
  1. 对市场经济的宏观行政调控作用;

    The function of adjusting the market economy .

  2. 三是管理功能创新,做到了行政调控与自我调控的相互补充。

    Thirdly , an innovation in management function , it makes the administrative regulation and self-regulation mutually complementary .

  3. 我国林地资源安全法律长期处于行政调控手段多于经济调控手段的状态。

    Economic regulation is focused on more than administrative regulation in the laws of woodland resource security in China .

  4. 双线调控机制实际上就是以政府行政调控为主导,社区自我调控为补充的双线限定制。

    In two-way regulation mechanism , administrative regulations occupy the leading position in fact , and the self-regulation of community replenishes it .

  5. 宏观调控方式进一步由行政调控为主转向以间接的经济调控为主,完善我国的宏观调控艺术。

    Convert the style of focusing on administrative control into that of focusing on indirect economy control , and perfect our macro-control art .

  6. 完善我国自然保护区法律制度应当遵循衡平原则和可持续发展原则,实现我国自然保护区管理的行政调控机制的转变。

    The perfection of legal system of nature reserve in China is critical : to adhere to the principles of balance and sustainable development ;

  7. 可通过政府行政调控、政策及法律调整、信息咨询教育、理论建设、职业道德培训、建立行业协会、编制行业标准等方式,来实现信息咨询业的规范化管理。

    The ways of the standardized management include administrative control , political and lawful regulation , professional e-ducation , academic development , and so on .

  8. 在其原因分析中,地方政府对房地产市场行政调控政策的执行力度成为被关注的焦点。

    In the analysis of the causes , the enforcement of the local government of the real estate market administrative control policy has been the focus of attention .

  9. 政府对经济的干涉因此是不可避免的,行政调控的经济已经成为国民经济生活的常态。

    As a result , governmental intervention to economy is unavoidable , and " economy under administrative management " has become a common situation in civil economic life .

  10. 许多分析师指出,相对于行政调控的影响,银行限制对房地产市场的信贷投放才是楼市低迷的更重要原因。

    Many analysts said that banks ' restraint on credit to the housing market is a more important reason for the property market downturn than the impact of administrative curbs .

  11. 本文通过分析其特点,以及引入激励机制后对相关行政调控进行类型化的研究,发现正激励的制度建设更适于培养社会认同感,构建低碳社会。

    In this paper , by analyzing their characteristics and introducing incentive mechanism , to find institution building of positive incentive can gain more social identity and structure low-carbon society .

  12. 本研究对于协调中央与地方政府关系,规范地方政府行为,使房地产市场行政调控政策得到更好的实施具有重要的现实意义。

    The research has important realistic significance on coordinate the relationship between the central and the local government and make the better implementation of the real estate market administrative control policies .

  13. 长期以来,因受到计划经济时代的影响,我国的公司法重行政调控、轻公司股东意志表达,其中关乎公司治理的规定刚性有余而柔性不足。

    Influenced by the era of state-controlled economy that had dominated in China for long , the corporate law of China was always emphasizing administration control and neglecting the will of shareholders .

  14. 未来房地产调控将由行政调控主导,但受人民币升值预期的影响及其他利益主体的牵制,房价将不会出现大起大落。

    Administrative management will be the next dominant method to control real estate , but real estate prices will not show big fluctuation because of the expection of renminbi appreciation and the influences of other interest subjects .

  15. 在房地产市场行政调控过程中,中央与地方政府之间形成的是多代理人委托代理关系,在中央与地方政府以及地方政府之间都存在严重的信息不对称和利益冲突。

    The relationship between the central and the local government is the principal-agent of multi-agents in the process of the administrative control of the real estate market , and the information asymmetry and conflicts of interest are serious between the central and local government .

  16. 市场作为一种最基础的资源配置方式,需要建立相应的市场法制、市场调控和市场服务三大支柱。才能使市场运行有条不紊。第三,实现由行政调控到市场调控的转变;

    Market economy is the most basal way to allocate resources , and the function of mechanism of its law of value demands to establish three important pillars of market legal system , market control and market service , so the market can circulate orderly .

