
  • 网络behavioral science;Behavioral Science Theory
  1. 行为科学理论与高校德育教育

    Behavioral Science Theory and Moral Education in Colleges and Universities

  2. 相反,行为科学理论热衷于客观研究人类阻止行为学。

    In contrast , the behavioral science theorists engaged in objective research on human behavior in organizations .

  3. 用行为科学理论分析煤矿事故的起因

    Analyzing the reason of coal mine accident with action science theory

  4. 论行为科学理论指导下的企业管理

    On Enterprise Management Guided by the Theory of Behavior Science

  5. 论行为科学理论与发展型学务模式的契合

    On the Compatibility in the Model of Behavior Science Theory and Development-based Learning

  6. 应用行为科学理论强化医院管理工作

    Apply Behavioral Theories and Strengthen Hospital Administration

  7. 用行为科学理论从三个方面简要分析了煤矿事故的起因

    The reason of coal mine accident is analyzed from three aspects with action science theory

  8. 笔者运用人机工程学和行为科学理论,对人的不安全行为和因素进行了深入的归类分析;

    According to ergonomics and behavior science , factors affecting human behavior are classified and analyzed in depth .

  9. 第二部分,通过理论研究综述(农技推广理论、农业发展理论、行为科学理论等),为本研究提供理论依据。

    In the second part , the author summarizes the theories of agricultural extension , agricultural development and behaviorism .

  10. 在应用一节里,运用管理心理学、行为科学理论,建立了人生产率系统的概念和模型,给出了此模型对刺激函数的优化响应。

    Finally , the concept and model of Human Productivity System ( HPS ) are proposed and optimal incentive function of HPS is derived .

  11. 介绍新兴组织型态、行为科学理论及程序技术以使学生了解相关的组织领导技能。

    Introduces students to new organizational forms , and to behavioral science theories and process skills that improve understanding and leadership within such organizations .

  12. 这种思想流传到西方得以发展,形成了整合东西方思想的新的人本管理思想,这可朔源到行为科学理论。

    This thought the western development , formed the thought of integrated eastern new humanistic management ideas , this new source to action science theory .

  13. 在分析过程中,也用到了行为科学理论,委托代理理论和供应链管理中常用到的博弈理论。

    During the analysis , it uses the behavioral science theory , the agency theory and the game theory frequently used in supply chain management .

  14. 本文借助行为科学理论和方法,通过调查进一步剖析教练员的动机结构,并对管理工作进行了探讨。

    Using the thew and means of science , the author investigated the structure of coaches ' motivation , and made further discussion in the management .

  15. 对新兴组织的型态以及目前盛行的概念、形象和相关的行为科学理论进行架构性的介绍,以协助同学进行分析。

    Introduce you to a framework of the emerging organizational forms and some current ideas , images , and behavioral science theories that help you to analyze them .

  16. 其理论依据有四个:唯物辩证法的规律,行为科学理论,现代科学技术成果应用,数学和数学方法。

    There are four theoretical basis , that is , materialist dialectics law , theory of behavior science , application of modern scientific and technological achievements and mathematical method .

  17. 目标管理是以泰罗的科学管理和行为科学理论为基础形成的一套管理制度。

    Management by objects ( MBO ) is a set of ( management ) regulatory regimes formed on the basis of Taylor 's scientific management and behavior or science theory .

  18. 本文通过探讨林业企业总线和金字塔管理模式,把管理科学理论和行为科学理论有效地结合起来。

    This paper , based on discussing the general - line and pyramid management model of forestry enterprise , combine availably scientific theory of management with scientific theory of action .

  19. 自从泰勒创立科学管理理论开始,管理学理论的发展经历了古典管理理论、行为科学理论等四个发展阶段。

    Since Taylor set up the theory of scientific management , the development of management theory has experienced four stages , such as , ancient theory of management and scientific theory of behavior .

  20. 本文旨在运用行为科学理论,剖析家具生产企业事故发生的原因,并提出了避免出现安全事故的相应措施,促进家具企业的健康发展。

    Using behavioral science theory and analyzing the causes of accidents of furniture manufacturing enterprises , this article aims at presenting effective measures against safety accidents in order to promote sound development of enterprises .

  21. 行为科学理论已在我国得到了广泛传播,但它能否在企业中发挥特有的作用,则取决于企业中的各级主管对它的认识程度和应用水平。

    The behaviour science theory has been widely disseminated in China , but whether it can play a specific role in business management depends on how well enterprise managers can understand and apply it .

  22. 梅奥是西方管理学中行为科学理论的创始人,他通过长达8年之久的霍桑试验,提出了划时代的管理思想:职工是社会人;企业中存在着非正式组织;

    Mayo , the founding father of Behaviourism in the Occidental management science , put forward epoch-making thoughts on Social Man , Informal Group and new leadership after through experiments at Hawthorne plant for 8 years .

  23. 本文采用文献综述法,对高校交叉学科建设的相关理论进行了梳理,并基于组织理论中的权变理论、组织生命周期理论以及行为科学理论、系统管理理论、管理过程理论构建了团队建设研究框架。

    Use contingency theory , organizational life cycle theory , behavioral science theory , systems management theory , the theory of the management process to build the framework of team-building research from the perspective of organization theory .

  24. 本文主要运用行为科学理论对结构调整中的农户行为进行分析和评价,并引入理性经济人假设、需求偏好多样性假设等对农户行为进行界定。

    The paper mainly analyses and discusses the farmer behavior in the structural adjustment by Applied Behavioral Science Theory , and the author defines the farmer behavior under the rational economic man hypothesis and the demand partial variety hypothesis .

  25. 将企业组织管理中普遍运用的行为科学理论引入高校德育教育工作,可改进和完善高校德育教育思路和方式方法。

    This paper introduces the behavioral science theory , which is generally used in the business management , into moral education in colleges and universities in order to improve and perfect the thinking patterns and methods employed in ideological work .

  26. 第三章在建构主义学习理论、信息加工理论、行为科学理论基础上,分析了网络学习行为的要素构成:学习行为的主体、学习行为的媒介、学习行为的客体。

    In the third chapter , based on the constructivist learning theory , information processing theory , behavioral science theory , we analysis elements of network learning behavior : the main body of learning behavior , the media of learning behavior , the object of learning behavior .

  27. 本文试图通过对古典管理理论、行为科学理论以及人本管理思想等管理理论的分析.说明行为控制模式的演变过程,以及行为控制模式对管理理论的形成和发展的影响作用。

    This article attempts to explain the evolution of pattern about control behavioral and to explain its influence to the formation and development of management theory , through the analysis to the theory of the classical management and the theory of behavioral science and the human management .

  28. 本文第一章详细分析了收益最大化理论、委托代理理论、战略管理理论、行为科学理论、系统管理理论、权变管理理论与业绩评价的关系。

    This paper includes five sections . Firstly , The relations between corporate performance evaluation system and relevant theories such as income maximizing theory , agency theory , strategy management theory , behavioral science theory , system management theory , power changing managing theory and accomplishment evaluation have been discussed .

  29. 应用行为科学的理论和方法强化医院管理工作。

    Behavioral theories should be applied into strengthening hospital administration .

  30. 行为科学管理理论对企业和政府管理做出了杰出贡献。

    The behavioral science management theory managed to the enterprise and the government has made the brilliant contribution .