
xínɡ zhènɡ xiānɡ duì rén
  • administrative counterpart;person subject to administration
  1. 先从行政相对人的基本概念入手,进一步阐述行政相对人的权利问题,进而引出文章的重心行政相对人的防卫权问题。

    Start with the administrative counterpart of the basic concept , and further elaborated the rights of the administrative counterpart , then the focus of the article raises administrative issues relative to human right to due process .

  2. 行政相对人行为包括实体性行为和程序性行为。

    Administrative counterpart act includes substantive behavior and procedural behavior .

  3. 行政相对人程序权利研究

    On the Procedural Right of Private Party in the Administrative Process

  4. 这就使得行政相对人程序性的权利保障与救济迫在眉睫。

    This makes the executive relative procedural rights protection and relief imminent .

  5. 论行政相对人法律地位的提升

    On Promoting the Legal Position of Private Party in Administration

  6. 论行政相对人的行政创意权

    The Right of Administrative Creation of the Private Party

  7. 论行政相对人对行政程序的参与

    Participate in the Administrative Procedure of the Private Party in the Administrative Process

  8. 以公共利益为视角探讨行政相对人程序性权利

    The Perspective of the Public Interest to Investigate the Relative Administrative Procedural Rights

  9. 第三,行政相对人的法律地位。

    Thirdly , the legal status of administrative counterpart .

  10. 行政相对人是行政法学理论中的一个基本概念。

    Administrative counterpart is a basic concept of the science of administrative law .

  11. 第四,中西行政相对人法律地位之比较。通过比较分析,借鉴合理因素。

    Fourth , the legal status comparison between Chinese and Western administrative counterpart .

  12. 论行政相对人程序抵抗权

    On the Administrative Counterpart 's Procedural Right of Resistance

  13. 首先是行政相对人的权利机制。

    First , the right mechanism of private party .

  14. 第二,有利于保护行政相对人的合法权益。

    Second , help protect the lawful rights and interests of the administrative counterpart .

  15. 如果有,这种行政相对人的抵抗权的法理基础和制度价值性何在?

    If they do , what are the law basis and the significant system value ?

  16. 从三个角度对行政相对人和执法机关在听证认识上的误区进行分析。

    This paper analyzed administrative executive institutes errors in administrative hearing from the three angles .

  17. 行政相对人的权利是本源的,而行政权则是派生的。

    The rights of administrative counterpart is original , while the executive power is derived .

  18. 试论行政相对人行政奖励权利的法律保护

    On administrative reward right 's law protection of the private party in the administrative process

  19. 行政相对人之比较研究&以其内涵、外延、界定为视角

    A Comparative Study of Private Party : From the Angle of Its Intension , extension and Definition

  20. 在此基础之上,提出行政相对人正当行使防卫权的方式。

    On this basis , make a legitimate exercise of right to due process administrative opposite way .

  21. 因此,当行政相对人的合法权益受到抽象行政行为的侵害时,缺乏及时有效的法定程序使相对人获得救济。

    Once the rights of citizens are infringed , there is no effective legal procedure to relieve them .

  22. 综合学术界各种观点,力求给行政相对人一个科学界定。

    Integrating all kinds of viewpoints of academic field and try to give a definition of administrative counterpart .

  23. 在此背景下,行政相对人对海关的公共服务提出了更高的要求。

    In this situation , the administrative relative person set a higher request to customs ' collective services .

  24. 行政相对人的抵抗权利,即行政抵抗权,是行政相对人个体对行政行为所设置的义务进行抵制和不服从的权利。

    The right of resistance to administrative acts refers to the people 's right to protest administrative acts .

  25. 文章紧接着分析了我国行政相对人监督权实现的现状;

    Thirdly , the article analyses the present situation of the right of supervision of private party in China .

  26. 当行政相对人不履行执行和解协议时,应立即恢复强制执行。

    While private party does not fulfill the implementation of the settlement agreement , enforcement should be resumed immediately .

  27. 浅析保障行政相对人合法权益它有利于提高行政效率、保护行政相对人的合法权益。

    It will contribute to the promotion of administrative efficiency and the protection of people 's legal rights and profits .

  28. 提升行政相对人在行政行为的地位是实现依法行政的重要途径。

    Enhance the status of private party in administrative actions is to achieve an important way of administration by law .

  29. 相比较而言,赋予公民个人等其他行政相对人起诉行政规范性文件的原告资格,更为合适。

    Comparatively , it 's more appropriate to title the other administrative opposite party such as citizens the qualification of plaintiff .

  30. 有利于切实保护行政相对人的合法权益,降低解决争议的成本。

    It could also help to protect the legal rights of administrative parties and reduce the cost of solving the problems .