  17. 第二章在计划经济体制和信用必要性认识的前提下,展现了金融组织国有化和行政调控思想以及农村信用社思想的进一步发展,并提出稳定、低效均衡制度的形成。

    Chapter two on the premise of planned economic system and knowing credit necessity , has represented further development of finance institution nationalization and administrative regulation and control thought and rural credit organization thought , and has put forward the forming of the stability , poor efficiency balanced system .

  18. 其主要内容有体育的经济、政策、法律、行政等调控方式手段。

    Its main content includes various regulating means such as physical culture economy , policy law and administration .

  19. 文章分析了对准政府组织进行行政法律调控的必要性,提出应当从行政组织法、行为法和救济法等方面,对准政府组织及其公务行为加以调整。

    The article has analysis the necessity of it . It also said that we should control it with organization law and action law and responsible law .

  20. 从区域调控的空间组织模式来看,大体上有三中选择,即行政区调控模式、经济区调控模式和中心城市调控模式。

    From the special organization model of regional control , normally we have three selections . They are administrative area control model , economic area control model , and central city control model .

  21. 国家体育行政部门调控各单项协会,而个单项协会则按照章程、规则管理和指导全国或区域的各单项运动的开展,改变过去单纯依赖政府的模式。

    National sports administrative department is responsible for managing all the athletics associations , while the athletics associations conduct activities according to the rules and change the mode which just depends on the government .

  22. 作者认为,以贷款限额管理为主的行政性直接调控及其传导机制已经越来越不适应社会主义市场经济的发展,必须加以改革。

    This article argues that it has become more and more unsuitable for socialist market economic development that administrative direct regulating mainly by loans quotas management .

  23. 从1998年至今,公开市场业务的操作越来越频繁,这也标志着我国货币政策的实施由行政性直接调控向以市场化为导向的间接调控转变。

    Open market operations are used more and more frequently , which also marks the implementation of monetary policy undergoing a change from the administrative control to the market-oriented indirect regulation .

  24. 从主要经济数据来看,内地结合行政与市场的调控措施似乎取得颇大成效。

    The combination of administrative and market measures being taken seems to have been quite effective , when judged by the headline economic numbers .

  25. 政府的行政手段在宏观调控方面,为金融企业创造一定的条件,却在一定程度上影响了国有银行股份有限公司的独立性。

    Government adopts administrative intervention on macroeconomic management and then has acquired good results , but to some extend influencing the independence of state-owned commercial banks .

  26. 基本法之下立法、司法与行政的制衡税收调控中的行政立法:正名与规范

    The Check and Balance among Legislative , Judicial and Administrative Power Under the Hong Kong Basic Law ; Nominal Rectification and Specification of Administrative Legislation in Tax Regulation

  27. 政府应当充分发挥经济和行政这种宏观的调控作用,在经济发展规划和财政预算中,应预留和拨付稳定增长的财政资金投入到农业自然灾害中去,加强灾害管理的计划性和预见性。

    The government must develop the economical and the administrative this kind of macroscopic regulation function fully , strengthens the disaster management the planning and the foresight . 3 .

  28. 第三,房地产市场的发展机制将由主要靠行政措施和政策调控向主要靠市场机制自身调节转变。

    Thirdly , the development of the property market mechanisms will mainly rely on administrative measures and regulatory policies to mainly rely on the market mechanism to regulate their own changes .

  29. 同时强调政府的行政指导、政策调控与企业的积极合作,切实降低深圳市公共建筑空调系统的能源消耗,为我市国民经济的可持续发展作出贡献。

    The paper appeals to administrative direction by the government and positive cooperation of corporations for decreasing the energy consumption by public buildings air - conditioning in Shenzhen , and making a contribution to the sustainable development of the country .

  30. 试论对行政计划的行政法调控

    Regulating and Control of Administrative Plans according to Administrative Law