
jīn zhōu yǒnɡ shì duì
  • Golden State Warriors
  1. 当时,在第三节还剩下4分25秒时金州勇士队领先雷霆队18分。

    At the time , the Golden State Warriors were up 18 on the Thunder with 4 minutes , 25 seconds left in Saturday 's third quarter .

  2. 18年NBA总决赛,金州勇士队完成了对克利夫兰骑士队的横扫。

    The Golden State Warriors managed to finish their sweep of the Cleveland Cavaliers in the 2018 NBA Finals .

  3. 众所周知,在金州勇士队的史蒂芬-库里大热之前,雷-阿伦都曾是NBA里最伟大的投手。

    It 's no secret that Allen was the greatest shooter in NBA history until Golden State Warriors point guard Stephen Curry got hot .

  4. 据来自NBA联盟的消息,金州勇士队的后卫史蒂芬·库里将会连续第二个赛季被选为NBA最有价值球员。

    Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry will be named NBA Most Valuable Player for a second straight season , according to league sources .

  5. 接下来是金州勇士队(GoldenStateWarriors)去年被风险资本家乔•莱科布(KleinerPerkins,KPCB)以4.5亿美元收至麾下。

    Next up was the Golden State Warriors , acquired last year for $ 450 million by venture capitalist Joe lacob ( Kleiner Perkins ) .

  6. 当地时间16日,金州勇士队以105比97击败勒布朗·詹姆斯领衔的克里夫兰骑士队,40年来首次夺得NBA总冠军。

    The Golden State Warriors beat LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers 105-97 on Tuesday to win the NBA Finals for the first time in 40 years .

  7. 周二,金州勇士队的后卫史蒂芬·库里成为NBA历史上第一个全票当选的最有价值球员,这也是他连续第二年获此奖项。

    Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry became the NBA 's first unanimous Most Valuable Player on Tuesday , winning the award for a second straight season .

  8. 金州勇士队成为了NBA历史上最快拿下赛季第50胜的球队,比起1995-96赛季的芝加哥公牛队要更快一场。那支球队的战绩是50胜6负。

    The Golden State Warriors is the quickest team to 50 wins in NBA history , one game faster than the 1995-96 Chicago Bulls , who started 50-6 .

  9. 当金州勇士队决定集中精力以他们所能做到的方式打球时,NBA中没有一支球队能打败他们。

    When the Golden State Warriors decide to focus and play the way they 're capable of , there is no team in the NBA that can beat them .

  10. 美国国家篮球协会(NBA)近日宣布,NBA全球赛将在中国举办两场金州勇士队对明尼苏达森林狼队的季前赛。

    The National Basketball Association ( NBA ) Global Games is to feature two pre-season games in China between the Golden State Warriors and the Minnesota Timberwolves , the NBA announced .

  11. 这则广告视频于周六在美国广播公司的“NBA倒计时”节目中首次播出,之后才播出NBA卫冕冠军金州勇士队与休斯顿火箭队的对决。

    The video was shown last Saturday on ABC 's " NBA Countdown " ahead of Curry 's playoff opener with the defending champion Golden State Warriors against the Houston Rockets .

  12. 雷霆队再也不能重回NBA总决赛的舞台,杜兰特在2016年离开雷霆加入了金州勇士队,并在三个月前他赢得了他的第一个总冠军奖杯。

    Now : The Thunder never got back to the NBA Finals , and Durant left in 2016 for Golden State , where he won his first title three months ago .

  13. 林书豪是首位进入美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)的美籍华人球员。他在NBA的第一个赛季是从金州勇士队(GoldenStateWarriors)开始的。2010年,勇士队为补充球员签下了这位曾在NBA选秀大会上落选的哈佛毕业生。

    Lin is the first Chinese-American player in the NBA , and spent his first season with the Golden State Warriors , who signed the undrafted Harvard graduate in 2010 to fill out their roster .

  14. 最近几个月,桑德斯因为在东西海岸都买下了或许是最炙手可热的门票而登上了新闻头条。他不但去百老汇看了《汉密尔顿》(Hamilton),还在加州的初选前为进入季后赛的金州勇士队(GoldenStateWarriors)站脚助威。

    In recent months , Mr. Sanders drew headlines by scoring perhaps the hottest tickets on each coast , for " Hamilton " on Broadway and for a Golden State Warriors playoff game before the California primary .

  15. 在星期日晚间举行的NBA总决赛第7场比赛中,克利夫兰骑士队以93比89的比分击败金州勇士队,荣获冠军称号,结束了克利夫兰几十年来夺冠乏力的心痛。

    The Cleveland Cavaliers ended decades of sports heartbreak in the city Sunday night by beating the Golden State Warriors 93-89 in the deciding seventh game of the National Basketball Association Finals .

  16. 周一晚上在西部决赛第四场比赛中,金州勇士队在加时赛以119-117击败波特兰开拓者队,连续第五次进入NBA总决赛。

    The Golden State Warriors have earned their fifth straight trip to the NBA Finals after beating the Portland Trail Blazers 119-117 in overtime of Game 4 of the Western Conference finals on Monday night .

