup scored $ 14 million , mainly from venture capital firms Trident Capital and iD Ventures America .

  12. 优步的投资者包括高盛(GoldmanSachs)、风险投资公司Benchmark以及沙特阿拉伯的主权财富基金。

    Uber 's investors include Goldman Sachs , Benchmark , and Saudi Arabia 's sovereign wealth fund .

  13. 与杜尔、布林站在一起的还有安德森-霍罗维茨风险投资公司的马克•安德森和GoogleVentures的比尔•玛利斯。

    Doerr and Brin were joined by Marc Andreessen , of Andreessen Horowitz and bill Maris , of Google ventures .

  14. 风险投资公司MeritechCapitalPartners:3.06亿美元(继续持有的股票价值12.3亿美元)

    Meritech Capital Partners : $ 306 million ( $ 1.23 billion remaining )

  15. 格雷厄姆的邮件立刻让人想起了风险投资公司红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)在2008年年末金融危机期间所作的一次情况演示说明。

    Mr. Graham 's letter immediately recalled a presentation by venture-capital firm Sequoia Capital in late 2008 during the financial crisis .

  16. 由于股票市场上的首次公开发行(ipo)活动实际上已陷于停顿,这加大了风险投资公司面临的压力。

    As stock markets are in effect shut for initial public offerings , it adds more pressure on venture capital firms .

  17. 日本证券公司建立风险投资公司,通过策略性投资争取IPO市场潜在发行企业。

    Japanese securities companies establish venture capital firms and make strategic investment to obtain potential issuing firms in the IPO market .

  18. 本月初,该公司从通用催化剂风险投资公司(GeneralCatalystPartners)和光速风险投资公司(LightspeedVenturePartners)等公司获得了2700万美元的投资。

    Earlier this month , the company raised $ 27 million in funding from venture capital firms like general catalyst partners and Lightspeed venture partners .

  19. RobGo是NextView风险投资公司的联合创始人。这是一家种子期投资公司,专注于互联网创新应用。

    Rob Go is co-founder of NextView Ventures , a seed-stage investment firm focused on Internet-enabled innovation .

  20. 2010年10月,SpecificMedia收购了一家视频广告网络BroadbandEnterprises,后者曾从一家名叫VelocityInteractiveGroup的风险投资公司那里募集到风险投资。

    In October 2010 , specific bought broadband enterprises , a video ad network that had raised venture capital from a firm – velocity interactive group – where Miller had briefly been a partner .

  21. 该基金的其他有限合伙人包括知名的凯鹏华盈风险投资公司(KleinerPerkins)、格雷洛克风险投资公司(Greylock)和红杉资本投资公司(SequoiaCapital)。

    Others will include VC firms like Kleiner Perkins , Greylock and Sequoia Capital .

  22. 现任风险投资公司XGVentures创始合伙人(与原谷歌员工安德里亚o祖瑞克合作)。

    now , a founding partner at XG Ventures ( with ex-Googler Andrea Zurek ) .

  23. 买入Skype股份的投资集团由硅谷最著名的科技板块私人股本公司SilverLake牵头,还包括两家风险投资公司。

    The investor group is led by Silver Lake , Silicon Valley 's most prominent technology private equity firm , and includes two venture capital firms .

  24. R公司是北京一家高新技术公司,创立于1999年。R公司集中国的三种典型公司特征于一身:第一,R公司是风险投资公司投资创立的,诞生于IT泡沫高涨之时;

    Company R is a high technology company , founded in 1999 . Company R holds three typical features of china company : first , Company R is founded through venture capital ;

  25. 这家只有四年历史的公司最近刚刚从FoundryGroup铸造集团、星火投资(SparkCapital)和诺维斯特风险投资公司(NorwestVenturePartners)那里募集了3000万美元的风险投资。

    The four-year-old company had just recently raised $ 30 million in venture capital from the foundry group , spark capital , and Norwest venture partners .

  26. 本文作者马特·哈里斯(MattHarris)是VillageVentures的联合创始人和公司董事合伙人。VillageVentures是一家初期风险投资公司,旗下管理着1.75亿美元的资金。

    Matt Harris is co-founder and Managing General Partner of Village Ventures , an early stage venture capital firm with over $ 175M under management .

  27. 他还称,自己已经成为基准投资公司(BenchmarkCapital)与风险投资公司SoftTechVC旗下风投基金的有限合伙人。

    He also said that he had become a limited partner in VC funds managed by benchmark capital and softtechvc .

  28. 不妨谈谈你对安德森-霍罗维茨风险投资公司(AndreessenHorowitz)的仰慕之情吧。

    Then just mention how much you admire Andreessen Horowitz .

  29. 事实上,复星现在充当的是一家私人直接投资公司,它同Carlyle和PrudentialFinancial建立风险投资公司。

    Fosun is acting , in effect , as a private-equity firm , and has set up investment ventures with both Carlyle and Prudential Financial .

  30. 福布斯家族和公司的二股东&高地风险投资公司(ElevationPartners)已经启动了一项紧急计划,重塑公司的业务,并与借款人重修旧好。

    The family and the minority owner , elevation partners , began an emergency plan to restructure the business and get back in the good graces of its lenders .