
chuán dōng
  • shipowner;owner of the vessel
船东 [chuán dōng]
  • [shipowner] 以出租船只为业的人

船东[chuán dōng]
  1. 这个船东仍拥有一支7艘货船的商船队。

    The shipowner has still held a merchant fleet of seven cargo-vessels .

  2. 遣返费用应由船东负担。

    The cost of repatriation shall be borne by the shipowner .

  3. 在目前的形势下,船东们都不愿淘汰掉旧船。

    In the present climate , owners are hanging on to old ships .

  4. 但是,假如PSC检查官玩忽职守、不讲道理,船东也可以通过法律手段维护自己的利益。

    But , if PSC is censorial derelict , unreasonable , ship-owner also can maintain his interest through legal measure .

  5. 该集团的货运子公司大新华物流(grandchinalogistics)因债务问题与船东发生争执。

    Grand China logistics , its cargo unit , was embroiled in a dispute with shipowners over debts .

  6. BillBox是国际独立油船东协会的通讯经理。国际独立油船东协会的成员目前拥有世界上3/4的油轮队。

    Bill Box is the communications manager for , an association whose members own about three-quarters of the world 's tanker fleet .

  7. 德国船东公司大多是代表kg基金管理船舶运营的私营家族企业。

    German shipowning companies are mostly family-owned private businesses that manage the operation of ships on behalf of kg funds .

  8. 我们有船东和XXX公司签的管理协议。

    A We have the management contract between the owner and XXX company .

  9. 这是中国制造的LNG船首次获得国外船东订单。

    Ltd to build four LNG ships ( liquefied natural gas ), the nation 's first overseas order for such an advanced carrier .

  10. 一些资深金融家在汉堡的一次会议上表示,德国船东公司还可能会掀起一波上市潮,以弥补散户投资者对传统的KG基金缺乏兴趣导致的资金匮乏。

    There could also be a wave of listings of German shipowning companies to make up for retail investors ' lack of appetite in traditional KG funds , according to senior financiers at a Hamburg conference .

  11. FFA作为一种新型的运费衍生品具有类似期货的性质,船东或租船方可以通过在FFA市场上进行与现货市场相反方向的买卖来达到锁定利润和风险损失的目的。

    Owners or charterers can trade in the opposite direction in the FFA market and the spot market to guarantee profits and minimize risks .

  12. 如果持有头寸超过实际船舶的风险敞口,许多参与FFA市场的船东们可能面临亏损。

    The many shipowners participating in FFA markets could also face losses if their market positions went beyond simply covering the market exposure of their actual ships .

  13. 因此,油船运输的安全问题引起了船东及国际海事组织(IMO)的极大关注。

    Therefore , the safety problem of oil tankers has attracted a lot of attention from shipowners and the International Maritime Organization ( IMO ) .

  14. 海事管理机构和船东可获得在VDR中的信息,该信息可作为船舶日常维护的参考技术参数。

    Marine management agencies and owners can obtain the information in VDR , which can be used for the ship reference technical parameters of routine maintenance .

  15. 作为期货的一种,BIFFEX不仅仅有广大货主、船东的参与,还包括投资者等等。

    As a kind of futures , the BIFFEX contract attracts not only many ship owners , charters , but also many investors .

  16. Biscaglia号由新加坡Ishima运营,船东是马邵尔群岛的WingedFoot船运公司,确信还有25名印度船员和两名孟加拉国船员在船上。

    The Biscaglia is managed by Singapore-based Ishima and owned by Winged Foot Shipping in the Marshall Islands and was crewed by25 Indians and two Bangladeshis who are believed to be still onboard .

  17. 和其它集装箱运输公司一样,Hapag-Lloyd也希望与船东重新谈判租船合同,以部分降低成本。

    Hapag-Lloyd , like other container lines , hopes to reduce its costs partly by renegotiating contracts with charterers .

  18. 该渡船东安山,与乘客满,即将停靠在纽约市码头,ca.1945。

    The ferryboat Dongan Hills , filled with commuters , about to dock at a New York City pier , ca.1945 .

  19. 船东(或租家)可以通过对BIFFEX合约的买入(或卖出)反向操作来保护他们的运费收入(或运费支出)。

    By reverse operation of BIFFEX contract , ship owners or charters can buy or sell BIFFEX contracts so as to protect the revenue and the cost of their freight .

  20. 船东,PSCO涉及到机舱的检查项目,重点是15PPM自动报警器、机舱灭火设备等。

    My dear ship owner , the key items of PSCO inspection relating to the machinery space are15PPM automatic alarm , fire fighting apparatus and so on .

  21. Clarksons的马丁斯托普福德(MartinStopford)表示,唯一的好处是,在船东报废船舶、重组债务,或者以其它方式恢复财务健康之前,全球运输成本应该会维持在近乎可忽略的水平。

    The only benefit , according to Martin Stopford of Clarksons is that , until shipowners scrap vessels , restructure their obligations or otherwise claw themselves back to financial health , world transport costs should stay at near negligible levels .

  22. 并通过典型案例论证了船东及货主都能利用BIFFEX的期货交易,或锁定运费收入,或锁定运费支出,从而达到规避运价风险的目的。

    Reasoning from some typical cases that ship owner and consignor can both make use of BIFFEX 'S optional exchanges ; either lock the earnings or the payout of freight , moreover achieve the aim of eluding the freight risk .

  23. 国际独立油轮船东协会油轮连续航次租船合同

    International Association of Independent Tanker Owners Tanker Consecutive Voyage Charter Party

  24. 渔船船东互保的现状与发展趋势

    The status and developing trend of fishery ship owners mutual insurance

  25. 船东可预见的或承担的风险如何?

    How about the risk is foreseeable or undertaken by the owners ?

  26. 请将费用记入船东账上。

    Please debit the costs to the shipowner 's account .

  27. 国际油船委员会国际油轮委员会国际独立油船东协会

    International Association of Independent Tanker Owners International Oil Tanker Committee

  28. 我希望船东能选一个合格的二副。

    I hope a competent second officer will be chosen by ship-owner .

  29. 船东已签发了清洁装运提单。

    The ship-owner has issued a clean on board bill of lading .

  30. 受到这种猜测拉动,油轮船东股价出现飙升。

    This speculation has sent shares in tanker companies soaring .