  17. 在周五晚上,金州勇士队以106比94击败了芝加哥公牛队,将战绩提升为14胜0负。库里本场比赛拿下27分,而卫冕冠军也距离NBA历史最佳开局纪录只有一场之遥。

    Curry scored 27 points and the defending champions moved within one victory of matching the best start in NBA history , holding off the Chicago Bulls 106-94 on Friday night to improve to 14-0 .

  18. 本周二晚上,金州勇士队(GoldenStateWarriors)和克利夫兰骑士队(ClevelandCavaliers)进行NBA决赛的第3场比赛时,我打开Twitter应用,看到人们在发关于这场比赛的推文。

    When the Golden State Warriors were playing the Cleveland Cavaliers in Game 3 of the N.B.A. finals on Tuesday night , I saw people tweeting about the game when I loaded up the Twitter app .

  19. 中兴的公关活动包括推出字体更讨喜的新商标,赞助美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)的五支球队,其中包括休斯顿火箭(HoustonRockets)、金州勇士队(GoldenStatewarriors)和芝加哥公牛队(ChicagoBulls)。

    ZTE 's PR push has ranged from a new , friendlier font for its logo to sponsoring five US National Basketball Association teams including the Houston Rockets , the Golden State warriors , and the Chicago Bulls .

  20. 但如果NBA赛史上这一出最盛大的三部曲——金州勇士队对战克利夫兰骑士队——是部电影,你会选择谁来领衔主演呢?

    But if the biggest trilogy in the league 's history - which is seeing the Golden State Warriors play against the Cleveland Cavaliers - were a movie , who would be your choice for lead actor ?

  21. 当地时间周日,勒布朗·詹姆斯率领克里夫兰骑士队在惊心动魄的“抢七”大战中以93-89击败金州勇士队,在胜算不大的情况下完成了前所未有的反败为胜,首次夺得NBA总冠军。

    LeBron James powered the Cleveland Cavaliers to a 93-89 victory over the Golden State Warriors on Sunday in an electrifying Game Seven to complete an improbable comeback unlike any seen before and capture their first NBA championship .

  22. 现在让我们切入正题,金州勇士队,这支在英雄与恶棍的边缘徘徊,遭受着多方非议,无可匹敌的银河战舰,又杀入NBA总决赛了……咦,我为什么要说又呢。

    So now we get to the meat of the thing . The Golden State Warriors , villains , heroes , wonder-team , albatross , the squad too big to fail , have reached the NBA Finals ... again .

  23. 我们看到伦纳德在与金州勇士队的比赛中帮助多伦多猛龙获得队史第一个总冠军以及自己的第二个NBA总决赛MVP。这些都是最值得珍视的东西,是作为一名运动员的巅峰时刻。

    And we saw Leonard take the fight to Golden State to claim Toronto 's first title and Leonard 's second NBA Finals most valuable player award.These are things you cherish , the pinnacle of athletic endeavors .

  24. 金州勇士队的当家球星史蒂芬·库里在周六晚上书写了两项纪录。他打破了NBA单赛季三分进球数纪录,还在以121比118击败俄克拉荷马雷霆队的比赛中追平了单场比赛三分球投进纪录。

    Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry entered the record books twice on Saturday night , breaking the NBA single-season mark for 3-pointers and tying the mark for most 3-pointers in a game in a 121-118 overtime victory over the Oklahoma City Thunder .

  25. 本周四晚,NBA总决赛第六场,多伦多猛龙队以114-110击败了金州勇士队,猛龙在一波三折中,艰难赢得了这轮系列赛,最终第一次举起了拉里·奥布莱恩冠军奖杯。

    With a 114-110 victory over the Golden State Warriors in Game 6 of the NBA Finals Thursday night , the Raptors capped a dramatic series filled with twists and turns , lifting the Larry O'Brien Trophy for the first time in franchise history .

  26. ESPN的分析还指出了其他在季后赛中经常进步的球员。其中包括达拉斯小牛队的名人堂未来人选德克·诺维茨基,金州勇士队的全能球员德拉蒙德·格林。

    The ESPN analysis also cited future hall of famer Dirk Nowitzki of the Dallas Mavericks , and Golden State Warriors do-it-all player Draymond Green as other players who routinely improve in the playoffs .

  27. 把姚交易到金州勇士队,那是个双赢的法子。

    Trade Yao to golden state . that 's a win-win deal .

  28. 所以,众所周知,他在2016年7月加入了金州勇士队。

    So he famously joined the Warriors in July 2016 .

  29. 他最早的亮相是在金州勇士队。

    He started off on the Golden State Warriors .

  30. 充满奇妙化学反应的金州勇士队以4比1的大比分赢得了首轮系列赛。

    A team with fantastic chemistry in Golden State won the first-round series 4-1 .