
  1. 不用担心,行星连珠并不意味着世界末日。

    No worries , it doesn 't mean that the world is ending .

  2. 然而,现代仪器的观测表明,在2012年不会发生行星连珠景观。

    However modern equipments and tools have showed that in 2012 no alignment will occur .

  3. 但是,在今年整个五月期间都可以看见明显的行星连珠景观。

    Instead , a visible alignment will be seen throughout the entire month of May .

  4. 行星连珠是罕见的景观,因此有机会欣赏五月每日行星排列变化的人千万不要错过这一良机。

    Planetary conjunctions are rare events , therefore people who have the chance to enjoy the changing alignment of the planets every day in May , should not waste the chance .

  5. 解说:再过一个多月,在黎明天空中四颗肉眼可见的行星的连珠奇景将渐渐告终了。

    Explanation : After more than a month , the lovely lineup of four naked-eye planets in dawn skies is coming to a close .