
  • 网络Finance and Insurance;finance and insurance industry
  1. 我国金融保险业的快速发展促使了职业结构的快速变化,职业种类、职业人数以及技能要求都发生变化。

    The speedy development of the industry of finance and insurance causes speedy changes of occupational structure in China .

  2. 随着金融保险业的全面开放,中国保险行业迎来了新的发展机遇与挑战。

    With the finance and insurance industry of China completed opening , the insurance industry of China has obtained new opportunity and challenge of development .

  3. 加入WTO后,这种落后现象不仅会使我国的房地产金融保险业付出沉重代价,也会很大的阻碍房地产业的健康发展。

    After joining the WTO , this kind of fall behind the phenomenon to not only will make our country of real estate financial insurance industry pay a heavy price , but also baffle the healthy development of the real estate industry .

  4. 上海市金融保险业投入产出分析

    The Analysis of the Input-Output of Financial Insurance Industry in Shanghai

  5. 期权模型已广泛应用于金融保险业。

    Option model has been applied in banking and insurance industry widely .

  6. 金融保险业:金融保险服务功能进一步增强。

    Banking and insurance : Further enhanced functions were available from the banking and insurance services .

  7. 世界经济全球化、自由化发展加快了各国金融保险业多元化经营的演进速度。

    The development of economic globalization and liberalization accelerates the speed of the evolution of financial diversification .

  8. 金融保险业、房地产业、社会服务业是我国第三产业就业发展的主要方向。

    Finance , insurance , real estate and social service are the main trends of employment development of tertiary industry .

  9. 面临的挑战主要在于房地产的开发领域、企业实力、中介服务和金融保险业方面。

    The confronted challenges mainly lie in exploitation domain , enterprise strength , agency services and finance-insurance of real estate .

  10. 我国的房地产金融保险业的发展水平严重滞后于房地产业的发展水平。

    The development level of the real estate industry is serious lower than the development level of the financial insurance industry .

  11. 本文借助投入产出模型研究我国不同区域房地产业与金融保险业的产业关联度特征。

    This paper adopts input-output model to analyses the characteristics of industry correlation between real estate and finances in different regions in China .

  12. 全年金融保险业增加值430.2亿元,比上年增长11.6%。

    The added value of banking and insurance services totaled 43.02 billion yuan in the year , up by 11.6 percent over the previous year .

  13. 应大力促进金融保险业和综合科技服务业的发展,也要加快旅游业、房地产业以及高新技术和制造业的发展。

    We should promote the development of finance , insurance , complex science and technology service , tourism industry , real estate , hi-tech and manufacture .

  14. 特别是金融保险业、科研及综合科技服务业发展不足,使得第三产业发展很难有质的突破。

    The industry of finance and insurance service , research and complex science and technology service lags behind , which makes the tertiary industry development backward .

  15. 通过对大连市生产性服务业优势产业选择研究表明,大连市生产性服务应优先发展物流业、金融保险业和软件与信息服务业。

    Through the research we can see Dalian should give priority to the development of the logistics industry , finance and insurance , software and information services .

  16. 这不仅与1998年以来我国实行的扩张性财政政策方向相悖,而且在实际效果上对第三产业、特别是商贸餐饮业和金融保险业的持续发展产生了不利的影响。

    It is opposite to the current positive financial policy and has affected negatively the development of wholesale and retail trade and catering services , banking and insurance .

  17. 据前述国税总局人士介绍,国税局对金融保险业的专项检查已经持续好几年,每年都会选择一些重点企业进行专项检查。

    " SAT special check on financial and insurance institutions has last for a few years , it chooses some key companies to check annually ," the former insider in SAT added .

  18. 现在保险公司管理着全球40%的投资资产,保险投资已经成为现代金融保险业得以生存和发展的重要支柱。

    Now the insurance company manages the global 40 % investment property , the insurance investment already is becoming the important prop which the modern finance insurance business could survive and develop .

  19. 营业税的征收范围具体包括交通运输业、建筑业、金融保险业、邮电通信业、文化体育业、娱乐业、服务业、转让无形资产和销售不动产9个税目。

    The scope of business tax includes transportation , construction , finance and insurance , post and telecommunication , culture and sports , entertainment , services , transferring intangible assets and sales of real estate .

  20. 通过研究经济发达国家房地产业和房地产金融保险业的现状以及经验模式,寻找符合国情的应用模式。

    Through the present condition and the experience modes of studying the economic flourishing and national real estate industry and real estate financial insurance industries , look for applied mode of match the states of the nation .

  21. 旅游业、现代物流业、信息化建设、文化创意产业、家庭服务业、商贸流通、金融保险业,将是推动吉林市三产业未来发展的主要行业。

    Tourism , modern logistics and information construction , cultural and creative industries , and family services , circulation and financial insurance , will be to promote industry for the future development of the professional accounting major industries .

  22. 如证券交易所取得了其他属于“金融保险业”营业税征税范围的收入,应按规定征收“金融保险业”营业税。

    In case that the stock exchange obtains other incomes within the scope of tax collection of business tax of " finance and insurance industry ", the business tax of " finance and insurance industry " shall be levied in accordance with provisions .

  23. 银行保险是当今国际金融保险业的主要发展趋势之一,在中国加入世界贸易组织的大环境下,民族保险业面临提高国际竞争力的迫切任务。

    BI represents current trends and developments in international finance insurance enterprise . With China 's officially becoming a member of the World Trade Organization ( WTO ), national insurances are faced with the challenges from the international society and should increase its competitiveness .

  24. 衡量复杂性的一个指标金融和保险业占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例显著提高。

    One measure of that complexity , the share of gross domestic product devoted to finance and insurance , has increased dramatically .

  25. 看图说话:金融投资保险业招聘现状和趋势根据分析结果,绘出了日面地磁扰动等值图。

    The results of correlation and regression analysis are drawn on the heliographic chart as isolines of geomagnetic disturbance .

  26. 将有利于金融及保险业,因为他们并不需要支付消费税。

    There would be favored to financial and insurance industries because of they do not need to pay GST .

  27. 例如,金融和保险业通常需要处理产品管理、财务管理、帐户管理、客户关系管理之类的业务领域。

    For example , banking and insurance industries often need to address such business areas as product management , financial management , account management , customer relationship management , etc.

  28. 可能扩大外商对江苏房地产业的投资,并促进江苏房地产金融、保险业的发展;扩大对城市写字楼、商用楼和高中低档住宅的需求。

    As a result , the foreign investment will be increased and the real estate finance and insurance will be boosted , and the demand of merchant building and housing will be enlarged .

  29. 本文主要是阐述①通过政府社会各单位、社区、消防安全服务公司、消防中介组织、金融、保险业的共同努力推进,实现城市消防安全目标。

    In the article , the author elaborates on his views in the following 3 aspects : ① to guarantee the safety of city firefighting through a joint efforts of governments , communities , fire control safety service companies , firefighting agencies , financial organizations and insurance companies .

  30. 金融业、保险业等特殊行业的高安全需求要求GPRS(GeneralPacketRadioServices)必须提供认证、数据完整性和数据机密性等安全服务。

    Some certain industries , such as finance and insurance , may require high level of security , so the GPRS should cover the authentication , data confidentiality and integrity .